Chapter 2: Island

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Third Person's POV

Someone is on the boat hoping to catch more fishes this evening when suddenly the person saw a body floating near the shore. The person jumped into the water and tried to dragged the body to a safe spot in the shore.

The person laid the lady in the sand in a comfortable position and quickly checked the lady's airways and pulse. It seems that the pulse is still beating but the airways were somewhat blocked so the person thought to perform a CPR.

The person is about to do the CPR but stopped at the moment and looked at the lady's face, she is so beautiful, she thought.

The person started the CPR, and was blushing with the thought, "I can smell her breath, it smells like strawberries. Tsss! Stop thinking perverted things you asshole! You need to save this lady first! Don't be such a pervert!"

The person blocked the lady's nose and tried to blow air inside the lady's mouth and started to pump it's chest. The person tried 5 times when suddenly the lady coughed hard and spit water out of her mouth.

The lady opened her eyes and saw a blurry figure of a person but before she can adjust her eyesight, she felt dizzy and lost her consciousness again.

The person does not have a choice but to bring the lady home because the hospital is quite far and the person doesn't have the money for hospital bills.

Jennie's POV

I felt the sun rays touching my skin and I heard the birds chirping. I slowly opened my eyes and felt something in my forehead, it's a wet towel. I tried to look in my surroundings and saw the unfamiliar room I am at in the moment. The ceiling is made out of plywood, the walls are also wood, thin wood to be exact. I tried to get up and sit when I felt my back hurts, maybe because of the thin futon mattress I slept in plus it was placed on the hard floor.

I am about to stand when the door suddenly opened revealing an old lady probably on her early 70's.

"Oh, you're awake." she said.

"Can I ask where am I?" I asked her with a polite tone.

"You are at my home. Here in Jeju Island but an isolated place of Jeju Island." the old lady responded.

"Jeju Island?! Jinjja?!" I said in a high pitched voice because I'm actually shocked. Why am I here?!

"Do you remember anything from last night?" the old lady asked me again.

Yeah, last night. All the memories from that hellish moment came rushing in my head, my dad, my mom, the fucking marriage, the bridge, oh my God! I jumped into the water wishing I would die, yet here I am alive, breathing and wide awake!

I stopped for a moment and think. What should I tell her? Should I tell her the true reason? What if she will know that I am a chaebol and be afraid of my family? What if she will report this to the police? No! I don't like to be found by my father. I don't want to come back!

I am starting to panicked inside and I can feel the cold sweats all over my forehead when the lady approached me and checked my temperature by touching my forehead. I almost flinched with her actions.

"You don't have a fever anymore. I think you should eat first before we talk. You need to regain you strength and energy. Come on, the breakfast is set in the kitchen." the old lady told me.

Wew! What a relief! Thanks God. Now, I have time to think an alibi.

I followed her in the kitchen, I smelled the nice aroma coming from the kimchi stew, my stomach started to growl, I am so hungry!

" Sit and join me to eat. " the lady said.

I am eating as if I haven't eaten for a whole year, this kimchi stew is the best! Though we have international chefs back home, nothing compares to this kimchi stew, it's so warm and it tastes like home.

"Eat slowly, you might choke your food." the lady said while laughing lightly.

"I'm sorry. It's just that the kimchi stew is so tasty. The best food I have ever tasted!" I told her with an amused voice.

The lady was about to open her mouth and talk when we heard the main door opened and a tall woman walked in.

She is not just tall, she is also so pretty, with those long brown hair and a cute bangs, her lovely doe eyes and pinkish plump lips. Oh my God! Why am I checking her out? My thoughts were interrupted when she started to talk.

"Grandma! I'm here. Look, I have caught a good amount of fish this morning. And I earned 10000 won for selling some." she excitedly told the old lady.

"That's amazing sweetie. Put it on the sink, I'll take care of it later. Then, come here and eat with us. You are really working hard." the lady said in return.

The tall woman's eyes landed on me and we shared a couple of seconds staring at each other. I felt an electric spark all over my body for a second. What was that?

"By the way, this is Lisa, my granddaughter, she was the one who saw you in the water, unconscious, last night." the old lady introduced her to me.

Yeah, I remembered that blurry figure of a person last night. So it was her, huh?

"Yeah, I'm Lisa, and I supposed you are Jennie?" she asked waiting for a confirmation.

Oh my God! How did she knew my name? As long as I remembered, I threw my phone, my bag with all my IDs and wallet while running in the road last night, so that my parents cannot locate me by GPS. Did my father reported it already? Am I in the news?! Oh my God! Ottoke?

"Did I freak you out? I just saw your t-shirt last night with the name Jennie embroidered on it." she cuts off my thoughts.

Oh yeah, I remembered that I was wearing that shirt. That was made especially for me. It's a gift from my best friend Jisoo Unnie.

And now thinking about my clothes, who changed it? And where is my clothes? Ugh. My head hurts! I will asked them later.

Okay. Now, I have to tell my alibi. I have to lie. I don't want my father to find me. At least not now.

"U-uhm, a-actually to be ho-honest, I can't re-remember anything. I-i don't even know where I came from, what ha-happened a-and even who am I." I told them while bowing my head and I was stuttering, shit. I'm not good at lying.

"Oh my God, that's bad sweetie. Maybe we should report this to the police? Maybe your family is looking for you." the old lady said.

Oh no! No! What should I say? Crap! I'm doomed!

"Uuhm, c-can I just st-stay here f-for a while p-please? Uhm, i-it's just that I-I ha-have a bad fe-feeling about all this, i-it feels like I-I don't wa-want to go back wherever I a-am from. P-please." what a lame reason Jennie! Very lame!

The lady named Lisa looked at me with suspicion in her eyes. Oh my God! I can feel chills inside my bones.

" Okay, stay here for a while. Maybe it's just a temporary memory lost because of the impact of the drowning incident you've been last night. But if you remembered anything, tell us, okay? So that we can help you back to your family." wow! That was close. I sighed in relief.

"Thank you. Uhm, can I call you grandma too?" I asked shyly.

"Of course you can sweetie. So since you can't remember anything, maybe we should call you Jennie then? Just for the mean time until you can remember it. And there is a possibility that it's your name since it was embroidered in your shirt, right?"

If you only know grandma, Jennie is really my name. Now, I felt guilty for lying. But I have to. Just for now.

" Thank you grandma! Thank you so much! " the only words I can say to her.


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