Chapter 10: Who Is Lisa?

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Lisa's POV

We finished our dinner and now were getting ready for bed. I am at my room preparing my blanket and pillow, I'll be sleeping outside since Jennie was the one using my room every night. I'm just being a gentle woman and wanted to give her some space and privacy.

I was about to go outside the room holding my blanket and pillow when Jennie entered the room fresh from a bath.

How could she took a bath when it's freezing cold? She is really something.

She looked at me with a confused gaze, "You're gonna sleep outside?" she asked.

"Erm, yeah. I'm heading out now." I started to walk.

She stopped me by holding my arms and said, "Do you think I would allow you? No Lisa. Not when it's freezing outside. Stay with me."

"What?" acting dumbfounded.

"I said, stay. You and me. In this room." she said emphasizing each word.

"Just tell me if you want another hot kissing session Nini, I won't refuse." I teased her raising my eyebrows up and down.

She smacked my head and I groaned, "What a pervert! You know what? I changed my mind, go outside!" she yelled pushing me to the door.

"I'm just kidding Nini! Aiish. You're being a sadist!" I grumbled.

"Come on, let's fix our bed." I continued.

I laid two futton beds on the floor leaving no space in between. Jennie was holding the kerosene lamp standing beside me.

"Come on Nini. Let's sleep, put the lamp on the table." I instructed her.

She then walked to the table near the window and put the lamp. She was approaching my way when I scanned her, she is wearing my black sweatshirt and my grey jogging pants. Her hair was tucked in a messy bun.

She's gorgeous. She really looks nice with my clothes on. I like them better on her than on me.

When she reached my side, she laid her back on the futton bed and stared at the ceiling while I'm laying side ways facing her leaving a mini comfortable gap between us. I can see her pretty face through the dim light from the lamp. She looked like she is thinking some deep thoughts.

I put my hands on her stomach and fondled it, "Is there anything wrong Nini?" I asked.

But instead of answering, she pushed me lightly that made me lay by my back on the bed, she gently put her head on my chest and tenderly caressed my hand.

"Nothing Lili. Im just thinking that I don't have any personal information about you aside from your first name." she breathe deeply.

"Is it okay if I ask some private questions about you? It's just I feel the need to know every single detail about you. But it's okay if you don't want to." she continued.

I kissed the top of her head and pulled her chin up then pecked her lips, "That would be fine, I'm delighted to know that you are interested about me."

She playfully hit my chest and said, "Of course I am. I won't let you kiss me if I'm not."

"Okay. Go on. Ask me then." I said chuckling.

"Alright, I'll ask you and you'll answer me straight to the point with all honesty. Okay?" I just nodded. She then rest her head on my chest again so that we can be in a comfortable position.

Jennie's POV

"What is your full name?" I asked first.

"Lalisa Choi."

"So Choi is your last name huh? Interesting." I told her.

"Uhm, actually that was my mother's. I haven't met my father since the day I was born. And I don't have any idea who he is." she said sighing.

"So where's your mom?"

"She died when I was seven." she told me with a sorrowful voice.

"Oh God. I'm sorry." I caressed her abdomen. Now, I feel guilty intruding in her personal life.

"No. That's fine. It was all in the past. I'm good now." she assured me, griping my arms lightly.

"Go on, ask me more." she added.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 22."


"March 27."

"Are you the only child?"

"Of my mom, yes. I don't know if I have siblings in my father's side. But I don't really care meeting him." I can feel tension in her voice but I chose not to comment.

"Have you gone to school?"

"Uhm, actually yes. But that's when my mom was still alive. We used to live in the city. I remembered going to a primary school and there I learned to write, read and count. You know, the basics. But when my mom died, I was left with grandma, actually we're not blood related. She was my nanny. She doesn't have any children so she decided to raised me but since she doesn't have enough money, she can't afford to send me to school and brought me here in the Island, her home. She was really really sorry for it but still I'm thankful towards her though I badly wanted to go to school. I can't really complain about anything because I understand our life situation."she narrated.

I can't help but to tear up when she told me her story. That was sad. I didn't expected that Lisa undergone those kinds of things. Luckily, she can't see me crying because I'm burying my head on her chest.

"But that didn't stop me from learning. Did you see my bookshelf, right?" I nodded in response.

"I collected those books every time I earned extra money from fishing, I always make sure to secure a book from the old bookstore near the market. They were already used though and torn out a bit but still readable and most of all, cheap." she said laughing lightly.

"How can you be so positive about all of this?" I asked now facing her.

She looked at me in the eyes and speak, "Cause there's no reason to be not? I guess I'm just born to be optimistic." she said and kissed my lips in a short sensual way.

"I like you more now Lalisa." I said that made her laugh.

"How can you say my name in a perfect way? I like my name now, especially if it's coming from your mouth."

"Weirdo." I chuckled.

"Do you have more questions?" she asked.

"When did you started fishing?"

"When I was 10, I guess? I have to help grandma because she is getting older and I just wanted her to rest and stay in the house. She used to work as a waitress in a small restaurant near the market. At first, she didn't let me but being a stubborn Lalisa that I am, she gave up and let me." she said smiling, now we are both laying sideways facing each other, her arm under her head.

"How can you be so perfect in all ways Lisa?" I blurted out of the blue.

"Oh, I am? But nobody is perfect Nini." she giggled.

"Well, I don't believe in that. Because you are perfect." I grabbed her neck and kissed her roughly. I can't help but to let out a soft moan as she kissed me back even harder.


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