Chapter 25: Small World

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Jennie's POV

I blinked my eyes so many times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. And yes, it's reality, Rosie is in front of me. I can't help but to feel terrified thinking how small this world can be.

If I met Rosie, there's a chance that my father would find me too. I can't help but to feel dizzy with the thought.

"You know each other?" Lisa cuts my thoughts.

But Rosie didn't answer her instead she walked fast towards me and embraced me.

"Oh my God Jennie! You're alive! We are so sick worried about you! Especially Jisoo. She keeps on crying thinking where on this Earth you could be." she said with a soft cry.

I was stoned in my position. I can't help but to feel guilty. Jisoo must be restless because of worrying about me.

"Rosie, let me explain everything." I said pulling away from her embrace.

Lisa and grandma were seemed confused of what's happening but they chose not to ask question first and let me talk with Rosie.

The four of us settled on the living room so that it would be comfortable to have a conversation.

I explained everything to Rosie. My head is now aching because it's the third time today that I've narrated what happened to me that night. The world must be joking on me!

"I'm sorry Rosie. I badly wanted to contact Jisoo and you but I don't have my phone with me. I didn't even memorized your phone numbers. And there is no electricity in here. No one uses gadgets." I apologized after I've done telling her the story.

"Oh my God! Everything happened too fast and now I understand why. Your family's company is in chaos right now Jen. Your father is really furious. But still you're lucky, he didn't informed the media about it. According to Jisoo, you're father didn't want to spread the news to avoid issues since your company keeps on losing stocks. But he did hired lots of private investigators. They were after you, looking for you. After you jumped off the bridge, they did search for your body. You're mother was really devastated thinking that you might be dead but your father didn't want to stop searching until your body is in front of him. I am very happy that you are alive. I thought we lost you." Rosie said crying and I cried hard too after hearing it. I'm so afraid of what could happen any minute from now.

I felt Lisa's arms wrapped around me, she hugged me tightly making me feel the security of being around her.

"Lili, I'm so scared. What if they already know where I am? What if they get me back? What if, what if they take me away from you? What i--" I haven't finished my sentence when Lisa smashed my lips with hers. Not minding grandma and Rosie who were with us. She kissed me tenderly for a quick moment.

"Shhh. Look into my eyes and listen to me." she said lifting my chin making sure I'm facing her.

"I won't let anyone to take you away from me. I'll do everything to protect you baby. They will face me first before they can touch you." she firmly said.

"Ahem. Am I missing something here?" Rosie faked a cough and asked us curiously.

"Lisa and I are together Rosie. Romantically together." I said staring straight at her.

"Whaaaat?! Jinjjaaaa?! I never thought you were one of us Jen." Rosie said not believing what she heard.

Before I could answer, Lisa spoke first.

"What do you mean by "one of you" Chaeng?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Uhm, Rosie is Jisoo's long time girlfriend baby. Jisoo is my best friend." I answered in behalf of Rosie.

"Whaaat?! You have a girlfriend?! How come I didn't know?" it's now Lisa's turn to be shock.

"You never ask about it Lisaya!" Rosie replied.

We were covered with awkward silence for  a moment and then burst out laughing the next moment.

Oh my God! How can this serious talk turned into an awkward sexuality revelation?

We laughed for God knows how long until we teared up because of so much laughing. That was a good laugh though. Are we going crazy because of all this complicated mess around us? Oh no no. I don't wanna be crazy.
"So what's your plan Jen?" Rosie asked after that laughing session.

"I don't know. Really. But I want to talk to Jisoo first. I feel so guilty making her worried." I replied.

"I have my phone with me but sadly there is no reception in this village but we can go to the market tomorrow and make a call."

"Okay. That's fine with me. By the way Rosie, where are you staying and how long?"

"I'm staying in a small house near the nipa hut that is used as a classroom for the kids. It's not that far from here. My schedule teaching here is every other week, so next week I'll be back to the city and then next next week, I'll be here again." Rosie said.

"Rosie, I trust you. Please don't tell anyone else about me. It should be kept between us and Jisoo only. You both were the only people I could trust." I said seriously.

"Of course Jen. I want you to be happy. If the only way is to lie about your whereabouts, it's not a big deal. As long as I know you're safe. I'll be good too. And I know Lisa so much, I'm working here for almost a year now, she is really a kind person. I know you are in a good hands Jen." Rosie sincerely replied while giving Lisa a small smile.

Of course I am! Lisa is the most amazing person I ever met in my whole damn life.

"Don't worry Jen. I'll gather information about your family and your company without being suspicious when I get back to the city. I will also buy things that you will be needing in here. I know you are being a burden to Lisa here." she jokingly said. Aiiish! This chipmunk!

"Aniya Teacher Chaeng! My baby is not a burden to me!" Lisa defended me which made me blushed.

"I'm just kidding Lisaya! But seriously, I'll help the both of you."

"Rosie, thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me." I said.

"Nothing compares to your efforts for Jisoo and I before Jen. It's payback time." Rosie joyfully uttered.

Maybe it's a good thing that Rosie found me here, at least I'll have eyes from the city. We just need to be extra careful not to be caught.

I can't help but to think, this is a small world afterall. My mind is very clouded and there is one thing I want to do.

I took a deep breath and look at Lisa's eyes. Those eyes that can calm the storm inside me. Those eyes that can melt all the worries I am feeling in any moment. Those eyes that can give me assurance and security. Those eyes that never fail to tell me how much there owner loves me.

Whatever happens in the future although nothing is certain still one thing will remain sure, and that's I love Lisa and no one else.

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