Chapter 24: Teacher

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Lisa's POV

After the "serious talk" between me and Jennie, we decided to stay for a while before we go back home. She is sitting between my legs and her back was leaning against my chest while my head is resting on her shoulder. I'm playing with her fingers kissing them from time to time.

Nothing more perfect than having Jennie this close.

"Lisayaaa!" someone shouted my name, who would that be? Of course Seulgi bear! Always the Great Moment Destroyer. Ugh!

I just glared at her and continued doing my business with Jennie. But my girlfriend elbowed me signaling to stand up and greet Seulgi. So I did.

"What's up bear?" I asked.

"Smells like a couple became official now, huh?" she said teasing.

I'm about to answer but she cuts me off, "Hey Jennie." she greeted.

"Hi Seulg. Sorry for leaving the party without saying good bye." Jennie apologized shyly.

"No. It's fine. But Limario owes me a very good explanation." Seulgi said eyeing me.

I dragged her 5 meters away from Jennie and told her everything that had happened last night. From Yubi's attempt going back to me to Jennie and mine's relationship.

I could see how disappointed she was with her sister. Seulgi hated Yubi for hurting me back then and for cheating on me. She never had an idea to what her sister was doing behind my back all those times. But I told her that, Yubi is still her sister and what happened between us two should not affect their relationship as siblings.

"I can't really believe Yubi. She's so desperate. She should have thought about it before cheating on you. Now look, it's her loss. Although she's my sister, she deserves it. It's her payment for hurting you." Seulgi firmly spoke.

"It is fine now Seulg. What's important is, Jennie and I were alright. I almost lost her last night, I was so scared." I said almost in a shaky voice.

"I'm happy that you guys are already official. You're so damn lucky having that hot gorgeous lady as your girlfriend Limario. Don't let her go." Seulgi said tapping my shoulder.

"I'm not stupid for that Seulgi. I love her and letting her go is not on my list."

"Excellent! I can't wait to see Little Limario and Little Jennie running around the beach sooner." she teased me.

"Yah! You're always way too advanced! Stop thinking perverted thoughts Seulgi Bear! But how many Little Limario and Little Jennie do you wish to see?" I said that made the two of us bursted in laughters. As if I could make Jennie pregnant. I know there are ways but it's too expensive.

Jennie looked at us confused so Seulgi cleared her throat and dragged me back to my girlfriend.

"Jennie, congratulations by the way. Lisa told me that you two are now official. Please bare with my best friend, you know, sometimes she can really be aggressive." Seulgi said smirking like an evil. Aiiish! Perv Bear as always.

I saw Jennie blushed but still spoke, "Uh-thanks Seulg."

"So yeah, I'm here to bid good bye, I'm going back to the city together with the squad and Yubi." she said in a sad tone.

I came closer to her and hug her tightly, "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too. Huhu." she said faking a sob which made me rolled my eyes.

"Take care Seulgi. And please tell the others too." Jennie said.

"I will Jen. Thank you."
Jennie's POV

After Seulgi left, Lisa and I decided to go back home since it's already noon.
Grandma was already at the house when we came, she was cooking Lisa's favorite food, gamjatang!

My baby keeps on jumping like a kid when she smelled what grandma was cooking.

"Yey! Yey! Yey! I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I wanna eat!" she squealed.

"Aiiish! Stop being childish Lalisa and wait patiently, 5 more minutes and this is done." Grandma scolded her which made me chuckled.

She pouted at me but I just stick out my tongue to her.

"Both of you should prepare the table now so that when the gamjatang is cooked, we can eat right away." Grandma commanded us and we both gladly obeyed.

We devoured our lunch happily. The gamjatang was really good, no wonder why it was Lisa's favorite. She kept on dancing while eating, always the childish that she is. But I can't help but to smile looking at her. She's always contended over small things.

After our lunch is done, Lisa and I decided to talk and tell grandma everything about us and about me.

"So Jennie, you know what's the consequences of your actions, right? You ran away from your parents, I don't want to tolerate it. " Grandma seriously said after I told her my real situation. I gulped hard and I'm getting teary. Maybe grandma would report this to the police.

"But knowing what they did to you was not acceptable. That's not how parents should treat their child. Don't worry sweetie, I would do everything that I can to protect you." Grandma continued that made me burst in tears.

"Grandmaaa, thank you. Thank you." I said the only words that my heart contains. I hugged her tightly after.

"Ahem." I heard Lisa cleared her throat that made me broke my hug with grandma.

"There's one more thing we need to tell you grandma." Lisa said.

"What is it?"

"Jennie and I are in relationship. She's my girlfriend now." she said straight to the point. And for the second time, I gulped hard.

I'm sweating hard because grandma took long to answer. But my eyes widened hearing her reply.

"I already know it. Don't you think I won't know? If you two had been so loud last night? Tsk. Next time, lower your screams, okay? I'm getting old, you're making me nervous." grandma said while glaring both of us.

Lisa and I blushed so hard that we can't even move at our positions. Both of us bowed our heads because of embarrassment.

We heard grandma laughed so hard at our reactions.

"Aigooo. This kids. Don't worry, I'm not against you. Okay? I'll support the two of you. There's nothing wrong in loving someone." Grandma said tapping both of our shoulders.

I heard Lisa sighed in relief and I can't help myself but to sigh to.

At last! Truth was out. I don't have anymore heavy load deep inside me. We will get through this, me, Lisa and grandma. They are my family now and I'll fight for them.

We are in the middle of hugging grandma when we heard a knock on the main door. Lisa quickly stood up.

"Let me get that." she said walking to the door.

"Teacher Chaeng!" Lisa shouted in excitement.

"Lisayaaaa." the other girl said, her voice was familiar but I can't see her face since Lisa is blocking the way.

"Come in." Lisa politely said.

She beckoned the girl inside the house and my jaw dropped seeing who the girl is.

Both of our eyes widened in shock when we met each other's gaze.


We shouted at the same time.

So Teacher Chaeng is Rosie all this time?!!

Welcome to the story Chaengie!!! ❤️

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