Chapter 5: New Things

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Lisa's POV

I was about to say something when I felt Jennie's head fell into my shoulders. I heard her breathing became even, which means she fell asleep.

I tilted my head so that I could see her face clearly. She is really beautiful and even more beautiful this close.

Jennie is so mysterious. I know I just met her but I can see sadness in her eyes. I know there is something inside her that she doesn't want to open up. I can sense that she is lying about losing her memory, I know there is a deeper reason behind it. I will just wait for her to spill it out herself. For now, I will just go with the flow.

"Whatever is bothering you, just know that I am here to listen, Nini." I whispered against her head while tucking some hair strands at the back of her ear.

I closed my eyes and sleep.

Jennie's POV

I heard what Lisa said, I don't know but every words she utters makes me feel secure and warm inside. She is a very genuine person, I can see it clearly.

I felt her head lean against my head on her shoulder. Why is that I can feel contentment at this moment? With her beside me everything seems to be perfect.

Yah! Jennie! Stop thinking those things! You just met each other! Calm yourself!

I need this kind of things, sea, salty but refreshing air and a friend to lean on.

Today, the Jennie Kim who is sad, miserable and hopeless is gone. Starting right now, I will be Nini. I will live my life and be happy, with Lisa, with grandma and with the villagers here on this Island. I will make this place my home, my safe haven.

With those thoughts, I fell asleep again.


"Nini, wake up. It's almost noon, grandma might be waiting for us." I felt Lisa gently tap my head.

"Uh, yeah. Let's go back." she stood up first and helped me to stand too. She pulled me up when my foot stumbled on a rock that made me lose my balance and ended up falling on top of Lisa who lost her balance too and now lying her back on the sand. Her face is so close to me. One wrong move and my lips will touch hers.

Tug.. Tug.. Tug..

What was that? Was that my heart beat? Or was that hers? It's so loud I can't hear anything.

I look straight at Lisa's eyes, her beautiful doe eyes that can tell a thousand words just by looking at them. She's so beautiful. My eyes landed on her lips.

Jennie! Control yourself! Stop fantasizing Lisa's lips!

Yes, I can't. We just met. This is wrong.

"Hmmm. I think we need to get up now Nini. You are heavy." Lisa complained while giggling.

"Yah! I'm not heavy! Are you indirectly telling me that I'm fat?!" I shouted, got up and leave her lying on the sand.

"Nini! Wait for me." I heard her shout while laughing.

Aiiish. This monkey! I have to act pissed off to recover from that awkward position.

Lisa's POV

"Niniyah! Come on! I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously." I said as soon as I caught her. Wew! She walks so fast.

Actually, I told her she was heavy because I'm out of words to say. Our face was so close and I felt giddy. I wanted to grab her head and kiss her lips so badly but I have to control myself. We just met. I'm not even sure of what she thinks or feels about me, maybe I'll freak her out if I initiated a kiss.

"Nini! Look, I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean it." I begged.

I saw her stopped walking, glared at me and said, "Okay, I'll forgive you if only you piggyback ride me until we reached home." she casually said.

"Woah! Easy. Okay, hop on!" I said while slightly bending my knees and letting her face my back.

After she settled herself at my back, I started to walk home. I felt Jennie's chin landed on my shoulder.

"I'm hungry Lili." she whined and I can sense that she is pouting.

Without saying a word, I run fast which made her hand tighten it's grip around my neck.

"Holy Crap Lisayah! I almost fell because of you! Slow down, you monkey!" she protested angrily which made me burst out in laughter.

"I need to hurry because you said you were hungry. I don't want you to starve!" I told her still laughing hard.

We reached home while I am panting real hard.

"Where have you been? It's lunch time. Let's eat." grandma shouted from the kitchen.

I put Jennie down and was surprised when she bit my ear.

"Ouch! That hurts!" I screamed in pain.

"Serves you right for being a stubborn monkey! I almost got a heart attack back there! I told you to slow down but you didn't listen!" Jennie stated in a pissed off tone.

I was about to speak but grandma cut us off by pulling both of our ears.

"Ouch! Grandma! It hurts!" I shouted. My ear was double killed.

"Grandma! Stop! Ouch!" Jennie winced in pain.

"You two stop bickering! Don't let the food waiting!" grandma scolded us.

We settled ourselves in the dining table and eat peacefully, no one dared to talk because grandma seemed to be pissed off.

I looked at Jennie and she looked back at me, I winked at her but she just rolled her eyes. Kekeke. I have an idea.

"Jennie, since I was the one to washed the dishes earlier, you will be in charged for washing it after this lunch." I mischievously told her with a smirk in my face.

She glared at me but she heard grandma cleared her throat. She then sighed in defeat.

"Aiiish! Arasso Monkey!" she stated sticking her tongue out.

It made me giggle. Kekeke. Childish mandu! I can see in my peripheral view that grandma is fighting herself not to smile.

Yeah, I know grandma. I know that you find us cute together. Ehee.

Everything felt so good. I can sense new things are starting to develop. I don't know exactly what it is but I know it is right. And I want to savor every bits of it.


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