Chapter 49: Flashback 2

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Lisa's POV

I wiped Jennie's tears on her cheeks. She's crying because she pity my mom and my father. Their relationship was almost like ours but thank God, we still ended up being together right now.

"Do you want me to continue talking baby? Or do you want to rest now? You've been crying since earlier." I worriedly asked.

"No. You should continue, I can't sleep without knowing everything baby.. I want to know it all. Please." she pleaded. I kissed her temple then continued my story.

"Then Kai came and get you, and after hearing that your parents have a massive debt to him and you were the payment for it, I nearly lost my mind. He took you away from me Nini and it made me feel a worthless piece of shit that I can't do anything about it because I have nothing. I am nothing.. " I am getting teary remembering that awful day.

I am about to continue talking but Jennie stopped me, she faced me and spoke, "No. Don't tell me you're worthless because you are not. Don't tell me you're nothing because you are my everything Lisa.. You are my world." sincerity is overflowing through her feline eyes that are looking straight into me.

"You never failed to flatter my heart Jennie Kim, you know that? What did I do to deserve an angel like you?"

But without answering my questions, my loving girlfriend kissed me passionately but soft. I can't help but to smile in between our kisses.

"How could I finish my story if we keep on kissing in between?" I said chuckling after the kiss.

Jennie laughed lightly while slapping my chest softly, "I missed you so much. If my brain doesn't need answers for a peace of mind, I would love to feel you inside of me right now." she whispered against the skin of my neck. Fvck. It made all the tiny hairs on my nape and on my arms to stand.

"You surely know how to be naughty during a serious talk RubyJane. You really love to tease and make me frustrated, aren't you?" I uttered while caressing her hair.

She laughed hard this time, the laugh that I am willing to hear for the rest of my life. "Why don't you hurry up and finish revealing everything to me so we could have fun the rest of the night?"

This kitten is really the end of me! I know this ain't the right time to be aroused but this dumpling is really testing my hormones. It's funny how we cry then laugh then be serious then make out during this whole talk. Are we crazy? But I guess, this is already our thing in our relationship, feeling different emotions all at once. With Jennie Kim, it just felt right to be this insane.

I gulped hard to shrugged my aching core and continued with my narration, "And the next day when I woke up in the clinic without you in there and realizing what had happened, one thing hit my mind.. I need you to be with me no matter what and if money is the hindrance to be with you, my father would surely be glad to help me with it. That's why I went to the market and call him. He didn't hesitated, he told me that he'll be waiting for us in the market the next morning. But the run of events were not in my favor.. I found out that the village was sold and securities were scattered all over the place, I knew that they were Kai's men.." I clenched my fist because the anger towards Kai started to rise again deep inside me. But Jennie hold it and laced her fingers with mine that made me calm instantly.

I cleared my throat and spoke again,"I knew something was wrong that day. Especially when the night came. I can feel uneasiness all over my body. And yes, my instincts were not wrong, they burned our house with me and grandma inside. How could they do that? I was so angry that time. Grandma was there, she didn't deserve to be treated like that. Grandma should not be included with Kai's insecurities towards me. If he hates me, grandma should be out of it.. He played unfairly since the very beginning. " my tears betrayed me remembering how my grandmother almost lost her breath because of the smoke.

Jennie wiped my tears away and pecked my lips."I'm sorry.. That was all because of me.. You and grandma suffered a lot because of me. I'm sorry baby.. I'm sorry." she said crying while her forehead was glued on mine.

I just hugged her tightly and placed her head on the crook of my neck. "It's not your fault. It's Kai's and his selfishness.. Never blame yourself baby."

She didn't respond so I continued talking again, "But luckily we survived. We used the backdoor to escape.. All the securities were in the front of the house watching our house burned down in flames, that's why grandma and I rode the boat I was renting without an obstacle and without getting caught. I was so relieved the time we reached the market.. We hid at Uncle Seungri's shop until dawn when my father arrived using a yacht that will bring us to the main Jeju point where the airport is located. He told me that were going to Thailand to make a proper plan on how to get you back and how to help your company to be free from debt.. My father is so intelligent, he told me that in business world, dirty games are played. Just like how Kai and his father did to your parents. If Kai loves playing dirty, sure he was hiding something dirty inside his sleeves. So I agreed with him and we flew to Thailand."

I took a deep breath and hugged Jennie's waist. Her head still burried on the crook of my neck."I'm sorry for leaving Korea without telling you. Things were out of hands and the only thing on my mind is to get you back." I whispered against her temple.

She planted a soft kiss on my neck and didn't spoke. Maybe she's too exhausted to talk. I rubbed her back lightly and continued,"When we reached Thailand, my father didn't waste any more time and hired most reliable private investigators in the whole Asia to gather information about Kai and his father. He hired 5 whom started their works right away. My father told me that he didn't want the same thing that had happened between him and my mom to happen again to me that's why he's willing to do everything just to let me have the love of my life again, which is you, my Nini. " I stopped speaking to kiss her forehead.

"I love you Lisa." she weakly uttered with a cracking voice.

"I love you too baby." I tenderly answered.

I inhaled deeply and respoke, "After two months of investigations we finally got all the necessary informations. And we're correct, Kai and his father were doing some illegal stuffs for over the years already. We even found out that he's sabotaging your father's company and intentionally bringing it down for whatever reason he may have."

Jennie clutched her hands on my waist,"It's because of me.. He likes me even before. He intentionally did bring our company down so that my father would ask his help and bury him with debts which he knew my father couldn't pay. He used it so that he can force my father to let me marry him.." and with that my anger towards him fueled even more. What an animal in human form.

"Fvck him. He's really playing dirty all this time. But I'm glad I wasn't too late. I'm glad, I was able to sent all the evidences to your father before he got the chance to marry you. Well, it's all in the plan though, we knew that he was in Japan that time doing his illegal stuffs and I've planned to send it the day after he arrived in Korea. Everything went well according to plan I guess.. " I sighed in satisfaction.

I felt Jennie lift her head up and my eyes met hers, she was shaking and I didn't know why. I held her shoulders firmly and let her speak,"He is an evil.. He.. He almost raped me.." she said with tears in her eyes.

My eyes widened and all I wanted is to kill that fvcking Kim Jongin.

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