Chapter 4: Happiness

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Lisa's POV

"Uhm, Lisa?" Jennie called me, we are now walking, I'm planning to take her to the shore.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Why do the kids call you oppa? Why did they asked if I am your girlfriend? Who is teacher Chaeng? Are you into girls?" she bombarded me with questions.

"Hey! Easy, I can answer it all." I said raising my hands in front of her while laughing.

So, she is curious. Well since the very beginning, I already know my sexuality. I am attracted to girls and never been attracted to boys. Though there were some who tried to pursue me, I always turn them down and tell them prankly about my gender preference. So they stopped. And now, I'm known in this village as the hottest oppa, kekekeke! Boys were jealous of me because the girls here were drooling over me.

Well, not being cocky, just telling the truth.

"Okay, first, they call me oppa cause they said oppa suits me more than unnie because I'm cool and more handsome than pretty. Kekeke. Second, kids were just curious, they always ask every girls I introduced to them if they were my girlfriend. Third, teacher Chaeng is a volunteer teacher here in the village, teaching kids to read and write. She'll be back here in a month. And lastly, yes. I won't deny, I'm into girls." I said looking her straight in the eyes. I want to be honest.

Jennie was stoned in her position. Crap! Did I freaked her out? I'm just being true. Will she be uncomfortable with me, knowing I'm into girls?

Jennie's POV

"I'm into girls."
"I'm into girls."
"I'm into girls."

I was shocked with her confession. Shit! Why did I even ask her that?

So, she's into girls. How should I react? I never been in this kind of situation before.

"Did I freaked you out? I'm sorry for being to bold. I just wanted to be honest cause I don't want to pretend someone I am not." Lisa said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

"Uhm, hey. That's fine. It's just I don't know what to say? But you being you is fine with me Lisa. I appreciate your honesty and don't worry, I won't judge you. We're cool." I said as I clung into her arms.

I don't care about her gender preference, she is my friend. She saved me. But there is something about her telling me she's into girls that made me somewhat, relieved?

It's not that I'm into Lisa, may or may not? I just met her for Pete's sake! I never been with girls. I had two exes and they were boys. I'm straight, I never been attracted to girls. Well, except with Lisa. Wait! What?! My stupid brain is tricking me again.

"I love your village, so calm and peaceful. All I can hear were the children's laughters, the waves crushing and the salty wind blowing. So relaxing!" I tried to change the topic so it won't be awkward.

"Well, this village is very far from civilization, we don't have electricity here, no televisions, no electronic devices even the market is far, we need to ride a boat for transportation. But this is my sanctuary, my home. Everyone knows everybody here. We are all family. We only have our houses, a small nipa hut as a classroom for the kids, a little clinic for sick people and a tiny store to buy our needs." Lisa narrated, I can see the passion in her eyes. I can tell that she really loves this village and all the people here.

" Life is hard here, but we are happy. And I think that was the most important thing in the world, happiness. " she continued with a smile plastered in her face.

Happiness, the feeling that I've been craving my whole life. I want to be happy too. I want to live my life being happy not being miserable.

" I wish, I could be happy too." I mumbled under my breath.

"Everyone can be happy, it's just a matter of self-choice. Choose to be happy and you will be happy. Easy as that." she said while caressing my arms.

Wow! Hearing those words from her makes me light, as if a burden was unloaded out of me. Maybe running away from my family is a good decision. This is what I want, my freedom, my own happiness.

From now on, I will choose to be happy.

"Let's go there! Under the palm tree. Let's take a nap and go back for lunch. Kekeke." Lisa said as she grabbed my hand.

I was caught off guard with her gesture but it's not uncomfortable tho, it gives me good feeling all over my body.

"Come on Nini! Sit on the sand." she commanded tapping the space beside her.

Wait? Did she called me Nini?

"What? Nini?" I asked with a frown.

"Why? It's cute. I want to call you Nini." she said while pouting. She's so cute.

"Okay then. And you're Lili now too!" I excitedly blurted out.

"Cool! We are Lili and Nini now!" she giggled while clapping her hands.

I sat down beside her and lean my back against the tree. I inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply.

"Waah! This is relaxing!" I shouted.

"Kekeke. Now, try to close your eyes and sleep. It's nice to take a nap here." she instructed me.

With that, I closed my eyes and fall into slumber.

I wish I could stay in here forever.


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