Chapter 38: Village

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Third Person's POV

The villagers in the island started to have a commotion when a government official announced that they will be having a meeting with regards of the island ownership. Confusion reigns in everyone's mind.

They are all gathered in the front beach near where Lisa and Jennie's favorite spot.

"Good Noon villagers! I have something to tell you, it's really important so please listen." the government official started.

"This island is sold to a businessman this morning. The government is no longer responsible in this island." he continued.

The people started to make noises, murmuring from one another.

"But how about us? Are they going to kick us out in this island?"

"We don't have another place to go!"

"We were living here for a very long time!"

"What are we going to do?"

Some of the villagers are starting to panic. Lots of questions are running on their heads.

But before the government official could answer them, a man in a business suit appeared together with a lot of securities.

The government official then introduced him. "This is Sir RM by the way. He is the right hand of the new owner of this island."

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Kim Namjoon, RM for short. From now on, I will be the one to manage this island as what my boss said. Don't worry, we are not going to take your houses away from you nor kick you out from this place. But you should obey some certain rules, we won't ask too much, it's just very simple, no outsider will be welcomed here in the island and what happens in this island will remain in this island. And if you're leaving the village you should ask for a permission first. Are we clear? " RM firmly stated.

Some villagers became relieved but some are still confused. Either way, they don't have a choice but to agree.

"Securities will be guarding this island. They will be roaming everywhere. Don't be scared to them, just obey our rules and everything will be in peace. Have a good day!" RM finished his words.

The villagers started to disperse with uneasiness on their movements. They still don't know what's the main reason for a sudden change in island's ownership.
On the other hand, while the meeting in the island was on going, Lisa and her grandmother were on the market.

Lisa just finished talking to someone over the phone. At first, she was hesitant but she had no choice left.

"Grandma, just hold my hand. I can feel that someone is following us since earlier. I have a bad feeling for this." Lisa said but low enough to make sure that her grandma is the only one who can hear her.

"I can feel it also Lisa. Do you think that those men are still here looking after us?" her grandma replied.

"I don't know grandma. But don't worry, I'll make sure that we will be fine. We're going to leave the village tomorrow for our safety. I already expected this to happen, rich people were like this. But I assure you, we will be back here when everything's settled." Lisa assured her.
Lisa and grandma are now on the village, they are going down from the transportation boat. They were confused seeing a lot of men in security uniforms.

One of the men approached them. But the man talked only to the boat's navigator.

"Are your passengers all live in this city?" the man asked.

"Ye-yes sir." the boat navigator answered in confusion.

"I just want to clarify things, from now on, outsiders were not allowed in this island. I suggest that you ask some of your co-villagers about the new set up in your village since it is already sold and has a new owner. " the security said while looking at the passengers including Lisa and grandma.

Lisa mentally cursed, she knew that this is Kai's doings. She did not expected that Kai will be this selfish enough to include the whole village in their own personal issues.

Lisa's face became red in anger, how could Kai get the only thing that is left in her? The village is her life next to Jennie. The village is her paradise. It's her home.

She gritted her teeth and curled up her fist. She wanted to punch the hell out of all the securities but she promised Jennie that she will be safe. She chose to control her anger for Jennie and her grandmother's sake.

And besides, she doesn't have anything to do but to obey to avoid heating things up for she knew that there is a certain person that keeping eyes on her.

"You will regret everything that you are doing Kai. I won't give up this fight. Playing dirty will lead you to nowhere." Lisa thought inside her mind.
Kai's POV

"Is everything going smoothly in there Namjoon?" I asked my head security/right hand, RM.

"Yes boss. Everything's under control." he replied.

"Namjoon, listen. I want you to do something." I calmly stated with a big smirk in my face.

"I want you to burn down Lalisa Choi's house with her inside the house. I don't know how you will do it but I know you can. I sent tons of securities in there to help you." I sternly instructed him.

"I want her dead by tomorrow Namjoon. And don't you ever dare let the incident go out of the village. I don't want it to reach Jennie because if she'll know it, I'm sure she will not marry me anymore. But I really wanted that Lalisa Choi dead. She laid her hands on me, and if she's thinking I'll let it pass, noo. I am the Great Kim Jongin. No one dares to fight against me!" I continued with a high voice.

That Lalisa Choi surely didn't know who she was bumping into! I won't make it easy for her. She should burn in hell!!

"Okay boss." the only thing RM replied before I cut the line.

Jennie is only mine. As long as that Lalisa Choi lives, Jennie won't be able to give her whole to me. I could kill that Lisa in front of her yesterday but I don't want to be loathed by her even more. And I won't dare to put dirt on my hands because of that disgusting human being.

Let's see if she can still keep on getting in my way when she's no longer breathing. I pitied her for messing up with the wrong person. Farewell to you Lalisa Fvcking Choi.

Yay! Don't be mad at me guys. Patience is a virtue! HAHA! Next chap later.

BY THE WAY, MY SAFE HAVEN IS NO. 1 ON #BLACKPINK TODAY!! Like seriously?! Over 34k stories? This is hella sick!

 1 ON #BLACKPINK TODAY!! Like seriously?! Over 34k stories? This is hella sick!

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Anyways, this won't be possible without youuu! Thank you so much lovies! 😘

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