Chapter 42: Tables Turned

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Third Person's POV

CEO Kim, the father of Jennie arrived at their company early in the morning to finalize some business proposals that is due this day.

He is busy signing some papers when someone knocked on his office's door.

"Come in." he said.

The door opened revealing his secretary Miss Song.

"Good morning CEOnim. You have a package." the secretary mentioned while carrying a small box.

"From whom is that?" he curiously asked since he is not expecting any package from anyone today.

"There's no name but there is a seal with a big letter M on it." Miss Song replied handing him the small box.

"Okay. Thank you. You may go." he instructed.

After his secretary went out of his office, he opened the box and saw an envelope and a USB flash drive inside.

He first read the writings inside the envelope. He suddenly clenched his fist and slam his table because of anger. Something on what he just read triggered the beast inside of him.

He picked the USB flash drive and then plugged it into his laptop, he saw different videos that made his blood boil. He placed his palm into his face trying to calm himself.

"This is unbelievable!" he blurted out in frustration.
Jennie's POV

I am at a wedding shop together with this asshole Kai. We're going to choose my wedding gown and his tuxedo. Just thinking about marrying him makes my stomach turn upside down. But for Lisa's sake, I will marry Kai. Maybe I can just poison him after so that I could be free. Or maybe I could stab him or inject something on him so that he could die. Ugh! I don't know, lots of things were running on my mind lately. Being away from Lisa seriously making me insane.

"So Miss Kim, have you already chose one that suits your taste from my wedding gown collections?" Mr. Lee, the well-known designer asked.

"Can you choose for me Mr. Lee? I really don't care what the hell I would wear. Choose one for me so I could go home." I irritatedly blurted out.

I saw how the designer's face fell down. I think I offended him but I'm not really in the mood with this shits, not when it's with this asshole beside me.

"Mr. Lee, can you leave me and my fiancée alone first? I think I should talk to her first. I'm sorry about her attitude, she's just tired I guess." Kai said apologetically to the designer.

I scoffed after hearing him called me his fiancée and he even apologized. Tss. I'm sure he's just acting nice and cool. The designer just nodded and left the room without saying any words, maybe I've hit his ego really badly. I suddenly felt guilty but it's too late.

"What the hell is that Jennie?" Kai said annoyed.

"Now, showing your true colors eh?" I chuckled sarcastically.

"You don't know how much you are making me mad." he said sternly while looking at me seriously.

But I didn't let him intimidate me. I looked back at him sharply, "And you think you're not making me mad? You're making my life miserable Kai! What's in the "I don't want to marry you because I don't love you" that you don't understand? Tell me, so I could explain to you!" I started to yell out of rage.

He just smirked at me maniacally, "You're hot when you're mad, you know that?" he said while leaning closer to me. I was taken aback with his actions.

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