Chapter 20: Surreal

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Jennie's POV

I love you Jennie. Be my girlfriend.

I love you Jennie. Be my girlfriend.

Did I heard it correctly? Lisa loves me and asking me to be her girlfriend? Here she goes again, making me feel a whirlpool of emotions. I was cursing and hurting her for kissing another girl earlier and now she would kiss me and tell me she loves and wants me to be her girlfriend. She's really driving me crazy!

And here I am, looking through her beautiful eyes that only speak sincerity and genuineness then boom, all of my insecurities, pain and hatred washed away in an instance again. The things only Lisa can make me feel.

After hearing her explanation, all I can say was damn! I was an idiot for overreacting like that. Lisa is right, I know her better than that. I know that she wouldn't do such thing to me. But fucking jealousy ate me again! I can't stand seeing Lisa with someone else. It makes me mad and makes me not to think straight especially that they were kissing, it literally killed me inside.

"Nini,it's okay. You don't have to answer me right now. I know that everything is happening fast again and might confusing you but I will explain everything to you. About me and Yubi. And about us. But Nini, please believe me if I say I love you because I really do and thinking about losing you is making me insane. I love you Nini, only you." she said with so much gentleness in her voice.

I know that what she said was all true, her eyes speaks with all honesty every time she's looking at me. Now, I feel bad for accusing her for using me especially for cursing her, she didn't deserve to hear all those words, she even received a lot of hits from me, I shouldn't have punched and slapped her. I am being a bitch towards her. Yet she's here, never wanted to let me go. What have I done in my past life to deserve you Lisa?

I hugged her tightly and buried my face into her chest. I can't help but to cry again. I'm so dense earlier, I should have listened to her first.

"I'm sorry Lili. I'm so sorry. I should have waited for you. And I shouldn't have been a dense bitch towards you. I'm sorry for acting that way because of damn jealousy. I'm sorry for hurting you Lili. I'm sorry." I cried harder and harder, I feel guilty, I feel bad.

Lisa pulled away from my hug and lifted my chin so that I could face her. She wiped my tears away again using her thumb.

"Shhh. Stop crying, will you? It hurts me seeing you like this. Don't be sorry, I understand you Nini. I would have gone mad too if it was me on your shoes. Please stop crying now, hmm?" she warmly said caressing my face with her fingers.

I don't know what to say, I just nodded and said, "Kiss me Lili."

Lisa smiled happily and without a word, she captured my lips with hers, kissing me passionately. I can feel her love through her kisses. I know for sure that Lisa is assuring me that it's only me she wanted to kiss like this.

I snaked my hands in the back of her neck pulling her closer to deepened our kiss. She bit my lower lip and I gladly gave her an entrance, her tongue made its way inside my mouth and I can't help but to suck all the sweetness from her mouth. The taste of the beer was still there but it made her even sexier.

As our kisses became more aggressive, her hands fell into my butt pushing me up. I wrapped my legs around her waist and now she's carrying me while kissing and sucking my mouth hardly. I can't help but to moan lightly because of the burning sensation inside of me.

It lasted long enough until we felt the need of air. We pulled out from each other's mouth and pant hard grasping for air while she still carrying me. She rested her forehead against mine and stared straight at me smiling widely.

I can't help but to smile back at her. I gave her a peck on the lips and I kissed her forehead for a couple of minutes before looking straight into her stunning brown orbs.

I inhaled deeply and said, "I love you too Lisa."

I saw her eyes opened widely and her mouth went agape.

"Oh my God." the only words she uttered before tears run down her face.

I panicked a little and wipe her tears using my palms. But after a few seconds, she smiled sweetly and buried her head in the crook of my neck. I never mind our awkward position right now, I'm still intertwining my legs on her waist while she's still carrying me.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear it from you Nini. I love you so much. Thank you for making me the happiest person alive right now." she said against the skin of my neck.

I felt millions of little thunderbolts rushed through my body. This is one of Lisa's effects on my system that I'm quite familiar with. I just smiled and stroke her hair gently.

"Take me home Lili." I whispered against her head.

She then lifted her head up and kissed me again quickly, "Arasso." she said.

I was about to let go from her when she tighten her hold on my hips.

"Nope. I'm going to carry you home. And I don't accept complaints." she said that made me giggled.

"Guess I have no choice then." I replied then kissed her on the cheek.

She secured my position first scared of dropping me. I helped her by putting my arms around her neck and tightening my legs' grip on her waist. I also rested my head on her shoulder leaving small kisses all over it.

She started walking and we chose not to talk even a single word. But this silence speaks everything, the contentment, the love and the happiness are clearly dominating our souls.

I can hear the waves crushing gently to the shore. The winds whizzing against our ears.

Lisa continued to walk letting the moon above to be her light and guide home.

Being with Lisa is always a surreal feeling. It feels like dreaming. Joy was right when she said that I will be the luckier one if I'll have Lisa. That's true, I am luckier having her than she having me.

I never felt this happy before although I lived the life of a princess. I had everything that I wanted back in the city, everything that money could buy.

But I'll never regret running away from that luxurious life because I found myself somethings that even trillions of money can't buy, love, happiness, contentment and most of all Lisa. My Lalisa.

I'll do everything to make sure that Lisa and I will last. I know sooner or later, my father would find me. But I'll fight for Lisa and for our love. She's everything I have right now, losing her will be the end of me.

"I love you my Lili." I softly whispered enough for Lisa to hear.

"I love you too my Nini." she replied kissing my temple.

I can't help but to smile and think, I'm the most fortunate woman having someone like Lalisa Choi.

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