Chapter 66: Drunk

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Lisa's POV

"Daddy, I want to eat the cake

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"Daddy, I want to eat the cake. Give me cake please." SungJae keeps on whining since earlier. We are now at our wedding reception area.

Jennie and I finished greeting and thanking all the people who attended our wedding, especially those who were behind on the success of it. We also done a small program to do the traditional rituals during a reception like slicing the cake and eating a bite together, the toast and even the bouquet toss, guess who is the one that caught it?

It's my beloved best friend Seulgi. Haha! No way she'll get married next, she's single and afraid to court a girl. A coward bear!

"Okay, I'll get a slice for you and also for Taetae, Jihyo and Tsuyu. Go to mommy first and behave." I said to SungJae then kiss his forehead. He run towards his mommy who is busy talking with her college friends.

I took 4 saucers and 4 cake forks and put slices of cake on it. I get a tray to place the saucers on.

The 3 kids were peacefully settled on the table prepared for them, a small one that level with their sizes. While my son was carried by my wife while still chatting with her friends.

"Hi my little angels, I took slices of cake for you." I said as I place the saucers in front of them.

They squealed in happiness and thank me. I also put SungJae's part on the empty space for him to sit.

"Wait for me here, I'll just get SungJae. Arasso?" I uttered and they just nod in response since they were already eating.

I made my way to my Nini without her noticing me. SungJae is listening to his mom talking as if he knows something about it.

I wrapped my arms around Jennie's torso from the back engulfing her and SungJae into an embrace.

"Daddy! Where's my cake?" my son ask when he looked behind and see that I am the who is hugging them.

"Hi baby." Jennie whispered tilting her head trying to see me.

"Hi." I replied then kissed her temple.

I released them from the hug and stand beside them. I bowed to Jennie's friends to show my gratitude towards them. "I'm sorry to interrupt your talk. I have to get this little kitten from this big kitten." I jokingly said while getting SungJae from Jennie.

Her friends laugh at my antics and Jennie elbowed me a little hard but I tried to act cool and didn't winced. "Oh, it's fine. Congratulations by the way. I can't believe that someone tamed the Great Jennie Kim."

"She just can't resist my charm and hotness I guess." I said cockily while winking at my wife.

Her friends laugh again but stopped when Jennie glared at them. "I am Lalisa Manoban by the way." I extended my free hand to them for a handshake since I am carrying SungJae.

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