Chapter 30: Preparations

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Lisa's POV

Today is the day! I am going to propose to Jennie tonight. Two weeks had already passed and I carefully planned this day perfectly. I want Jennie to feel how much I love her and how much I wanted her to be with me until the day I die.

I'm so grateful towards Chaeng, she helped me to prepare this special day. Speaking of Chaeng, I am waiting for her to come back from the city. We have a surprise for my girlfriend that surely she would love, want to know what?

It's Jisoo, she is coming with Chaeng to witness her bestfriend's special day.

Jennie doesn't have any idea that tonight is the night that I'll propose to her. I didn't even tell her that I already have the ring though I had it a week ago. She doesn't know that I prepared something for her, she thought that I'll just give her a ring and then that's it, we're engaged, but no, proposal is every girl's dream and I don't want to take it away from my girlfriend especially after Chaeng told me about Jennie's dream proposal since they were in high school.

I told Grandma my plans for tonight and she's helping me to destruct Jennie for the mean time, she's been too touchy and clingy to me this past few days and it's kinda hard to keep this secret from her but thankfully, everything is falling to their proper places without her having a single hint about it.

Grandma and my girlfriend are now in the kitchen, grandma is teaching her how to cook my favorite foods for according to grandma, it will be a good practice before we get married. And ofcourse, being an excited soon-to-be wife, she agreed. Now, I can excuse myself without having much hassle.

It's already 2:30PM and I have to meet Chaeng and Jisoo at the market at exactly 3PM to finish some last touches on our surprise. The proposal will take place in our favorite place, the front beach where we nap every noon. I reminded grandma many times to not let Jennie come out of the house so that she won't see the place.

I smiled remembering how the villagers help me to set up earlier this morning when Jennie thought I was gone for fishing. They put a lot of efforts into it and I can't be more thankful towards them.

"Babe, I'm going to the market. I have to buy some groceries since we are running out of stocked foods already." I said as an alibi.

"Uh, okay. Do you want me to accompany you?" she asked.

"No, it's alright. Besides, you and grandma are cooking. You look sexy holding a ladle by the way." I smirked while looking at her.

"What a pervert! Go now. And be back early. Arasso?" she said giggling.

"Yes boss, do you want something from the market?" I asked to be more convincing.

"Just be home safe and sound, that's all I want." she answered trying to sound like me.

"Yah! That's my line Jennie Kim!" I hissed.

"Whatever. Just be home early babe, and behave, I don't want you hugging other girls in the market or else you'll be a dead meat Choi." she warned.

I know that she's still jealous with Nayeon but I chose not to provoke her. I just nodded and kissed her cheek.

"I will. I love you. See you later baby." I said while looking at her with full of adoration.
I reached the market at exactly 3PM, as soon as I got out of the boat I heard Chaeng's voice.

"Lisayaaa!" she yelled from across the pathway.

I look at Chaeng's direction and saw a beautiful girl beside her whom I supposed it's Jisoo. Was it just me? Or is she really glaring at me like she was thinking of murdering me?

I continued walking and meet them halfway.

"Uh-hi." I greeted awkwardly.

"Hi. I'm Jisoo, Jennie's bestfriend." so I was right, she's Jisoo.

"I'm Lisa, her girlfriend. Nice to meet you Jisoo. I heard a lot about you from her and from Chaeng." I said politely while reaching out her hands for a handshake.

I winced in shock when she gripped my hands tightly.

"I'll get straight to the point Lisa, never ever hurt my bestfriend because if you'll do, I won't hesitate to break all 206 bones in your body." she seriously said while still gripping my hands.

I was about to speak but Chaeng pulled Jisoo's ear making her let go of my hands.

"Don't scare Lisa like that Jisoo! You can't even break a chicken bone properly idiot!" Chaeng snapped at her, I can't help but to laugh lightly.

Jisoo just groaned and sulk beside Chaeng. Haha! She's like her bestfriend, childish sometimes.

"Now, let's go and pick up the flowers and Jennie's dress. You don't have much time Lisa." Chaeng reminded me but before we start to walk, I faced Jisoo first.

"Don't worry Jisoo, hurting Jennie is not on my list. I love her so much to even think about hurting her." I assured her.

"Very well. I'll count on you then." she said while tapping my shoulder. I just smiled and continued walking.

We successfully picked up the roses and Jennie's dress which Jisoo insisted to pay. I had no choice but to let her since she was very persistent.

Now, we are on the boat on our way to the village. It's already 5. Which means, 2 hours before the big moment. We have to hurry so that I can ask SungJae to pick Jennie up since the 4 kids were part of this event.

"Wah! I'm so excited to see Jendeukie! I miss that brat so much!" Jisoo squealed in excitement and I just giggled at her.
Jennie's POV

I swear to God if I will know that Lisa flirted with that Nayeon again, I will really gonna choke her to death. It's already 5:30 and still she's not yet home! When in fact it only takes 1 hour for her to get back every time she will head out to the market.

Aiiish! That monkey! It's already getting dark. 30 more minutes, if she's still not home by that time, I will let her sleep outside our room.

My thoughts were cut off when I felt small hands wrapped around my legs.

"Noona." oh, it's SungJae. He's looking cute wearing plain white t-shirt and black shorts paired with a white walking sandals.

"Hey baby. It's late. What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Lisa hyung told me to give this to you." he replied while handing out a paper bag to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I opened the paper bag and saw a black dress inside with a note that says,

Wear this baby and meet me in our favorite place. Let SungJae escort you. I'll be waiting. I love you.

Your Lisa

My mouth went agape and my heart suddenly pumped faster and faster. What is she up to?

I just shrugged the confusion and followed what she told me to do.


I love you guys. And thank you again and again for the support. You are all amazing. 🌼

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