Chapter 27: Chichu

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Jennie's POV

Lisa woke up early this morning because it's Monday, she'll head out for fishing. But I don't want to let her go, I wrapped my arms around her tightly as I keep on whining.

"Babyyy. Can you skip fishing and stay her with me? Please?" I plead her.

"I would love to. But babe, I need to work hard and earn a good amount of money for your ring. I want to give you a decent one." she reasoned out that made me a little guilty for being a needy girlfriend.

"Even if you'll give me a plastic ring, still I will be the happiest girl on Earth. You don't have to work harder and buy a pricey one." I assured her that no matter what ring she'll give me, I would still accept it.

"Nope. You deserve a good one. And don't worry, I have a little savings. Just a little more money then I could buy it." she replied.

I could ask Rosie to lend us money for the ring but I don't think that Lisa would like it. It could hit her ego and feel humiliated so I just shrugged the thought and let her do what she wanted to do.

"Okay then. But I feel bad I can't help you about anything." I sighed.

"Shhh. I can manage. Okay? Just relax babe. I got this. After the proposal, let's talk how we going to make the wedding, okay?"

"Yeah. About that, you know, civil wedding would be fine. I want to marry you as soon as possible. You know, if it's church wedding, it will be taking a lot of time for preparation." I told her.

And yes, I wanted a civil wedding wherein we just need a couple of witnesses which probably would be grandma and Rosie, and of course just a government official to get us married. I know Lisa, she wanted everything to be perfect for me and I know she would love a church wedding but knowing how much money we needed to make it done, it's a no for me. She'll work hard to earn the money and for sure, it will take time. We're running out of time. We don't know when my father will find me.

I know she'll going to complain as she took a deep breath and open her mouth to speak. But I stop her from talking by kissing her delicious plump lips.

"Shhh. Don't complain. I want to be your wife as soon as possible so that this anxiety and fear of losing you would end. We don't know what tomorrow will bring baby. We can do a church wedding in the future if you want to. And I'll help you earn money for that. I could apply for a job in the market and again, please, don't complain. It should be the two of us in this together. Yeah?" I said after I broke out our kiss.

She just stared at me for couple of minutes. It's like she's trying to memorize my whole face but not in an uncomfortable way. It gave me good chills inside honestly speaking.

"Damn! I'm so lucky to have you, you know that?" she said while smiling lovingly. Oh how I love that smile.

"So, you'll skip fishing today and stay with me?" I asked Lisa playfully.

"Still, nope. I also wanted to marry you as soon as possible. So now, I have to hurry up and buy that goddamn ring for my baby." always the cocky Lalisa.

I can't help but to giggle because of her words. She's so adorable in every way. I am falling deeper and deeper every time. Oh geez! I got it very bad for Lalisa Choi.
Lisa's POV

"Oh my God Lisa! Yes! You're so good baby! I'm cumming! Ugh!" Jennie is a moaning mess right now. She won't let me go for fishing and I don't have a choice but to give her a good ride for her orgasm.

"Mmm baby. I'm almost there! Don't stop! Ugh! " she keep on moaning as I grind hard against her womanhood.

"Let's cum together baby." I said with a husky voice beside her ear.

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