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8 months later...

Lisa's POV

"Nini, I am here. Just push harder baby. Push harder." Jennie is now on the delivery room. Our baby is coming out and she's having a hard time pushing our child out.

"Ah! It hurts Lisa! Oh God! It hurts a lot!" she shouted while crying and also sweating a lot. She is holding my hand tightly almost breaking my fingers' bones but I am so nervous to winced in pain. My wife is in a lot more of pain than I am.

"Baby, please. Please come out now. Don't let your mommy suffer for too long. Please baby." I talked to our baby while my other hand is caressing Jennie's belly.

"Mrs. Manoban, one more hard push, I can now see your baby's head coming out. I'll count 1-3 then you'll push." the midwife instructed.

"Nini, you have to push harder. One last hard push and our baby is out." I said while kissing her forehead.

"1.." the midwife started to count.

"2.. 3.. Push!"

"Fvck Lalisa Manoban! We are not having a third child!!!!!!!" Jennie shouted from the top of her lungs making the other nurses inside the room laugh out loud. I mentally face-palmed because of the shyness.

"Good push Mrs. Manoban!" the midwife cheerfully uttered and not too long, a baby's cry occupied the whole room.

My heart suddenly stopped beating for a second. Jennie and I opted not to know the gender of our baby because we want it to be a surprise. We stick to the deal that if it's a girl, I'll be naming her and if it's a boy, Jennie will be the one to name him.

Aqeela Ish is the name that I've come up with, it's an Indian name which means "Wise Protector". I always wanted a girl to protect me from SungJae and Jennie's wrath. The two kittens are really evil when they decided to make fun out of me.

"Congratulations Manobans! You have a healthy baby

boy!" the midwife proudly uttered.

I was a little upset to be honest upon hearing it. But when the midwife walked to me letting me see my child wrapped with a white cloth, every doubt washed away. Now I know what love at first sight means like.

"He's so beautiful." I gasped upon seeing his pretty face. The midwife handed him to me and I wrapped his tiny body around my arms gently.

He looks a lot like me. His doe eyes, his nose, his plump lips. I didn't realized that I am already crying not until a tear fall into his mushy cheek making him cry.

"Shhhhh. Don't cry baby. Daddy's here. Don't cry." I tried to soothe him while swaying my body lightly but he won't stop crying.

I heard Jennie chuckled from behind before she spoke weakly, "Come here. Let me see my little angel."

I walked towards her and put our baby on her chest. The little boy stopped crying for an instance.

"He might be looking for his mother's touch. He stopped crying because he knows exactly the sound of his mom's heartbeat." the midwife fondly stated making me and Jennie smile.

"Congratulations again. We will be out so you can have a moment with your new born angel." she continued.

"Thank you so much for taking care of my wife." I sincerely said before they walked out the door.

I looked back to Jennie who is staring at our son lovingly. "He's a mini version of you Lili. Oh God. He looks exactly like you. Look at that gorgeous little boy." my wife sweetly stated but the crack on her voice won't hide the fact that she is crying.

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