Chapter 14: Market 1

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Lisa's POV

When Jennie asked me about Yubi, I can't help but to feel the familiar feeling of pain that almost killed me 2 years ago. I suddenly felt my world crushing again but when Jennie held my hand, everything disappeared, the pain vanished the second she touched me. And when I looked into her eyes, I saw the peace that I needed and saw the place where I belong. And the moment she kissed me, there I found my answers, I am home. She is my home. Now I finally realized that I love Jennie. I love her so much.
"Nini, do you want to grab breakfast first? I haven't eaten and I'm starving." I said to her the moment we got out of the boat.

"Yes yes, I haven't eaten too. I forgot, I was too excited." she said shyly that made me laugh.

"Okay. Breakfast it is." I said joyfully as I held her hand.

The market was quite packed today since it's Friday. People were scattered everywhere. Different items were displayed in every aisle and beside the pathways.

I looked at Jennie and I saw how her eyes glittered in excitement, she keeps on looking left and right with an amused smile. She's cute when she acts like a child.

I was about to ask Jennie if she hadn't been into a market before but I forgot that "she is still not remembering anything". But I trust her, I'll still wait for her to open up. So I just dropped the idea of asking to avoid complications.

I took her to the small restaurant Grandma used to work. It was just a simple diner and their foods were surely the best but not expensive.

The restaurant was full and no tables were left unoccupied. I was about to turn around and take Jennie to a different diner when I heard someone shouted my name.

"Lisa!" it made me looked to the direction of the sound. And there I saw Nayeon, she was my Grandma's replacement waitress in here.

"Nayeon-shiii!" I said and opened my arms to hug her which she gladly accepted. Nayeon was just a year older than me and I didn't bothered to call her unnie because I knew that she won't like it.

"Hmmmm. Hmm." I heard the little dumpling beside me cleared her throat which made me let go of the hug.

"Uhm, yes. Nayeon, this is Jennie, she's living with me and grandma, and Nini, this is Nayeon, she's my friend and she was Grandma's replacement worker here since she stopped working." I introduced them to each other.

They just awkwardly smiled to each other without saying a word. I could feel heavy tension between them. I saw Jennie glared at me as if she could eat me alive. I suddenly felt cold. My goodness! What is this?
Jennie's POV

How could Lisa hug other girl in front of me? And just by eyeing the girl, I know that she's into Lisa. Shit! I'm mad. If this is what jealousy is, damn, I don't like the feeling. I want to cut the girl's head and throw it out in the ocean.

And this Lisa was a freaking idiot she only introduced me as someone who was living with her and grandma, yes Lisa, living with you and fucking with you, stupid asshole!

Stop being dense Jennie Kim! And that hit me. Yeah right, why am I being dense? Damn! Why am I being like this? She's not mine. I'm not even her girlfriend. But for Pete's Sake! We're kissing and we even made love! Was that even making love? Oh my God! Now I'm confused. I don't know what's my label on Lisa's life.

"Lisa-shiii, are you here to eat?" my thoughts were cut when the girl spoke. My blood boiled hearing her trying to sound cute saying Lisa's name. Bitch! You sounded like a goat that was splashed with water.

"Yeah. But it seems that there was no available space anymore." Lisa responded smiling shyly at the girl. Idiot! Smile more and I'll slice your lips.

"Don't worry. I'll ask Jackson to bring another table for you two. I'm sure Chef Jay would be delighted to know you are here. You know that he owe grandma a lot." Nayeon said to Lisa while placing her hands on Lisa's shoulders while biting her lower lip as if they were the only one inside the restaurant.

That's it! I'm so done watching her flirting with Lisa!

I shoved her hands from Lisa's shoulders,"Go on and bring the table, Lisa and I were already starving." I said to Nayeon but I'm facing Lisa looking into her eyes with fuming eyes.

I saw Lisa gulped hard. Yes Lisa, be afraid of me.

"O-okay." Nayeon answered stuttering.

But before Nayeon turned around, I harshly grabbed Lisa's head and crashed my lips into hers kissing her deeply and hardly. Not too long, I felt Lisa responding to my kisses and she placed her hands on the side of my waist. Good girl Lalisa! Show them who owns you!

"Ahem." I heard Nayeon cleared her throat signaling that she was still in front of us.

I stopped kissing Lisa and faced Nayeon who was in shocked and with a gloomy face.

"I'm sorry. I was really starving. But now, I'm full." I smirked at Nayeon. And I swear to God, I saw her rolled her eyes. What a bitch!

"Let's go Lis, I'm not hungry anymore." I said facing Lisa who is now dumbfounded trying to process what just happened.

Without her letting to say a single word to Nayeon, I dragged her out of the restaurant.

After we got out of the restaurant, I let go of Lisa's hand and walked ahead of her without looking back. I'm mad! And I hate this feeling inside my body right now.

"Jennie!" I heard her shouted but I just ignored her.

I heard running footsteps towards me and after a moment I felt Lisa's hand grabbed my wrist.

"What was that Nini?" she asked in a concerned voice.

I didn't answered, I just shoved her hands away still without facing her. But Lisa quickly ran towards my front and cupped my face forcing me to face her.

"Are you mad? What have I done wrong?" she said looking straight into my eyes.

As I saw her beautiful brown orbs everything seems gone in a blink of an eye. All the frustration and anger in me washed away and all was left was the feeling that I would finally admit to myself, I love her. I'm in love with Lalisa Choi.

I didn't say a word. I just leaned forward to her head then again captured her lips and kissed it with so much tenderness and passion.

By the way, I would like to thank those readers who keep on voting each chapters of this story. I appreciate it a lot guys. Thank you very much. 😘

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