Chapter 22: The Past

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Jennie's POV

I woke up feeling exhausted. Lisa literally drained my whole system, both emotionally and physically. It was truly a roller coaster ride of events last night. Lots of unexpected things happened yet I'm glad we've made it up for each other before the night ended.

We made love for only God knows how long. We devoured each other's body, marking our own territories for Lisa is mine and I am hers. We didn't stop banging each other until we both reached our 6th orgasm then passed out. How fantastical is that? I admit, Lisa is really good in bed. She can be smooth, she can be rough. And rough Lisa is my favorite, I love it when she's possessive and territorial. Indeed, she's a beast. A beast that only me can tame.

I'm still lying on the futon mattress snuggling next to a sleeping Lisa. Both of us still naked under the thick blanket. Today is Sunday, she didn't need to go out for fishing for it is her rest day. Good, because I'm planning to talk to her later and give her a chance to explain everything about Yubi and her friends, I want to have clarifications for the sake of a peaceful mind. And in addition, I want to be honest with her, I'll tell her everything about me, how did I ended up here and who the real Jennie is.

I'm quite nervous thinking what would be Lisa's reaction of me hiding a secret from her. Nonetheless, I'll still have to face the truth before everything will be too late. Regretting is always the last thing on my list.

"Baby." I said waking her up. It's already 9 in the morning, probably grandma is already gone for market since Sunday is her grocery day.

"Baby, wake up." I tried again to wake Lisa up but all she do was stir.

So I decided to leave her alone first and prepare our breakfast.

After I dressed myself up, I headed out to the kitchen to cook something but luckily there's already cooked foods on the table, the usual, fried eggs and toast. I saw a note under the plate so I read it.

Lisa, Jennie, I already left for market and I'll be back before noon. I didn't bother to wake up both of you because I thought that maybe you were tired because of the party last night. Eat your breakfast sweeties, there's a chicken soup on the pot, just heat it up again.


How sweet is that? I'm really lucky having this two angels in my life, grandma and Lisa. I never thought that someone as kind as them would exist in reality.

I'm engrossed making two cups of black coffee when I felt someone's arm wrapped around my torso backhugging me. Of course who would that be? None other than, my Lisa.

"Niniii." she lazily said resting her head on my shoulder.

"Mmm? Still sleepy?" I asked her holding her hands that were on my belly.

"Not really, I'm just feeling tired. My whole body aches baby." she complained.

I just turned my body around so that I can face her, I kissed her lips quickly then her neck to her shoulders to her chest. I bended slightly to leave another kiss on her abdomen. I stood up straight again and captured her lips kissing her in a long tender way.

"Still tired baby?" I asked her grinning after the kiss.

"Are you a magical healer or something? I feel very good now." she said backing away from me while jumping and kicking the air.

I just laughed at her silliness. "Come on, let's eat. I'm hungry. You've drained me last night." I said teasing her.

I saw her blushed, "Uhm, sorry?" she said not sure if it's the right thing to say.

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