Chapter 19: Be My Girlfriend

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Lisa's POV

After Jennie and Joy left for the restroom, Yubi approached me even closer.

"Go on Yubi. Talk now." I said stopping her to take another step forward.

"Can we talk privately? Please?" she pleaded.

Knowing Yubi, she wouldn't stop insisting unless she was able to got what she wanted. I can't win this argument so I have to agree. Anyway, I have to clear things and get a closure between us since we didn't had the chance for a proper one.

"Sure. Let's take a walk then." I said coldly.

We were walking beside the seashore. I'm a little ahead of Yubi, she's behind me, following silently. When I noticed that we were far enough for a private talk, I stopped walking and faced her.

"Now, talk." I said.

"Why do you have to be this cold Lisa?" she said with a sad eyes.

"And what do you want me to do then? Be nice like you didn't hurt me before?" I said sarcastically.

"Lisa that was 2 years ago. And I admit, that was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my whole damn life. I wish I could bring that time back and never leave you!" she said now crying.

"That's useless Yubi. Regret is useless! Nothing won't change! Yubi, I loved you so much before! You know that! Everybody has a choice but still you chose to hurt me." I laughed bitterly.

"I still love you Lisa! I never stopped loving you and I don't know if I could ever stop! What happened was the fruit of my selfishness and greed. I thought money would make me happy. But no Lisa, it was you who could only make me happy." she said trying to hold my hand but I shoved it away.

"Are you hearing yourself Yubi? Dang it! You can't go back being away for 2 years and say those fucking words! That's ain't love Yubi! No!" I laughed sarcastically.

"Lisa, don't you love me anymore?" she asked sobbing.

"Are you seriously asking that after 2 years? What do you expect me to do? Still love a cheating woman who broke up with me after we had freakin hot sex and ran away the next day with some fucking rich CEO's son? Damn! You're insane Yubi." I blurted sharply.

"I'm sorry Lisa. But believe me or not, I broke up with him a year ago because I realized that it's you I desired to be with. I wanted to come back earlier for you but I don't have the strength to face you. I'm so ashamed of myself." she stated.

"You can't play someone's feelings like that Yubi. Be with them, leave them and come back to them anytime you wanted. No Yubi. It's selfish. You're only thinking about yourself and that's not how love works." I said trying to explain my point.

"Lisa give me a chance. Please." she said almost out of breath because of crying.

"I can't. There is no chance between us anymore Yubi. I have someone in my heart right now. I love her, I can't lose her." I said now in a calmer tone.

"Was it Jennie?" she asked looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes. It's Jennie. And I love her so much." I replied with all my honesty.

"Why? Can she love you better than me Lisa?" she said making my blood boil.

"If you're thinking that I used Jennie to moved on from you, you're wrong Yubi! I've already moved on from you before I met Jennie. And don't you dare compare her to you because she's far from being a selfish freak like you." I barked at her.

"I guess I'm too late. I'm sorry Lisa." she said crying even harder.

"I already forgave you a long time ago Yubi but you know that minds don't forget. But don't worry I'll try to let go of those bad memories. Regardless of everything Yubi, you were still my best friend before everything happened. I still wish for your happiness. So please, try to let go of our past too. " I said full of sincerity.

"I will Lisayaa. But please let me be selfish one last time."

Before I could process the words she had said, I felt her hands grabbed my neck and she kissed me harshly.

My body stiffined and my brain froze, I couldn't move even a single inch because of the shock that was overflowing through my whole system.

When I recovered myself, I was about to push Yubi away but I heard a shout.

"Jennie!" it was Seulgi's voice.

I suddenly felt cold all over my body. Oh my God! Jennie can't see what had just happened! Fuck! She'll get the wrong idea!

With all my might, I pulled out Yubi away from me and looked at her with disgust, "Don't you ever dare to be near me again Yubi! You're a crazy woman! Fix yourself Yubi!" I shouted and ran away from her.

I saw Jennie also running fast away from the venue.

I ran passed by Seulgi whose looking at me with an unbelievable expression. I can't talk to her right now, I should catch Jennie first. I just stared at her as if saying "I'll explain to you later." And I know Seulgi understood it.

"Jennie!" I shouted from the top of my lungs but she never stopped from running. I doubled my pace and ran faster until I was able to caught her.

I grabbed her wrist but before I could say even a single word, a very hard and heavy slap landed on my cheek. As I looked into her face, I saw how swollen her eyes were because of crying and also how furious those brown orbs were because of anger at this moment.

"Fuck you Lisa! How could you do this to me? I thought you were sincere about everything you were doing! I believed in you Lisa! I believed that we could be more than just a kissing and cuddling with no label buddy! For Pete's sake, I even lost my virginity to you because I thought you were worth it! How could you break me like this? Am I just a toy to you? Tell me Lisa! Tell me! Did you just used me for the mean time that Yubi was not around?" she shouted while throwing punches and slaps into my chest and crying her heart out.

I can't feel the pain of her punches and slaps anymore what I feel was her pain. I know she's badly hurt and it breaks me seeing her in this state and it doubled the pain knowing I am the reason why she's crying so hard. Her words pierced into my heart like a spear. Jennie don't deserve this.

Before she could say another word, I grabbed her head and crashed my lips into hers. But she pushed me away.

"You can't kiss a girl after kissing another girl Lisa! This is ridiculous!" she shouted but I just engulfed her inside my arms. She was about to push me again but I tighten my hug even more until I heard her loud sob against my chest.

I didn't even notice the tears that started to flow down my face too.

"No Nini. It's not like what you saw. She kissed me but I never did kissed her back! I can't imagine myself kissing another girl aside from you Jennie. You know me better than that Nini." I said while burying my head on her hair.

All I heard was her sobs and heavy breathing. I let go of the hug and cupped her face. I wiped her tears using my thumb and I looked at her tenderly.

"Never think that I just used you while Yubi was not around because you know it's not true. I have already moved on from her before I've met you Nini. So please, listen to me. You are not a toy to me, God Jennie! You're everything to me right now. You and grandma. You are my home. I can't stand seeing you hurt like this. I'm sorry for being a coward not to admit this to you earlier but, I love you Jennie. I love you so much. Please be my girlfriend." I said full of love and affection.


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