Chapter 16: Party

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Jennie's POV

It's now Saturday morning, I woke up because of Lisa's sweet voice saying my name.

"Nini, wake up. I'll head out for fishing." she gently said brushing her lips on my cheeks.

Yesterday was a hella exhausting day both physically and emotionally, we ended up sleeping early last night spooning each other's body.

"Okaay. Be safe Lili. I'll wait for you for breakfast." I replied then gave her a peck on her lips.

I felt her got up from the bed but before leaving, she kissed my forehead first and spoke, "Arasso. I'll be home early for you." I just smiled at her and closed my eyes again.

Waking up every morning with her beside me is the moment I would love to do every single day of my life.

The day went by so quickly and now it's 6 in the evening, Seulgi's party will start at 7, it takes 20 minute-walk to reach their house according to Lisa so we have to leave at 6:30.

I am now fixing my make up, gladly I grabbed some foundation, blush-on and lipstick from the market yesterday. Well, I don't really need to put make up on but I want to look more presentable and I want to impress Lisa too. I don't know who will be the other guests there, I'm just making sure that I would be the prettiest girl on Lisa's eyes tonight.

"Nini. Are you done?" Lisa asked behind the closed door.

"Yes. I'll be out in few minutes." I answered.

After the final touch of my makeup, I stood up and soothe my dress neatly. I smiled into the small mirror hanging on the wall and was satisfied of my looks. Pretty as always.

I walked out the door and saw Lisa sitting on the long wooden chair. She looks dazzling, she was wearing a loose white long-sleeved casual wear paired with khaki fitted pants and just a plain black walking sandals. She looks hot, an oppa indeed.

I've caught her attention when I moved closer to her. I saw how her jaw dropped making her mouth open.

I smirked inside, I know I'm pretty Lili. You're being too obvious. Hihi.

"Wow. You look amazing Nini. You're beautiful." she praised me after she gained back her stand.

"You don't look bad yourself Lili." I said clinging into her arms.

"Shall we?" she asked.

"We shall." I replied with soft giggles.

We both bid our goodbyes to grandma and promised her that we will be back before midnight.
We are now walking along the seashore holding hands just like on those cliche romantic movies. I can feel the sea breezes softly touching my skin, I can't help but to shiver a little because of the coldness.

Lisa let go of my hand and I felt a little disappointed losing touch of her warmth. But disappointment was replaced with delight when she wrapped her arms around my shoulders rubbing her palm against it.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to bring a jacket for you. Are you still cold?" she asked while she continued caressing my shoulders.

"It's fine Lili. Your warmth is enough. Thank you." I said tilting my head to face her. She just smiled sincerely and I did the same.

Not far from us, I can hear a loud music and I can see lights dancing along in the sands of the shore.

"I thought there is no electricity in this village Lisa?" I asked her as we continued walking towards the venue.

"Yeah. But Seulgi's family is an exception. They have electricity generator here powered by diesel. As I told you, their family is the richest in her. The only ones who can afford those things." she narrated and I just nodded.

Not too long, we've reached the venue it was in the front of Seulgi's house, there are tables and chairs covered with white clothes that was scattered under the bare skies. On the sides, there were torches that somehow could give heat that fights against the sea breeze's coldness. It was so cozy and refreshing in here. Plus the loud party music compliments the different colored lights that were dancing all over the place. I love it.

I am appreciating the place when I saw Seulgi walking towards us with her full wide smile.

"Limario, Jennie. I'm glad you made it." she said hugging the both of us.

"Of course, I don't want you to get disappointed. Happy Birthday Seulgi-bear! I love you!" Lisa greeted her best friend and gave a kiss on the latter's cheek.

"Cheesy Limario! It's cringing! Your girlfriend might get jealous." Seulgi acted like she was disgusted and faced me with a teasing smile.

"She's yours tonight Seulgi. I don't mind since it's your day. Happy birthday!" I responded to her teasing.

"Ew. I don't like your idea Jen. It makes me want to throw up." she said making me laugh.

"Be thankful it's your birthday Seulg. I won't argue with you." Lisa spoke and made me laugh even more.

"By the way, here, Jennie and I got this yesterday from the market. It doesn't cost that much but I hope you'll like it." Lisa gave Seulgi a little box of bracelet that we've bought for her as a gift. It was not expensive, it was the thought that counts anyway.

I saw Seulgi's eyes sparkled in joy," Wow. Daebak! This is cool. I love it Lisayaaah! Thank you both. " Seulgi said sincerely hugging us again.

"Let's go, I'll walk you to our friends." Seulgi said the moment she let go of the hug.

Seulgi led the way to the long table in the center of the venue where I could see people talking and laughing loudly. Lisa grabbed my hand as if signaling, "I'm here with you Nini. You won't be out of place.". I just showed her my sweetest smile and nodded.

"Aheem. Guys." Seulgi faked a cough that captured the attention of their friends in the table.


I heard their friends squealed in happiness.

"Hii guys. Long time no see." Lisa said while scratching her nape.

"Woaaah Lisayah! You look hot as ever." one of the girls with green hair said to Lisa. I can't help but to grip Lisa's hand.

Before Lisa could answer the boy on the other side of the table stood up and said, "Mind introducing that beautiful lady beside you Choi?"

I saw Lisa gritted her teeth but nodded afterwards.

"This is Jennie, Jen, this is Joy, Wendy, Yeri, Nancy, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin and Suga, they were Seulgi and mine's circle of friends." Lisa said plainly pointing each person while saying their names.

"Nice to meet you beautiful." the one named Jungkook was about to hold my hand but Lisa stopped him.

"Not Jennie, Kook." Lisa firmly said.

"Woaaah! Possessive Limario." the one named Jimin teased her.

"Alright. Stop teasing Limario. Let's eat now so that we could get drunk early!" Seulgi screamed that made everyone howled in excitement.

Lisa led me to the buffet area and I can't help but to drool over the foods. There's a lot. Especially seafoods and sweets. I guess I'll be full tonight.


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