Chapter 70: Thailand

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Lisa's POV

"Mama and Papa, you don't have to worry about me, I have mommy and daddy who are loving me and making me feel safe always. I hope you are also happy up there with God. I will always remember all the things you have taught me and I will never forget the both of you, you are my angels now. I love you mama and papa. I promise to visit the two of you regularly." I can't help but to feel sad hearing my little boy talk in front of his parents' cremation urns.

We are now in a Columbarium where we decided to keep his parents' human ashes. Jennie caressed my arms to comfort me.

"At last, we finally gave them the justice they deserve." Jennie whispered.

The court sentenced Kai a lifetime of imprisonment just like how Jennie wanted to and just like how he deserves to be punished. He needs to pay for everything that he had done wrong especially the lives that's been destroyed and lost because of his greed and selfishness.

I just nod at her and kiss the side of her head, "We need to go home now and prepare our things for our flight tomorrow. Dad is really excited knowing that we will be arriving tomorrow, it's just a week since he didn't saw his grandson but already feels like a decade according to his exaggerating mind." I uttered making Jennie chuckled.

"He's very fond of SungJae, can't blame him because our son is really adorable." she replied and I can't agree for more, SungJae is a little ball of sunshine that makes everyone around him happy.

"Mommy." SungJae called Jennie making the latter make her way to the little boy who is not far from us.

"Yes baby? Do you want something?" his mom asked him.

"I'm done talking to mama and papa. I want to go home now and eat a lot of milk ice cream." our son cutely uttered while pouting.

"Alright. Daddy will buy a lot of milk ice cream for baby SungJae and for mommy. Right, dad?" my wife cheerfully stated while carrying SungJae into her arms then make their way towards me.

I grinned to them from ear to ear loving the sight of how good Jennie looks holding our son. "Yep, I will. Anything for my two kittens." I replied while giving both of them little smooches all over their faces.

"Young Master Pranpriya!" I heard someone shouted and I saw Mr. Kasetsin, my dad's personal driver here in Thailand. We just arrived at Bangkok International Airport and I'm very glad to be back here again.

My wife and son seem to be exhausted because of the 2 hours flight. I am carrying a sleeping SungJae with my wife's arm tangled with mine, the one I am also using to carry our son, while her head leaning on my forearm. It is a bit struggle for me since my other hand is pulling our heavy luggage and my hand is already numb.

"Mr. Kasetsin! Nice to see you again." I greeted him happily while Jennie just smiled and bowed to him.

"Welcome back Young Master. Give me your luggage. Your family looks really tired." he said while taking our luggage away from my grip. I sighed in relief.

"Thank you. Yes they are. My son is not used travelling via plane, he keeps on whining earlier and my wife needs to pacify him from time to time the whole ride. That's why both of them are restless." I narrated and then sniffed SungJae's hair.

"So let's better go and hurry so that they can already rest at the mansion." Mr. Kasetsin uttered then he lead the way to the car we are going to ride.

Jennie is quiet the whole time because she is clearly tired and I didn't bother to bug her since she'll be grumpy if I will.

We settled ourselves inside the car comfortably, I put SungJae on my lap and burried his head into my chest. While Jennie placed her head on the crook my neck.

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