Chapter 23: Who Is Jennie?

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Jennie's POV

"The next day, I went to their house to talk to her and beg her again to stay with me. But I was shocked when I saw her kissing Sehun almost eating the guy in front of me. I was so furious that the next thing I knew was Sehun lying on the sand with a broken nose. Yubi got mad and even slapped me hard but I'm so numb to feel hurt. What broke my heart was the way she helped Sehun and hugged the guy while apologizing on my behalf. I just stared at them while crying. Moments later, Sehun's guards came out from Yubi's house carrying some luggages, for that I'm sure, it was Yubi's. I asked her then where she was going. And her answer killed me inside, "I will be living with Sehun from now on.". I was literally dumbfounded that time that I didn't even have the strength to speak neither to stop her when they started to walk towards the waiting yacht. After Yubi left, I decided to drown myself with alcohol, I went to a small club near the market and drunk as much alcohol as I could take. I even fucked two strippers of that club. That was the worst day of my life, I felt disgusted with myself. But I was so out of my brain to think straight that time. And then I made the worst decision of my life, to kill myself. I was so drunk that night that all I wanted was to drown myself, which I did. I jumped off the water not even thinking twice. But the next morning, I woke up with a crying grandma beside me, grandma told me that she was so scared because she thought she'd lost me. And that's when I realized how idiot I was not to think about my grandmother. I promised to grandma that day that I won't never do that thing again. It took a long time for me to move on but eventually I did. Then, last night, she came back begging me to be hers again, of course I declined. Because I already have you. And I'm not stupid to fall for her lies again, besides I'm already deeply in love with you Jennie." Lisa sighed ending her story.

I feel bad and sad for her. She doesn't deserve to be belittled like that. I pity Yubi for choosing a rock instead of a gem like Lisa. She's so precious to experience all of those pain.

I held Lisa's cheek and caressed them with my palm hoping that I could wash away all the hurt she had been through.

"She doesn't deserve you Lisa. Yes, you didn't have the money for a good life but you have that heart of gold and that genuine personality that nobody could ever buy. You taught me how to be happy and to be contented over the small things life could offer and that was the most priceless thing I have right now deep inside me. I love you so much. You are enough to me and I will never ever do such thing that will make you question your self-worth. You are the best thing ever happened to me. I really love you. " I said pouring all my love and sincerity in every word.

Lisa grabbed me by the neck and kissed me sweetly and lovingly.

"Don't worry, that was all in the past. I'm happy now, with you. I love you too baby. Thank you so much for making me whole again." she said tenderly.

I hugged her tightly letting her feel how much I don't want to let her go. I will be lost without her.

I took a deep breath after breaking our hug, I think it's also the right time to tell her the truth about me.

"Lisa. I want to tell you something. But promise me one thing, you'll never change the way you treat me. Arasso?" I clearly said.

I saw her furrowed her eyebrows but still she nodded after and said, "Okay. I promise."

"Lisa, the truth is that, I never really lost my memories." I shakingly told her.

But she held my hands firmly and nod signaling me to continue.

"I ran away from my parents the night they set me up for a marriage proposal. They wanted me to marry a guy I don't even know for the sake of our company. I ran away from them not knowing where to go. Our guards were chasing me that night until I decided to jump off the bridge with Han River under, I wanted to die that night." I can't help but to shed tears remembering that awful night.

Lisa quickly wipe my tears away using her thumbs.

"But then you came and saved me Lili. And I didn't expected this will happen, that I will fall in love with you." I even cried harder knowing that if my father will find this out, he will do everything to ruin Lisa.

"Shhhh. I do understand. Don't cry baby. I'm here." she said then hugged me tightly making me bury my face into her chest.

"I'm scared that they might find me Lili. I don't want to go back there. I want to stay here, with you." I said in between my sobs.

"I'm here to protect you baby. I'll do anything just to make you safe." she said and then again, I felt secured because of Lisa.
Lisa's POV

"So your real name is Jennie Ruby Jane Kim?" I repeated what just Jennie told me. She explained to me everything and I'm still having a hard time to absorb all the informations. So, I am dating a chaebol from a very well known family who ran away from his parents because of that selfish marriage thing.

I knew from the start that Jennie didn't lost her memory but I didn't expect that this would be her reason. It's very complicated but I'm so proud of how brave she was to stand for her freedom.

"Yes." she replied while nodding.

"You're name is so sexy." I said trying to joke around to make the mood lighter.

"Silly." she said hitting my arms playfully.

"So how old are you baby?" I asked her.

"Hmmm. 23. 1 year older than you baby." she replied.

"Oh? Unnie!" I teased her.

"Call me unnie again and you'll never get the chance to kiss me again, ever." she said mocking me.

"Yah! I'm just joking. You're mean!" I whined while pouting.

"But still you love me."

"Yeah. I love you so much my Jennie Kim." I said kissing her forehead.

"Baby, do you think we should tell grandma my real situation? And our relationship?" she asked me seriously.

"Yeah. We need to tell this to grandma, I'm pretty sure she will understand you Nini. And without a doubt, I know that she'll accept us." I responded assuring her.

"I'm so lucky to have you and grandma in my life. You two showed me what a real family looks like." she said while caressing my jawline.

"I'm glad you found us Nini. You're here with us for a reason. And that reason is to make you see what happiness really means. I will always make you the happiest as long as I can baby." I said with so much adoration.

"Just stay by my side. That's all I need. I love you my Lisa. Let's get through this together."

"I love you baby. Yes, we will get through this together."

I'll do everything to protect you Jennie. I can't lose you because you are my life right now. You're all I have, my everything.

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