Chapter 47: She's Real

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Jennie's POV

"H-how?" I asked stuttering still can not believe seeing Lisa in front of me.

"What do you mean by how? I came here to get you back Nini." She replied while cupping my cheeks.

"I thought.. I thought you were dead.. They said you were dead.. I came back to the village and you were not there, they said you were dead.. Fvck. Am I hallucinating?" I tried to utter, I am confused and it making me crazy. I don't even know how to react properly, Lisa is in front of me, I should be happy but this is hella making me think that I am dreaming.

I am trying my best to calm myself down. What the heck is really happening? Is this really real? Or am I seeing Lisa's ghost? Damn! I am becoming insane.

"Dead? What do you mean by dead? Baby, I'm not. Is that what Kai told you?" the Lisa in front of me spontaneously asked. But here I am, still wondering if it's really my Lisa because it's impossible to see her at this moment. She's dead and.. and..

My thoughts were cut when she shook my arms."Nini. Listen, I have a lot to explain to you. This is also confusing me right now. You're saying that I am dead, but I am not. Yes, they tried to kill me and grandma by burning our house with us inside it but we've survived. It's a long story to tell but I will tell you everything later. Let's get inside first. My father and your parents are waiting for us." she calmly said that made me even more confused. Her father? My parents? Is that Mr. M her father? Then how about Hanbin? Why is he here? Ugh! My head is starting to throb in pain.

I shook my head repeatedly and then looked straight at her chocolate like brown orbs. I saw the same light and the same sparks in them every time Lisa is looking at me. This is really making me mentally sick but fvck it, I need to prove that she is really real.

I wrapped my arms around her nape and pull her for a kiss. I smash my lips into hers and there I felt the familiar sensation within me that only Lisa could give. I don't care about the people that surrounding us, I badly need to know that I am not dreaming. That she is real. That my Lalisa is here, with me at this moment.

I felt her hands snaked at my back pulling me closer to her to deepen our kiss. Her lips were still the same, delicious and sweet. Damn! She is really my Lili. I felt the hot liquid ran down my cheeks, I can't help but to cry. She is true. This is not a dream. God, I miss her so much.

"Go with me. Let's ditch my father." she said in between our kisses.

I pulled out from the kiss and bobbed my head eagerly. I don't care about anything or anyone else. What's important is Lisa. I want to talk to her and hear all the answers to my confusions from her mouth directly. Because if not, I might ended up in a mental hospital.

She held my hand that made me flinched with the sudden rushed of electricity all over my body. Damn Lalisa Choi and the effects she has on me.
We reached the parking area and I was shocked when she opened the door of a luxurious car. Another thing added to my confusion but I just shrugged it. Lisa for sure has a very good explanation about all of these.

We settled ourselves at the backseat of the car for there is a driver on the front.

"Where do you wish to go young master?" The driver asked, he was wearing like one of those butlers at home.

"Young master?" I can't help but to ask.

"Shhh. I'm going to tell you later." she said then gave me a peck on the lips.

"Bring us to the hotel where I am staying." she replied to the driver.

The car started to move and here I am, taking my very best not to bombard Lisa with questions. I am still high on what just happened. Well, nothing new. As I've said before, everything that's happening in my life is always unexpected and this is one of this. I am glad that I am not breaking out although I have to feel thousands of emotions all at once. Thank God I am mentally strong.

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