Chapter 6: Simple Yet Perfect

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Jennie's POV

2 weeks had passed. And everything became more perfect as it was already. Lisa and I became closer to each other. She is fishing every morning while I'm helping grandma cook our breakfast, we stroll in the beach and take a nap under the palm tree every noon and play with the kids every afternoon.

Life was simple and I like it. We decided to divide the household chores, I am the one who is in charged washing the dishes and cleaning the house while Lisa was the one who gets water from the well, chopping firewoods and washing our clothes since I don't know how to. Grandma on the other hand cooks our food and do the groceries every Sunday.

Lisa and me are currently under the palm tree, she is laying her back against the sand while her head is resting on my lap. I'm leaning my back against the firm tree. My left hand is playing with her bangs while my other hand is holding a book, I saw this book on Lisa's mini bookshelf and got interested reading it. It is entitled "The Great Gatsby", it's a great book.

I don't know how we became this clingy but it felt amazing. She never complained so do I. We just like being this close to each other.

This past 2 weeks, I haven't really thought about my real life in the city. I pushed aside all the painful memories from the city and tried to enjoy every single moment here in the island. I am happy and contented. I wish I could stay here forever.

My thoughts were cut off by a voice shouting Lisa's name. Lisa sat up and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

"Hey! Seulgi!" Lisa shouted back and stood up. She meet the girl half way and hugged her tightly which made the girl giggle.

I felt heavy on my chest. I don't know why but I don't like what I just saw. I looked at the girl and scanned her, she is beautiful and hot if I'll be honest. I can't help but to clenched my fist. What is happening to me?

Lisa walked back to my direction while dragging the girl with her.

"Uhm, Seulg, this is Jennie, she is staying with me and grandma for a while now and Nini, this is Seulgi, my best friend here but she studies in the City and just come home once in a while." Lisa introduced us.

"Woah! Limario! You have a very beautiful girlfriend here." Seulgi exclaimed.

Before Lisa could respond, she continued talking, "Nice meeting you Jennie." she said smiling at me offering her hand for a handshake.

I stared at her with an IDGF look. I'm still pissed on how touchy she was with Lisa.

But being a polite person, I reached her hand and shook it.

"Nice meeting you too." I said with a cold voice.

I was taken aback when she suddenly lean near my ear and whispered, "If you are jealous. Please don't be. I'm also gay and Lisa is not my type." I saw her smirked.

What? Who is jealous? I'm not jealous! But well, I'm relieved.

Before I can say anything Lisa pulled me closer to her and said, "She is not my girlfriend Seulgi.She is my friend. Long story but yeah, we're friends." Lisa barged in.

"Maybe you meant,"not yet" Limario? " Seulgi teased her. It made the both of us blushed.

Oh, I like Seulgi now. She is not definitely a threat. What? Shut up stupid brain!

Seulgi chuckled while looking at Lisa and me.

"Okay, okay. I came here to invite you, there will be a party in my house on Saturday night . It's my birthday party. I only invited my closest friends here. And you, being my best friend, your attendance is a must. You could bring your Nini with you." Seulgi said moving her eyebrows up and down looking at Lisa.

Lisa tensed and swallowed hard before talking.

"That would be nice if it's okay with Jennie." she said looking at me as if asking a permission.

"That is fine with me. I would love to go." I said smiling at her.

"So, expect us this Saturday Seulg." she said now looking at Seulgi with a grin on her face.

"Very good! So? See you in 3 days? I'll be back in the city this afternoon and buy the stuffs I'll be needing and maybe be back here on Friday night." Seulgi responded.

"Arasso. Thank you Seulg!" Lisa spoke.

"I'll be going then. Bye Limario, be a good boy." Seulgi teased Lisa while tapping the latter's head.

"Aiiish! Seulgi bear!" Lisa whined.

"Bye Jennie. See you at the party." Seulgi waved her hands in front of me ignoring Lisa.

"Okay. See you Seulgi." I responded with a genuine smile.

After the talk with Seulgi, Lisa and I headed back home. We had our lunch and now we are preparing snacks, we are going to play with the kids this afternoon.

We decided to have a picnic at the beach and go for a swim.

We prepared sandwiches, fruits and juice. One thing I have noticed about Lisa was, she is very generous, despite of her small income from selling fishes, she still tries to give tokens or foods to the kids and the rest of her money will go to grandma, it was for our groceries and needs.

Sometimes, I feel guilty for being a burden, I wanted to help her fishing and earn money but she told me not to. She assured that it's fine and that she can sustain our daily needs.

She is so kind and genuine. Her grandma is so lucky to have her and also the kids.

And of course, me.

"Nini, uhm. Here, take this." Lisa said while handling me a paper bag. I opened it and saw a yellow dress with cute little daisies imprinted on it.

"Wow! It's very pretty Lili. But where did you get this?" I asked her with a sparkling eyes.

"Uhm. I sold more fishes than usual this morning. So I decided to go to the market and buy you a dress. I just thought that maybe you might be sick wearing my shabby clothes. Kekeke." she shyly told me while scratching the back of her nape.

Oh my God Lisa. There you again. Why are you so sweet and thoughtful? I can feel the butterflies in my stomach being extra wild, I know that they were there for a while now. It feels so right and it makes me happy.

"No Lisa. I love your clothes, they smell nice just like you. They were comfortable and don't you dare say that they were shabby because they were not. But thank you for the dress, really. But Lili, you don't have to buy things for me. You worked hard for that money, I don't deserve it. " I told her while holding the top of her hands.

" Don't think about it Nini. I don't really care about the money. I can still earn it tomorrow or the next days. And the money I gave to grandma today was a pretty good amount to sustain us for a week. So don't worry, okay?" she sincerely said while looking straight to my eyes.

I can't say a word. Lisa is damn perfect in every way and in everything she do.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and just hug her tightly. She did the same. She grabbed my body leaving no gap between us, I put my head on her chest and she rest her chin above my head. We don't say anything, we just feel the moment.

Being with you is so good to be true Lisa. With you, I can feel thousand of unknown feelings. If this a dream, please don't wake me up.


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