Chapter 56: Jealous

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Jennie's POV

I engulfed Lisa into a very tight hug after I saw the name. She's so sweet in everything. I can't believe that someone just named an island after me.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." I repeatedly said while continously pecking her on the lips.

"I love you too Jennieyah." she replied while pecking my lips back.

"Hello?! We are here!" Jisoo disgustingly yelled while pulling me away from Lisa.

"Continue it when we're not around. Lisa's father is watching too if you don't remember." Jisoo whispered to me that made my cheeks blushed so hard. Shit. I forgot that Mr. Manoban is also with us.

I am mentally cursing myself when a familiar voice shouted my name,"Jennieyah! Sweetie!" my face suddenly lit up upon seeing grandma walking towards us.

"Grandma!" I squealed instantly forgetting that I just kissed Lisa in front of her dad. I ran towards grandma and embraced her warmly the moment I reached her.

"I miss you so much! Oh God! I love you grandma!" I half yelled because of the excitement. I didn't notice that my tears are falling again down my cheeks. At least, the reason that I am crying lately is not about how miserable I am anymore but because of too much joy that my heart couldn't handle.

"Aigo! I miss you too sweetie. I am glad you are fine." Grandma replied while caressing my back.

"Aniya! It should be me, the one to be glad that you are fine.. I almost died because of the loneliness when I believed that Lisa and you were dead.. I'm very happy that it's not true and both of you are here in front of me.. I'm sorry grandma." I can't stop sobbing while saying those words.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault sweetheart.. Now, stop crying. The whole village is waiting for all of you at the front beach near our house for lunch. Lisa instructed Mr. Hanbin to prepare a small feast which I doubt it's small because surely it is not." Grandma chuckled while pulling out from the hug.

I just smiled at her and grabbed her right arm letting her lead the way. "Yah! How about me?!" Lisa shouted from the back. I turned my head and just stick my tongue out to her that made Jisoo and Rosie tease her by shouting "Boo!"

Lisa's POV

Jennie Ruby Jane Kim surely loves mocking me. Tssss.

I just let her and grandma walked together ahead of us followed by the savage couple Chaesoo, with my father and me at the back. SungJae is still sleeping on my father's shoulders.

"Jennie is really a very wholesome lady. She's for keeps. You should keep her well my child." my father said out of nowhere.

I smiled at him, agreeing on what he said. "Yes, she is. I'm not planning to let her go dad. It's either marrying her or not getting married at all." I proudly uttered.

My dad chuckled with his very manly voice. "You are a lot like me. We have the same level of loyalty towards a girl. Look at me, I never marry another woman because they are not your mom. She's the only one I want to be with just like how you feel towards Jennie."

"Because mom and Jennie were the last ones of their kind dad. You will never meet someone like mom and I will never meet someone like Jennie. We are lucky to have them dad. Although mom is not around anymore, I know that her heart only belongs to you from the past up until now that she's in heaven." I said while smiling wholeheartedly.

"You really grew up well my Pranpriya. I am glad to be with you although it's kinda late, at least I've got the chance to be a father and to be a grandfather. I'm looking forward for another little Manoban. Arasso? I preferred a dozen if Jennie could take it." my dad jokingly stated.

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