Chapter 48: Flashback 1

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Lisa's POV (yay! I know some of you missed her POV)

"We? Son? We have a son?" what is Jennie talking about? Is she loosing her mind? How come we have a son?

"Yes. You have a son Lili. He's a Choi." she replied while cupping my cheeks.

"I adopted SungJae for quite a while now. He's staying with me in this city." she continued.

"What? SungJae? Why would you adopt him? Is his parents okay with that?" I asked her in confusion. Why would SungJae's parents let Jennie adopt him when they love the little boy so much.

I saw Jennie's face became hard and gloomy. I hold her shoulders and caress it."Did I said something wrong baby? I am sorry. I'm just wondering why SungJae's parents let you adopt him when they can't be away from SungJae even for only a day."

"Whaaaat?!! Fvck!!! How could they do that?!! That's inhumane!! How could.." I can't even finished my sentence after Jennie told me what happened to SungJae's parents. Fvck Kai's men! And fvck Kai!

I am so mad that I can't calm my nerves. I threw punches on the wall not minding if it will bruised my knuckles. 3 punches, 4, 5, 6, and then I felt my favorite person's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Calm down baby.. Please.. Don't hurt yourself. You're making me scared and worried." my beautiful girlfriend's cracking voice woke me up from being a beast. She placed her cheek at my back and I could tell that she's crying because I could hear little sobs.

I quickly turned around and cupped her wet cheeks because of her tears."I'm sorry babyyy.. Shhhh.. I'm sorry. I am too angry to Kai.. How could.." I can't finish my sentence for the second time, not because of outrage but this time because Jennie's lips covered mine.

She kissed me deeply that my anger and frustrations washed away for a moment. Jennie's kisses never failed to tame the beast inside of me. Damn, she's so intoxicating.

We decided to pulled out from the kiss when we felt the lack of air on our systems. We are panting hard trying to catch our breaths.

Jennie leaned her forehead against mine and stared at me seriously. "I'm sorry baby. You're raging. I have to make you calm. Please Lili, we need each other's answers for the questions that keeps on bothering us. Let's talk calmly.. And let's take our actions after all the clarifications." she stated.

I gave her a peck on the forehead, on her nose and on her lips,"Okay. Let's talk at the couch. Make your way there first, I'll be in the mini-kitchen for one second to get you a drink." I uttered while caressing her jaw.

She smiled at me then nodded but before she walk to the couch, she pulled me in for a very tight hug.

"If you will ask me, I still can't believe that you were here baby.. Lots of things had happened within a snap but I am glad that I am with you right now. I've been in so much pain believing that you were dead but all that pain was gone seeing you, kissing you and hugging you this close again. I am so in love with you Lili, I love you." she said full of affection while her face was buried on my chest.

"I'm sorry for making you suffer baby.. I promise not to be far from you anymore. I also can't take it. I love you too Jennie Kim. And only you." I sweetly replied and kissed the top of her head.
After I've got Jennie a juice, I settled myself beside her on the couch. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders to pull her closer. She placed her head on the right side of my chest and hugged me by the waist. Our position is comfortable enough for a serious talk. I really don't want some eye contacts during this kind of talks because it's making me edgy and besides, I need her warmth to calm my nerves down.

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