Chapter 41: Bestfriend

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Jennie's POV

It's been two months. Two fvcking long months. Kai's arrival back here in Seoul will be tonight. Tomorrow, we will start to plan about that bullshit wedding. Fvck them, I won't plan anything because I don't want it in the very first place.

It's also been two months since the last time I saw Lisa. I'm crying every night myself to sleep thinking about her. I ache to be with her, to see her, to touch her. I miss her so much but I can't do anything, I need to obey my father in the fear that he might hurt my love. It takes everything in me not to ran away again and go back to the island. Lisa's life is on the line, I can't risk it.

"Jendeukie, you're losing weight so much. You have to eat and sleep properly. Yah! Jennie Kim! You should take care of your health!" Jisoo whined while checking out my body. I am here inside her office in our company.

"Foods taste bad lately Chu. And sleeping without Lisa's scent is difficult. I miss her.." my tears are on the verge of falling.

Jisoo reached the top of my hand and caressed it. "You and Lisa will get through this Jendeuk. I'm sure Lisa is feeling the same way too, although we only met once, I know how much that girl loves you. She won't give up that easily and of course you too."

I smiled at her weakly and looked at my hand that she is caressing, the engagement ring that Lisa gave is still on my finger. My tears betrayed me again as I reminisce those times Lisa and I shared, those were the happiest and most important times in my whole life. Wait for me Lili. I'll be back to you because I belong to you and only you.
Seulgi's POV

I'm on my way to the island because I can't have a peace of mind until I get to check what's really happening. I know something is wrong, my parents were avoiding topics about the village since they arrived in the city last month. I even asked them about Lisa but they just said that they didn't have any idea when in fact, they should know because Lisa rents boat from us everyday for fishing.

Lisa is the main reason why I am going to the village though my parents warned me not to. I have to see my best friend and make sure she's fine. My parents didn't know this because they would have stopped me if I told them.
As soon as I set my foot on the market, I felt an extreme doleful aura that surrounded me. People seems sad and restless. I can also spot some men in security uniforms roaming around. I am getting confused and curious, I really want to be in the village sooner.

I continued walking to the port where the transportation boat was and when I reached the place, a security came to stop me.

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter the island. That's an order from the owner, the island is no longer held by the government." he stated.

"But I'm not an outsider, I live in the village. I'm just studying in the city. Here, you can check my ID out." I said while handing him my school ID where my address was printed.

The security scrunched his eyebrows for a moment while checking my ID, "Alright, you can pass." he said right after.

I spotted some of the villagers inside the transportation boat but they were keeping their heads low as if they don't want to have a conversation with another person, this is new because usually, people were happily talking when riding the boat. I just take my seat and tried to calm my throbbing head because of unanswered questions.
After a 15-minute ride, I am now here in the village. The securities here is double the number than of in the market. I looked at the surroundings and everything seems fine, it's still the same, I felt a little relaxed after seeing that nothing has changed.

I didn't waste my time, I walked my way to Lisa's house. I miss her so much and we have a lot to talk about so that we can catch up with one another. I also want to see Jennie and ask her if she can still handle my monkey bestfriend. Lisa can be an idiot sometimes.

I didn't mind the securities that I'm passing through, I don't care about them and they can't intimidate me.
My eyes grew wider after I saw Lisa's house. It was burned into ashes. I ran inside it and looked for Lisa but there's no one. The house was badly destroyed.

My heart started to race because of worrying. Where is Lisa? Where is grandma? What happened to their house?

"Seulgi?" my thoughts were cut off when I heard someone spoke. I turned around and spotted Tsuyu's mom.

"Auntie. What happened here? Where is Lisa and grandma Taehee?" I asked her in a flash. But she responded me with only a sad eyes.

"Auntie. Please, answer me." I begged because of confusion. I feel like that my mind is going to explode.

She looked around first to check if someone is near us. She then hold my wrist and said, "Let's talk inside my house. We are not safe here outside." I just followed what she had said.
"Whaaaaat?!!!! Auntie!!! Tell me it's not true!!!!! This can't be Auntie!!!! You're lying!! Right?!! You're lying!!" I kept on shouting after the story she told me.

"Seulgi, calm down. The securities might hear you." Tsuyu's mom said while caressing my arms.

"What was the reason they did that? Lisa is a very good person. No one hates her.. How could that happened?" I said now crying. I can't hold it back anymore. I can't believe that my bestfriend is now gone.

"The day before that happened, some guys went here in the island and take Jennie away. Maybe that was somewhat connected. But we are not really sure."

Jennie? Damn! And now it hit me hard, I don't know who Jennie really is. I just know that she's living with Lisa and grandma but I don't have any idea how they met. Shit. Is Jennie behind this? Please, no.

"Who is the head of the securities Auntie?" I asked the woman in front of me while clenching my fist.

"Namjoon was his name. He usually stays in their base near the clinic." after I heard her answer I quickly turned around, ready to leave but she grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to beat the hell out of them! How could they do it to my bestfriend and grandma Taehee!!! They are demons! Heartless demons!!" I shouted while wiping my tears away. I am very mad. I will kill them although their lives won't be enough to pay for Lisa's life.

"Nooo. Don't Seulgi. They don't think twice killing people that fight against them. Just like SungJae's parents. They killed them too." and after hearing it, I gasped in shock.

"Wh-what? How about SungJae? Where is he? Is he alright?" I pitied the little boy. He's still so young to lose his parents.

"He's alright. He's staying with Tae's family. Please Seulgi, be careful of your actions. Don't fight against them. We can't lose another villager's life in unjust way. Please. Think straight." she calmly uttered. I just nodded and left.

"Lisaaa, please. Help me to understand everything. How dare you to leave just like that?! I hate youuuu! I thought we will stick through thick and thin. Who will be my monkey bestfriend now if there is no more you? Limariooo." I cried and cried in the boat that Lisa used to rent from my family. She's too precious, she didn't deserved that brutality. I need to get the justice that Lisa deserves.


Just a filler chapter to avoid character confusions and conflicts.

Hang on lovies. I love you all. Thank you for the votes and for the comments that keeps me going. Chub chub 😘

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