Chapter 63: The Day Before

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Jennie's POV

We had a great time yesterday with Lisa's friends. They are all cool to be with and I am happy that Yubi never flirted with Lisa during the whole time we were all together. They did talk but just casually.

Jisoo and Rosie had their alone time together yesterday with Hanbin touring them around and sadly, they already returned to the city this morning since Jisoo needs to go to work.

"Unnie! Will I find my prince too just like Cinderella did?" Tsuyu asked me, I am with the kids right now. I am reading a story for them here at Lisa and mine's favorite spot, under the palm tree.

My Lili is busy talking with Hanbin and Seulgi not that far from us but I can't really hear what they are talking about, maybe some island related topic since they look serious while having a conversation. I am glad that Lisa and Hanbin are now cool after that hugging incident.

"Of course you will. When you grow up, you'll find your handsome prince for sure." I replied sweetly.

"Just like how you found oppa?" Jihyo is the one to ask now.

"Yup, just like how I found your oppa." I answered with a tender smile.

"SungJae and I will find our princesses too, right noona?" Taetae cheerfully uttered.

"Definitely, but both of you must learn how to be a good prince first so that you can protect your princess in the future."

"I want a princess as beautiful as you mommy." my son cutely said while cupping my face with his little hands. He's so cute and sweet.

"You'll find a princess that way more beautiful than me baby." I peck his lips that made him giggle.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat sandwiches?" I asked them and they squealed in excitement.

I gave them the sandwiches and the milk drinks I prepared for them. "This is so yummy!" Taetae cheerfully uttered after taking the first bite of his food.

I watched them eat and I can't stop myself from smiling, I am thinking how lovely it is to have a big family. Now I am thinking about the 2 dozen Manobans that Lisa told his father about. Does she really want it? Of course no, she won't let me suffer like that.

I wanted a big family also but maybe 4 children is enough, we already have one, so three more babies and we are good. We are both only child and I don't want our SungJae growing up wishing he has siblings just like how I wished when I was younger.

"Yah! That is mine!" my thoughts disappeared when SungJae shouted. I look at his side and find Lisa holding her son's sandwich.

"Let daddy take one bite baby." She said in a pleading way. SungJae pouted a little but let her take a bite making me smile at their sight.

"There's more sandwiches on the picnic box Lili, leave SungJae's sandwich and get yours." I instructed her.

But instead of getting a sandwich, she moved forward to me and kissed my forehead, "Hello too my sexy future wifey." she said that made me chuckle while slapping her arm.

"Where are Hanbin and Seulgi?" I asked after pecking her lips.

"They need to do something important, so they left." she timidly replied.

"What did you talked about? The three of you looked really serious earlier." I curiously asked.

"Just some business stuffs but it's fine now." she answered.

I caress her cheeks tenderly and spoke, "You'll manage your company soon. I hope you won't lose your time for me and our son just like my parents did before." I sadly uttered upon remembering how sad I am every time my parents aren't home.

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