Chapter 3: Lisa Oppa

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Lisa's POV

This girl is really suspicious to me. I don't trust her. But damn! She is so beautiful. Really beautiful! She got a straight black shiny hair, a very captivating feline eyes, a small but cute nose and a very kissable lips. Her skin is milky, so white. I can't help but to check her out. She is ethereal.

"Lisa, come on. Let's eat." grandma said that stopped me from checking Jennie out.

"Ah yeah, yeah." I sat down on the other side of the table facing Jennie.

"Uhm, by the way, can I ask where my clothes are? And who changed my clothes last night?" she asked.

"Grandma changed your clothes and I washed them this morning before heading out for fishing. Don't worry, they will dry up soon." I nonchalantly told her.

I saw her checked her underwear, I can't help but to laugh inside. Her face became red as a tomato.

"Don't worry, the underwear that I let you use was new, never been used." my grandma said to her since she saw Jennie's reaction after checking her underwear.

"And for the mean time, you will use Lisa's clothes. I'm sorry, it's quite big for your size." my gradma continued.

"No, no. That's okay. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience grandma." she said in a low voice. Maybe she is feeling guilty. But she shouldn't be.

An idea popped up in my head.

"And don't worry Jennie, because I have already washed your underwear too." I teasingly told her with a smirk on my face. Kekeke.

I can see her face doubled the red taint. She is blushing hard. One point! Lisa's effect!

"Uhm, you don't have to do that. But anyways, thank you." she said shyly.

"Okay, okay. After eating breakfast, you two can rest while I'll clean and cook the fish Lisa brought for lunch." grandma said.

We just nodded for response.

After the breakfast, I washed the dishes so that grandma won't tire herself since she will be cooking for lunch.

I headed to my room and saw Jennie standing near the window. She's looking outside and seems lost in her thoughts at the moment.

I tap her shoulder and asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Uhm, yeah. I'm just thinking things like how I ended up here." she seriously told me.

"Why? You don't like our place?"

"No, no. Actually, I like it here. It's just I feel," she sighed deep.

"Lost and afraid." she continued and I can see the hint of tears in her eyes.

I don't know what got into me but I suddenly grabbed her head, put it on my chest and I hugged her by the waist. She didn't say anything but I felt her body stiffened, I gently raised my hand and caress her hair. I heard her soft sobs. She is crying.

"Shhhh. I am not good in saying comforting words but I hope you can find relief just by me hugging you. Don't worry, as long as you're here with us, with me and grandma, you are safe. I promise." I said trying to calm her down.

I really don't know but I think hugging her would gave her comfort even though I am a stranger to her.

"Thank you Lisa. And thank you for saving me last night. I owe you my life." she said and now hugging me back.

Her hug sent a million little shivers all over my body. Her hair smells like citrus, so intoxicating. I feel good just by holding her in my arms.

Jennie's POV

Lisa hugged me, her hug is so warm and welcoming. I felt safe and secured first time in my life. How ironic that I feel this security with a stranger.

I can smell the sea in her clothes and it smells so good. I don't know what I am feeling but it feels like my intestines started to twist and turn inside my tummy. This is a new feeling but it feels so good.

I cried because I wanted to forget everything in my real world. Every time I remember my parents, all I can feel is hatred and pain. They never treated me as their daughter.

Lisa released me from her embrace and moved a step backwards. Why suddenly I felt empty?

Looking in my eyes she said, "Do you want me to tour you around? Maybe it will help you relax a bit."

I just smiled and nod for response.

"Let's go then." she said as she lead the way outside.

We are now walking outside and I noticed that their house was just near the sea. This explains where Lisa got the fish earlier and also explains why she got the chance to saved me.

I am watching Lisa interact with the people in their village, everyone seems to like her especially the kids. I can see them running towards Lisa and clung to her legs and arms. She is so good with the kids.

"Okay kids. We can play later this afternoon but first let me tour your Jennie Unnie in our village. Arasso?" she told the kids while pointing at me.

"Lisa oppa! Is she your girlfriend? I thought Teacher Chaeng is your girlfriend?" a little girl asked her which made her blushed.

I just laughed at her. First, because the kid called her oppa and second the kid thought we were dating. We just met baby girl.

"Aniya. Jennie is my friend. And Teacher Chaeng as well is my friend." she replied while holding both the kid's shoulders.

"Okay oppa! If you say so. But Jennie Unnie and you look good together. I'm hoping I could play with her too." the kid said which made my cheeks hot. Crap. I'm blushing. I pretended not to hear those words and immediately turned my back to hide my reddened cheeks.

" Of course you can. Don't worry, I'll ask her, arasso? "Lisa responded to the little girl.

" Jennie, would you come with me and play with the kids later? If it's okay with you. " she asked me while scratching her nape.

" Of course, it's fine. Besides, I got nothing to do. " I said nodding at her.

" Yey! " I heard the kids shouted in unison.

They run towards me and hugged my legs. Wow! This made my heart happy.

" Unnie, I am Jihyo."

"I am Tsuyu"

"Hello. I am Tae-tae!"

"Hi noona, I am SungJae!"

The four kids introduced their names to me.

"And I am Jennie, I can be your big sister and playmate while I am staying here." I gladly utter.

"Yehey! I will look forward to it pretty noona!" Tae-tae said while clapping his hands.

I slightly blushed because he called me pretty. UWU this kids are so adorable! How I wish I had a baby brother or a baby sister. Maybe my life won't be that sad.

"Okay kids. Let go of Jennie  now, wait for us later. Arasso?" Lisa cuts off my thoughts.

"Yes oppa, see you later." Jihyo said.

While the three others just nodded.

"Let's go Jen." she said.

"Yeah, lead the way Lisa Oppa." I teasingly told her.


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