Chapter 15: Market 2

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Lisa's POV

Jennie kissed me again, it was a kiss that was like saying "I do not want to let you go". I kissed her back in the same level of tenderness and passion, because I do not want to let you go too Nini.

"Are you still mad? Please don't be." I said after we broke our kiss.

She rest her forehead into mine and gazed into my eyes, "I won't be mad anymore if you give me a big big hug." she said using her cute voice. What a baby.

I don't even know what was the reason why she was mad but I don't want to ask any further, I want us to enjoy the market, I don't want to spoil our day.

I just smiled and wrapped my arms around her torso, she then shifted her head into the crook of my neck.

"Feeling better?" I asked her while sniffing her hair.

"So much better." she said kissing my neck lightly. Oh my God! Don't make me aroused right now Nini. I might take you home early.

"I hate to see other girls hugging you Lisa." she continued now biting my weak spot lightly. For Pete's sake Jennie! We're in a public place.

"J-jen, w-we are i-in a pu-public place." I said stuttering pushing her lightly.

"Promise me first you'll behave and stop flirting with other girls then I'll stop Lili." she seductively said while brushing her lips on my jawline.

Now I get it, she was jealous. She was freaking jealous! Damn! But I was not flirting with anybody. Nayeon was just a friend nothing more nothing less.

"But I was not flirting with anybody Nini." I defended myself but she just continued teasing me by licking my jawline. Holy Crap! If I have a dick, I'll be hard right now. How dare you Jennie? You're making me frustrated.

"O-okay. I pr-promise t-to behave a-and n-not to fl-flirt with anyone." I said stuttering again. She's leaving me with no choice but to promise not to do things again I'm not even doing. Aiish! The stupid things you can make me do Jennie! Ugh! You're driving me nuts.

She stopped what she was doing then faced me with a provoking smile, "Good boy." she said tapping my head and then grabbed my hand and led the walked through the busy streets of the market.
Jennie's POV

I can't help but to laugh wickedly inside of my brain as I heard Lisa groaned in frustration. I was satisfied with my actions because I knew that I've turned her on and made an effect on her which I'm certain that I was the only one who could do it to her. Well, that's for making me jealous monkey!

"Nini, can we just at least grab some sweet buns from the bakery? My stomach is growling." she said in a pleading tone.

Damn! I forgot that she was hungry. I was so caught up with my jealousy earlier. Poor Lili. Now, I'm guilty.

"I'm sorry Lili, I totally forgot that you were hungry." I apologized to her.

"Aniyaaa. It's okay. So? Let's go to the bakery first?" I just nodded and let her led the way with our hands still intertwined.

When we arrived in a small bakery shop, Lisa quickly found an unoccupied table for two near the door where she let me settled in.

"What do you want Nini?" she asked.

"Just a cinnamon bun and hot americano will do Lili." I responded sweetly.

She nodded and went to the counter where she was entertained by an old man which I presumed the baker since he was wearing a hat of a baker.

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