Chapter 8: One Rainy Day

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Lisa's POV

We had a great afternoon yesterday, the kids enjoyed the picnic and the swimming.

It felt good to bond with them with Jennie. It's like I have an one big happy family with beautifully energetic children and a very sexy wife.

Dream on Lisa!

Aiiish. Jennie's beauty won't leave my mind. I can still picture out her perfect curves and I can't help it but to feel hot all over my body. I am positive that I like Jennie not only because of her looks but mainly because of her character, she is very caring, sweet, kind and fun to be with and there is something about her that attracts me real hard, I just can't pin point what it was, I just can't be away from her. I am just scared to admit it to her. I don't want to break our closeness right now. And I'm not sure if she likes me too. What if she's only grateful, that's why she's clingy and sweet, I don't want to assume things. And another thing that bothers me the most was, what if she has a boyfriend somewhere? She is still not opening up something to me.

I don't want to messed up what we have right now. What's important is that we are both happy. Whatever meant to happen will happen, I would just enjoy every moment we spend together.

It was already 5PM. The weather today was not good. It's raining hard, I didn't even go out for fishing this morning not when the huge waves were crushing angrily to the shore.

"Lili, here, I made you a tea." Jennie told me when she reached my spot here in our small living room while grandma is in her room. Resting.

"Thank you Nini." as I get the cup of tea.

"Be careful, it's hot." she said with a hint of concern.

I took a sip, "Wow. It's great. Perfect for the weather." I commented.

She then sat beside me in the long wooden chair and said, "It's really cold." her voice cracked and I felt her shivering.

I put the cup of tea on the small table in front of me and faced Jennie. I opened my arms widely.

"Come on. Let me warm you up." I said smiling.

She looked straight to my eyes for a second and a small smile crept over her face, without a word, she threw herself to me. She put her arms around my torso but I was shocked when she slipped her hands under my sweater touching the bare skin of my back.

Woah! It felt like I was stroke by a thunderbolt. Chills were all over my body.

"You're so warm Lili." she said while burying her head in the crook of my neck.

"And you smell so damn good." she added in a sexy tone.

Oh my God Jennie! What are you doing? You're torturing me! It takes everything in me not to crush your body with mine right now! Stop seducing me, I might give in.

She tilted her head and stared at me me, I did the same and looked straight into her eyes.

We don't utter even a single word. Our eyes is like talking to each other and speak a lot of things we cannot quite decipher.

My eyes landed on her lips, the lips I've been dreaming to taste. It was so inviting.

She started to move her head slowly closer to mine, I can feel her hot breath touching my lips.

Shit. I think I am about to pass out.

Everything was in slow motion and all I can hear were the angry raindrops pouring at our rooftop and my heart beat racing, oh my God, it's about to burst.

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