Chapter 35: Promise

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Jennie's POV

"Come back with me to Seoul Jennie and nothing bad will happen." Kai calmly stated.

"No, she won't come with you. She will stay here, with me." Lisa was the one who answered and the anger was visible on her voice.

"I guess you wanted a bloody transaction Lalisa Choi." Kai said mocking Lisa. He then get a gun from one of his men and point it to grandma and without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger and a loud bang was heard all over the house that made me and Lisa flinched.


Lisa's eyes widened in fear. She looked straight at grandma's state, so am I. And thank God, Kai intentionally shoot the ground besides grandma's feet. She was holding her chest and terror was painted on her face. And after a few seconds, she lost her consciousness because of the fear. I quickly went to her spot and catch her then lay her down gently on the floor.

Lisa quickly run towards Kai because of wrath, she's very mad right now. She punched Kai's face again and for the second time, he fell on the floor.

"Fvck you!!" Lisa was about to jump on Kai's body when one of the men pushed Lisa hard that made her stumble and lay on the ground.

"Lisa!" I shouted and ran towards her. I hate seeing Lisa and grandma like this. They were hurting because of me.

I cupped her face as soon as I reached her. "Oh God! Baby, are you okay?"

She nodded, "As long as you're here, I am and I will always be okay Jennie." she said looking straight in my eyes. I can't help but to tear up, please God, help us. Please.

"I will tell you one last time Jennie, come with me in peace and nothing will happen." Kai sternly stated.

My mind is clouded right now. I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave Lisa. We're getting married tomorrow, I'll be her wife and she will be mine. Then everything will be fine. But why is this happening? Life is enjoying making fun out of me.

I am so scared right now, this is much worse than I expected. What if Kai will shoot Lisa? Or grandma? What if, he will kill them? Fvck! No!!!

"I SAID, SHE IS NOT COMING WITH YOU!! ARE YOU STUPID?!" Lisa stood up and faced Kai. She gritted her teeth and closed her fist in a ball.

But Kai didn't listen. He grabbed me by the waist roughly that caused me to bump into his chest.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Lisa yelled in rage.
Third Person's POV

Lisa is about to pull Jennie back but Kai points the gun on her.

"One more step and I'll shoot you." Kai warned her.

"You're lucky enough because I instructed my men not to meddle with us. I am still giving you a favor Lisa. Let Jennie come with me because Seoul is where she belongs!" he continued.

The outrage inside Lisa's body tripled and she is ready enough to break Kai' s neck but the latter is not playing fair. He has a gun while Lisa got nothing. For the very first time in her life, she felt hopeless.

Jennie on the other hand is doing her best to let go from Kai's grip while crying and shaking. She is terrified. She hates Kai for being a selfish dimwit just like her parents.

"Kai. Please. Stop this. Lisa is the one I love and where she is, is the place I wanted to be at. Please. I'm begging you." Jennie pleaded facing Kai while the tears are constantly running down her face.

"No Jennie! YOU WILL COME WITH ME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" Kai barked on Jennie's face.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SHOUT AT JENNIE LIKE THAT!!!" Lisa can't take it anymore, she was about to strangle Kai but Kai is too quick to pull the trigger and shoot Lisa causing her body to touch the ground.

Jennie's eyes grew bigger seeing the love of her life fell to the ground with blood dripping on her body. She pushed Kai with all her might and ran to Lisa's body.

"Lisaaaaa!" she reached Lisa's body. She was a crying mess and her body won't stop shaking because of everything.

"Babyy, shhhh. Don't cry. I'm fine. It's just my shoulder. I'm fine." Lisa assured her.

"Noooo! You're bleeding hard Lisa." Jennie said while looking at Lisa's wound. She then helped Lisa to sit on the ground comfortably.

"I warned you Choi! I warned you but you did not listen!! Now Jennie, choose! Come with me in peace and I'll make her live or still resist and I'll shoot her." Kai behind them irritatedly spoke.

Jennie can't think straight at the moment but there is one thing that she is sure of, she wants Lisa and grandma to be safe and resisting Kai would not led her to that.

She took a deep breath and faced Lisa. Although it is hard for her especially seeing Lisa on her state but Jennie did not want it to go any further that may caused Lisa's life to end. She cupped Lisa's face and looked straight at her doe eyes, Jennie knows that Lisa is trying to be brave in front of her. And she couldn't help but to cry harder thinking how selfless her girlfriend is. This time, she wanted to be selfless too, she's willing to sacrifice her own happiness for Lisa's safety because that is the most important thing for her, Lisa's life. Because Lisa's life is her life too.

It is hard for Jennie to say the words but she have to. She closed her eyes firmly for 5 seconds and then face Lisa again.

"Lisaaa. Baby. I don't want to leave you but I need you to be alive. We don't have any choice. I would rather leave knowing that you are alive than stay but without you. I'll go with Kai." she said with a shaky crying voice.

"No Nini. Nooo." Lisa pleaded holding Jennie's hand. The tears she was fighting back not to release betrayed her.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll talk again to my parents. I promise that I will be back for you baby. So please, think about yours and grandma's safety first." Jennie tried to smile weakly.

"Babyyy. I can't.. Without you.. I can't.." Lisa's voice is trembling in sorrow.

"You can Lisa. I know you can. Do this for me baby. And trust me, I'll be back to you because with you is where I belong. Nowhere else." Jennie didn't let Lisa to speak, she grabbed Lisa by the neck and kiss the latter softly.

"I love you my Lili." Jennie tenderly said after the kiss but Lisa just hold Jennie's hand tightly not wanting the girl go.

"Let go baby. Please." Jennie begged looking at Lisa's miserable state.

"I love you Nini. I'll go get you back. I promise. I'll get you back." Lisa uttered and finally letting Jennie go.

But before Jennie stood up, she kissed Lisa's lips one last time, the only lips she wanted to kiss every day of her life. After the kiss, she wiped Lisa's tears then lean forward to Lisa's ear and whispered,

"I am only yours, I promise."


I am not good at angst, that's not my forte. I'm sorry. Bear with me.

Thank youuuuuu lovies. When I started this book, I wasn't really expecting that people would love this yet here you are, supporting me and my book. There were times I thought of stopping this but every time I saw readers enjoying my work, it gives me the encouragement I needed. I love you all. ❤️

Btw, we are no. 3 on #blackpink yesterday and today 🤗

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