Chapter 18: Shattered

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Lisa's POV

After the short talk with Yubi, our friends dragged her to our table. Jennie and I stood still until Seulgi approached us.

"Lisayaaa, I'm sorry. I didn't know she was coming. She didn't informed me even our parents." Seulgi apologized while looking at me with so much concern.

I saw Jennie's eyebrows arched in curiosity. But I shrugged it off. I will just explain it to her later.

"It's fine Seulg. We're cool. Everything's fine now." I assured Seulgi plastering a small smile.

I tapped her shoulders and continued speaking, "Let's enjoy your party, okay? This is only once a year. I want you to be happy on your day."

I saw her lips crested into a very bright smile.

"Thank you Limario! So? Let's get drunk?" Seulgi said while playfully wiggling her eyebrows.

I just laughed at her antic. That's better than pushing the topic about Yubi when Jennie is just beside me.
Jennie's POV

Something was wrong. Lisa is little bit guarded and tensed and I know that this had something to do with Seulgi's sister, Yubi, whom also the owner of the name on Lisa's boat.

I can feel a very big amount of discomfort deep down inside me. I don't want to assume things but I think, Lisa and Yubi have something in between them. It's making me edgy to think things about them plus my anxiety is eating me and my curiosity is not helping.

Everyone is settled now on our table, Seulgi brought lot of drinks in front of us. I saw Lisa about to get up but I stopped her.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Getting you a mock tail." she replied.

"Oh, it's alright Lisa. I think I will have some beers tonight. It's getting pretty chilly, I need something to burn my body." I told her without even noticing how sensual the last part of my sentence was.

"We could always do another interesting way to burn your body Jennie." she said teasing me with a smirk and there I realized what just I've said.

"Yah! Pervert!" I've unconsciously blurted out in a high voice which caught everyone's attention.

Now, all eyes are on us. I saw Lisa looked to her friends and raised her left eyebrow and said, "What?"

"Get a room you two!" the girl named Yeri shouted that made me blushed real hard and made everyone burst in laughter except Yubi. I saw her face became sad. What's wrong with her?

We continued talking about random stuffs, I found Lisa's friends funny and very playful but there is something off about Lisa that I can't really pin point. I also realized that I haven't met any of her friends before except Seulgi, but why is that? It's just a small village, right? Aiish. I'll just ask her later. I don't want to ruin the night.

Also this Yubi keeps bothering my thoughts, I saw her in my peripheral view that she keeps on glancing secretly to Lisa and I'm pretty sure Lisa is doing her best not to meet Yubi's eyes. It's not the time to be jealous but what the hell does Yubi wants? Now, I can't wait for this night to end so that I can ask Lisa everything that is messing around my mind.

And there was something she was supposed to say earlier but she didn't had the chance to continue because of that Yubi. My anxiety level increases every minute of thinking all of this. Damn! I need answers. But I have to wait until this party ends.

Lisa has a very high tolerance for alcohol, she was on her 6th can of beer, yet she's still sober, while me, I even barely finish my second can. I'm getting tipsy so I rested my head on Lisa's shoulder.

"You okay Nini?" she whispered against my head.

"Yeah. Quite tipsy but no big deal." I whispered back.

I suddenly felt the urge to go to the restroom, I need to pee. So I straightened my body and faced Lisa.

"I'm going to the restroom." I said preparing myself to stand up.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." she said while standing up but Yubi called her.

"Lisa, can we talk?" Yubi said. She's quite tipsy too.

I felt uneasy hearing her saying that she wanted to talk with Lisa as if everything became heavy around me.

"No Yubi, I'll accompany Jennie to the restroom." she straight forwardly replied.

I was happy to hear Lisa's reply to her but I think I will allow her to talk with Yubi, besides I've sensed earlier that Yubi really badly wanted to talk with Lisa. I think they should settle the thing that was obviously going on between them to stop the awkward and massive tension around the two of them. Talking won't hurt, right?

"It's okay Lili. I'll be fine." I assured Lisa.

She was about to protest but her friend Joy cut in, "I'll accompany Jennie for you Lisa since I also need to go to the restroom." she said.

"Okay." Lisa sighed in defeat.

Joy grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the restroom without looking back.

When we reached the restroom, I quickly ran to the cubicle since I can't control my urine anymore.

"Lisa and you weren't dating, right?" Joy asked the moment I got out from the cubicle while she was facing the mirror fixing her make up.

"Yeah. Not yet." I replied.

She smirked and then faced me, "You two should start dating. I like you for Lisa but you're luckier if you'll have her. Date her before it's too late Jennie. " she said that made me confused.

But I chose to reply anyway, "Lisa was too slow. Actually I was waiting for her to ask me but I think she was just taking one step at a time."

"You sure about that? Taking one step at a time? Oh come on, it's out of the trend. But one thing is sure Jen, it will be a mess since Yubi is back." Joy replied that made my eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"What's with Yubi?" I can't help but to ask.

"She's Lisa's first love and first heartbreak." she said directly.

She's Lisa's first love and first heartbreak.

She's Lisa's first love and first heartbreak.

The words keep on ringing inside my head. I felt dizzy all of the sudden and I regretted immediately letting Lisa talk to Yubi.

What if Yubi is going to ask Lisa to come back? Hell no!

My anxiety burst all over my body and the only thing I remembered was running out of the restroom to see Lisa. I badly wanted to see her.

I reached our table but Lisa was no longer there and of course also Yubi.

"Where's Lisa?" I asked them without even bothering on how they looked at me because I was sweating and panting hard.

"Yubi wanted to talk privately. They walked to the other side of the shore." Seulgi was the one to replied but worry was visible on her face.

Without even saying a word, I ran again and searched for them. Not that far from the venue, I saw them standing face to face to each other. I was about to approached them when I saw Yubi grabbed Lisa's neck and kissed her aggressively. Lisa stood still not even bothering to stop Yubi.

Fuck! My body froze and hot crystal waters started to run down my face. I felt my heart shattered into pieces and I can't take it anymore. It fucking hurts! How could she do this to me?

I just closed my eyes and turned my back around and run as fast as I could.

"Jennie!" I heard Seulgi shouted but I just ignored her.

Fuck you Lisa! Fuck you!

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