Chapter 13: Boat

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Lisa's POV

I promised last night to bring Jennie with me to the market. I know that she is getting bored staying home so maybe a little tour in the market will hype her up a bit.

I woke up earlier than usual with Jennie beside me, she didn't let me sleep outside last night, she said what's the point since we had already slept together. I ended up blushing real hard and agreeing to her suggestion. We finished the night cuddling, kissing and giggling on the futon mattress. Nothing more than that happened, I promised to myself to control my hormones since Jennie is not yet my girlfriend.

I know we are acting like one but I have to make a move and make it official. I'm nervous and don't have yet the courage asking her to be my girl, but I'm pretty sure, not for long, I will. I just need a little more time to boost my confidence.

"Nini." I tried to wake her up since she scolded me yesterday for not being on her side when she woke up. She commanded me to wake her up no matter what every morning before I go fishing since she said that she wanted to see my face first every time she'll open her eyes. What a cheeseball.

"Hmmmm." she stirred a little but snuggled her head back to my chest again.

"Wake up Nini. I'll be heading out for fishing. We're going to the market, remember? I need to go early so that I would be back early too." I calmy said while caressing her back.

She opened her eyes slowly and said, "Good morning to you too Lili." with a mocking tone. I just chuckled.

"Good morning pretty." I said but she just pouted.

"Are you forgetting something?" she asked that made me frown and think.

"Hmm. I don't think that I'm forgetting something." I said confused.

"You're forgetting my morning kiss stupid." she said smacking my head.

I pinched her nose and chuckled, "So needy." then I placed a sweet quick kiss on her lips.

"I'll go now Nini. Just prepare yourself and meet me on the beach front by 8, okay?" she nodded and pecked my lips. I kissed her forehead before getting up from bed.
Jennie's POV

It's now quarter to 8, I am done preparing myself, I am wearing my black fitted jeans paired with Lisa's gray v-neck plain shirt and with my walking sandals that grandma gave me last Sunday which she bought from the market.

"Grandma, I'm leaving now, maybe Lisa is already there at the beach front." I bid goodbye to grandma.

"Alright. Take care both of you, arasso? And enjoy!" grandma said and then kissed me on the cheek.

I made my way to the beach and waited for Lisa in our usual spot, under the palm tree. It didn't took long when I spotted her running towards me smiling brightly, I can't help but to smile back. Lisa is a giant ball of sunshine, well, my sunshine to be specific.

"Wow. How could you be so hot just by wearing those simple clothes Nini?" she said with a sparkling eyes.

Damn Lisa! You're making me blush again.

"Stop hitting on me Lisa or we might not be able to go to the market." I said smirking.

Now, it's her turn to blush hard. Checkmate! I know we are both whipped for each other Lili.

"Come on! The boat is waiting for us." she said changing the topic.

She held my hand and intertwined our fingers. Her hands fitted perfectly with mine like as if it was made for me.

We walked to the shore where the boat was located. It was light blue painted boat. But a name scribbled on the side of the boat caught my eye, Yubi. I don't know but a sudden pang hit my chest. I felt something heavy just by reading the name.

"Are you okay Nini?" she asked worriedly when she saw me held my chest.

"Uuhm. Yeah. I'm fine." I assured her.

Maybe, I'll ask her what's with the Yubi name right? So that I won't assume things. Yeah yeah. I should ask her.

"What's with the Yubi name on your boat Lisa?" I stared at her but I saw her froze on her spot and her eyes suddenly became dull.

When she gained back her stand, she spoke, "This is not my boat actually. I am only renting this one. I can't afford buying the materials for a boat. Yubi is Seulgi's sister. They were the richest here in the village. They have 3 boats, and this boat was the one I was renting since I was 15." she narrated but somehow with a cold and sad voice.

I felt something was wrong but I can see that Lisa was not in the mood for more questions about the boat specifically with that Yubi name. And I don't want to push her too hard.

I just nodded and grabbed her hand putting it on my cheek, "Let's enjoy roaming around the market. Okay?" I said to change the heavy mood.

She raised her other hand and put it on the other side of my cheek making her cupped my face, "Arasso." she said while smiling sweetly, her eyes returned to it's normal glow. That's it, she's now good.

I moved my head closer to hers and kissed her lips lightly.

"Look who is now addicted to my lips? " she said eyeing me with her eyebrows moving up and down.

Good. Playfull Lisa is back.

"Why? Don't you like it? Should I stop then?" I responded testing her.

"Aniyaaa! I like it. Don't you dare to stop! Or else I won't take you to the market." she said in a defensive tone.

I just chuckled and grabbed her head kissing her now in a passionate way.

The kiss lasted for a couple of minute when I let her go due to the lack of air.

She held my hand and said," Let's go, or else, we won't make it to the market." she laughed lightly and I did the same.

She led me up to the boat. It has an engine so she doesn't have to paddle it. The boat engine is used for powering and steering the boat, it only needs gasoline to make it work.

I suddenly felt nervous when the boat started to move. I remembered that I can't swim and thinking that I almost drowned made me feel dizzy. Lisa seemed to notice it.

We were sitting face to face to maintain the boat's balance. She grabbed my hands and said, "It's okay Nini. Nothing will happen to you. I am here. Besides, the ride would be just 15 minutes. " she assured me while kissing the top of my hands.

The familiar feeling rushed through my whole body again, the feeling of security and warmth. The feeling only Lisa could give.


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