Chapter 61: Sadist

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Jennie's POV

I felt little hands tapping my cheeks repeatedly but I am too lazy to wake up.

"Mommy~~ I'm hungryyy.. Mommy wake up~~ I want to eat.." I heard SungJae's voice and I forced my eyes to open as I groaned because of sleepiness but I have to get up since my little monster is hungry. He didn't ate dinner last night because he slept the whole afternoon till this morning.

"Good morning my baby." I smiled at him. He's on Lisa's chest laying by his stomach comfortably while looking down at me who is resting on Lisa's arm.

I really love the way we sleep together, Lisa is always our pillow and she never complained about it.

"I'm hungry~~" he whined while pouting.

"Give mommy a morning kiss first then we will go to the kitchen and eat something." I cheerfully said.

He gave me little sloppy kisses all over my face that made me giggle and causing Lisa to move a little.

"Ooops. Let's continue in the kitchen baby. We don't want a grumpy daddy waking up, don't we?" I jokingly asked him. He nodded lightly afraid to wake Lisa up.

I got up from the bed and lifted SungJae up from Lisa's chest. I covered her body with the blanket and kissed her forhead. She must be really tired from last night, we went home almost at midnight since we enjoyed making out in the sand under the moonlight and the stars. My cheeks blushed remembering all the scenarios from last night, I am excited to have a baby with Lisa. We will do anything just to make the process successful. And we are planning to do it the next month.

My thoughts were interrupted when Lisa's phone rang, SungJae get down from the bed and ran towards the side table to get his dad's phone.

"Look! Mommy! It's daddy's phone! Can I play with it?" he's jumping while half yelling trying not to wake up Lisa.

I giggled and walk towards him. I carried him and took the phone but it already stopped ringing. "You can play my phone but not daddy's, I don't trust her phone." he furrowed his eyebrows because of confusion and I just chuckled while pecking his lips. Lisa might be hiding some of my sexy pictures on this phone and I don't want our son to see it and think it's normal.

The phone rang again and the caller is from an unknown number, I look at Lisa and she is still sleeping soundly, I don't want to wake her up so I did answer the call after I put SungJae down the floor.

"Hello." I greeted.

"Hello Miss Manoban. This is Eun Woo from the Seoul Police Station, the two bodies you asked us to traced were already found and currently in the nearest funeral home from this building. It's almost done decaying since it's been months that they were murdered and burried in the forest Namjoon told us." the police officer informed and I can't help but to feel sick hearing about those information. My stomach suddenly felt discomfort.

"Uhm.. This is Jennie Kim, Lisa's girlfriend. She is still sleeping but I'll inform her right away when she woke up, officer." I politely responded.

"Oh hi Miss Kim. I'm sorry I didn't asked first who am I talking to. It's alright but would you also tell her that the bodies will undergo cremation as soon as possible since both are almost done decaying and.." I didn't let the officer finish talking since I can't take it anymore, I want to vomit imagining the bodies.

"Do whatever the best thing to do officer. I will tell Lisa to call you back later. Thank you for the information. Have a great day." I uttered trying not to offend the police officer.

"Okay ma'am. Thank you too. Have a great day." He replied nicely.

I put the phone down and looked at SungJae who is playing with his alligator slipper, I felt sad upon remembering his parents' unlawful death but smiled a little because at least, we have given them the justice they needed and finally we can give them a proper funeral.

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