Chapter 21: Yours

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Jennie's POV

"Are you tired Lili?" I asked Lisa since she's been carrying me for almost 10 minutes now and we are still half far from home.

"No. Why would I be tired if I'm carrying my strength?" she said making me giggle.

What kind of pick up line was that? Goodness Gracious! We're not teenagers anymore. But I must admit, it made my heart fluttered and my cheeks blushed. That was corny but damn, it's Lisa who said it.

"Since when did you became this cheesy Lalisa?" I teased her.

"Since a certain mandu named Jennie happened." she teased me back.

I felt the butterflies inside my stomach whirling wildly. Strike two! How could this simple cheesy lines affect me this much? Then again, because it's Lalisa Choi who said it.

I didn't respond anymore because I know the moment I'll speak, I will end up stuttering. I just burried my face into Lisa's neck and kiss it softly.

Damn! I'm whipped!
Lisa's POV

I can't help but to smirk to myself, I know I made Jennie giddy because of those cheesy lines. But the heck! That's not even my style but for Jennie, it would be an honor to embarrassed myself in front of her. I just love her that much.

I just continued walking, honestly, I don't feel weary at all, carrying Jennie like this gives me a peace of mind, it's odd, but it makes me calm inside. I love having her this close to me.

After the long walk, we finally reached home, the door wasn't locked but the keresone lamps were off, only means that grandma was already asleep. Aish! Maybe she forgot to lock the door again. Well, she always does.

Jennie was about to hop down from my torso but I didn't let her.

"Nope. Not until we reached our room." I said stopping her. Then I smirked looking into her eyes with desire.

Jennie seemed to understand what am I trying to imply, she just nodded while biting her bottom lip seductively. That's nasty Jennie!

I suddenly felt the fire ignited inside my body, Jennie sure was really good in turning me on.

I didn't waste anymore time, I eagerly closed the main door and locked it while Jennie was still glued on my body.

Before we could enter our room, I almost lost it when Jennie started to kiss my neck roughly. Oh my God! If not for Grandma, I would love to do her in that freakin wooden chair in the living room.

When we reached the front door of our room, my hand was shaking trying to twist the knob while Jennie is still doing her little nasty show now licking my earlobe. Aish! This girl surely will be the end of me!

Thank God I successfully made our way inside my room without me dropping Jennie on the floor. When she heard the lock clicked, she stopped ravashing my neck and stared into my eyes with her dark brown orbs filled with lust.

The room though we don't have a lighted lamp still slightly luminous because of the moonlight creeping through the window. I can still see her clearly.

I can't help but to pin her back against the door and attack her very tempting mouth. I kissed her hungrily like there's no tomorrow while squeezing her ass firmly making her unconsciously grind against my crotch.

She placed her hands in the back of my head pulling a handful of my hair which made me moan lightly.

"Put me down Lili. And undress me." she said seductively making my sex throb in excitement.

I followed her wish, I put her down slowly and without a word I unzipped the back of her dress while licking her sexy collarbone.

The dress gracefully fell down to her feet making her to kick it away. Now, she was only left with her laced undergarments. I eyed her from top to bottom appreciating her perfectly curved body and unreal beauty, Jennie is really drop dead gorgeous.

"See all of this?" she asked pointing herself from head to toe. I nodded eagerly in response.

She leaned forward to my ear and whispered, "This is all yours Lisa."

And I swear to God, I lost my sanity hearing those words from her.

I grabbed her head and kiss her passionately. I felt her hands move unbuttoning my long sleeve polo and when she's done, I helped her by shoving it and tossing it away.

She ran her fingers through my neck down to my stomach which made me groan because of the sudden contact.

She then unbuckled my belt and harshly unzipped my pants and pushed it down getting rid of it.

"Yes Lisa." she said out of the blue which made me furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I haven't yet answered you earlier when you asked me to be your girlfriend, my answer is yes Lisa. I want to be your girl." she continued looking straight at me with loving eyes.

I was dumbfounded for a moment. I don't know what to say, my heart suddenly pumped harder and faster, I think it's going to jump out of my chest. Gosh! I already saw this coming, I already knew that Jennie would be my girlfriend but hearing it directly from her made me feel like fainting.

"Slap me." the only thing I could say.

"What?" Jennie replied furrowing her eyebrows.

"Slap me because if this is only a dream, I swear to God, I don't want to wake up anymore."

Jennie giggled and pinch my nose hardly.

"Ouch!" I winced in pain.

"See? You ain't dreaming baby." she said laughing lightly.

"Say it again." For the second time, I was dumbfounded again.

"The what?" she said being confused again.

"You called me baby." I said still in shocked state.

"Oh my God Lisa! What is happening to you? You looked like someone who have been chased by a ghost. Again, this is not a dream, I am now your girlfriend baby. Baby. Baby." she said emphasizing the baby word.

Fuck Lisa! Stop acting like a teenager whose first time to talk with her crush! Man up! You look like an idiot!

"I'm sorry. It's just that it is so good to be true. You're so good to be true Jennie." I said honestly.

She cupped my face and caressed my cheeks, "I love you Lisa. That's the truth." she said full of sincerity.

"And I love you too Jennie, baby." I said smiling teasing her lightly.

She hit my arm and laugh but she cannot hide the blush on her cheeks that I've caused.

We just stared at each other's eyes intimately for God knows how long adoring one another's captivating dark brown orbs.

Looking at Jennie is like looking at my future. I want her to be with me until the end. Asking her to be my girlfriend is not playing a game anymore. I asked her to be my girlfriend with the thought of her being my wife in the future.

I leaned forward to Jennie and captured her lips, kissing it sweetly.

"You're driving me crazy, you know that?" I said while grinning after we pulled out of the kiss.

"It's pretty obvious baby." she said. Aish! This girl never runs out of way to tease me.

"What a tease." I replied.

She then put her arms around my neck and stared at me seductively licking her lips to make it wet.

"Now, claim me Lisa. Make me yours tonight." she said.

This is going to be a long night, I guess.


Again and again, I want to thank all the readers! And thank you for the few who keep on voting each chapter of this story, you know who you are. I really really appreciate you guys, a lot.

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