Chapter 17: She's Back

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Lisa's POV

The night is still young. We're all done with our dinner and now gathered around the long table. Seulgi instructed us to serve ourselves with drinks from the drinks counter because she will be entertaining the other guests in the venue.

"Do you want a drink Nini?" I asked Jennie whose beside me playing with my fingers.

"Can I have non-alcoholic drink? I don't really feel getting drunk tonight." she said.

"Okay. I'll get you a mock tail then. Excuse me for a moment." I replied kissing her temple then went to the drinks counter leaving her on her seat.
Jennie's POV

After Lisa leave to get our drinks, the guy Jungkook approached me, actually, I'm feeling uncomfortable around him, I've noticed that he keeps glancing on me since earlier.

"Hi." he said and sat to the seat beside me.

"Hi." I coldly replied.

"Are you Lisa's girlfriend?" he asked.

"Hmmm. No. Not yet." I replied emphasizing the yet word.

"Oh, I see. So you're still single? Wanna dance with me?" he said pointing the open space beside the speaker where other guests are dancing under the colorful lights.

What should I do? I don't want to be rude but I don't like the idea of being close with someone else other than Lisa. And this guy makes me feel very uneasy. Oh my God! Lisa please, come back here quickly.

And as if an answered prayer, I heard Lisa spoke from behind, "Sorry Kook but she's going to dance with me. Not with you." she said in a harden voice.

She didn't let Jungkook respond, she quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dancing area.

"I'm sorry about Jungkook, he can be an asshole sometimes. He loves to provoke me." she said while putting my hands into her shoulders.

"No. It's okay. But I'm glad you came back, I don't really want to dance with him." I said and I felt her hands settled on the side of my waist.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I only want to dance with you." I answered looking straight into her beautiful doe eyes that was glowing because of the lights.

"You're making my heart flutter, you know that?" she asked staring back at me.

I smiled on what she said and pulled her closer so that I can rest my head into the crook of her neck.

"You're making my heart flutter too Lisa, even without doing anything." I said snuggling my head deeper on her neck.

We just stayed in that position while swaying our bodies following the beat of the music.

Adore You by Miley Cyrus

Oh, hey, oh

Baby, baby, yeah, are you listening?
Wondering where you've been all my life
I just started living
Oh, baby, are you listening?

When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy, I adore you, I adore you

Baby, can you hear me?
When I'm crying out for you
I'm scared oh, so scared
But when you're near me
I feel like I'm standing with an army
Of men armed with weapons, hey, oh

When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy, I adore you, I adore you

I love lying next to you
I could do this for eternity
You and me - we're meant to be
In holy matrimony
God knew exactly what he was doing
When he led me to you

When you say you love me
Know I love you more (I love you more)
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Boy, I adore you, I adore you

Oh my God. The song speaks all the words I badly wanted to tell Lisa. I adore her so much.
Lisa's POV

The song hit me so hard that I want to tell Jennie how much I adore everything about her right now. Yes, I should tell her how much I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I want to make her mine. I want to tell the people around us that she belongs to me, Lalisa Choi.

I cupped her face with my palms looking straight into her feline eyes with so much adoration.

"Jennie, I want to tell you something. I--I lo.." my words were cut when someone shouted a name, not only a name but the name that I loathed a lot.

"Yubi! You're here?!" It was Seulgi. Shocked was visible on her face.

My eyes followed the direction they were all staring and there, my body froze. The horror of my past is getting out from a small yacht. She walked to Seulgi's location and hugged her.

I felt Jennie turned her head too to where I am staring.

"Why? Didn't you missed me my baby sister? It's been 2 years since I last saw you. Happy birthday by the way." she said kissing Seulgi's cheek.

She looked around and greeted everyone, "Ow. The whole squad is here." she said with an amused voice.

Our friends approached her and gave her very welcoming hugs and kisses on the cheek. They were giggling and squealing because of happiness.

While me? Here, still stuck on my place. My mind is still processing all the happenings right now.

Of all the moment, why now? I was about to confess my love for Jennie and the second after the very least person I wanted to see appeared from no where. Great. Just great.

"Hey, Lisa. You're spacing out. Who's that girl? Jennie asked curiously.

But before I could answer, the girl I've tried hard to forget since 2 years ago met my eyes. I saw how her smile faded slowly and how her eyes turned from happy ones into a sad one.

She slowly made her way to my stand, my knees were trembling and my heart starts to beat harder and harder, I can't even breathe properly.

"Lisayaah." she said the moment she reached my place.

I saw her gaze fall into the intertwined hands of Jennie's and mine. But she looked up again and stared straight into my eyes. I can see pain through it. Why is that?

"It's been a while. I missed you." she said as if she was sincere.

I don't know what to say but I don't want to look like a fool in front of her. I don't want her to think that I haven't moved on from her. Because I have already. I was just very surprised seeing her again unexpectedly.

"Yeah. It's been a while, Yubi." All that I can say trying to sound cool.

"Who's this beautiful girl beside you?" she asked eyeing Jennie from head to toe.

I held Jennie's hand tighter and said, "This is Jennie, and Jen, this is Yubi, my old friend."

I wanted to tell Yubi that Jennie is my girlfriend but I don't want to freak Jennie out. I respect her a lot. I should really ask her properly first. Before shouting to the world that she's mine.

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