Chapter 29: Just An Another Day

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Jennie's POV

The transportation boat we rode in just arrived at the shore. It was already half hour past noon. Rosie and I made our way out the boat carefully since it's a little wobbly because of the waves crashing against it.

As soon as we set our foot to the ground, I walked in a fast pace. I miss Lisa already and I can't wait to see her pretty face. Oh geez! Am I being obsessed with her?

"Yah! Jennieyah! What's the rush? Can you walk slower?" Rosie complained.

"It's so hot. I can't stand it." I lied.

I was dragging Rosie by the wrist eagerly when I bumped to a person. I cursed mentally because of the impact.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry. I didn't saw you." the person said while holding my shoulders.

I raised my chin up to see a respectable looking man with an intimidating aura. Plus his so tall that I looked like a lost kid in front of him.

I bet he's on his late 40's based on his appearance. I looked at him to say sorry too but I was taken aback for a moment, he looks very familiar but I can't pin point why exactly he looks so familiar.

Aish! Maybe he is one of the government officials who visits the island once in a while. It's not new to me to see a well dressed man in the island since Lisa explained to me that some government officials visit here for some sort of island eco-checking once or twice a week and I've seen them a couple of times before too.

I just shrugged the thought and bowed to him to apologize too.

"I'm sorry too sir. I wasn't paying attention on my way."

I heard him chuckled and tapped my head after, "It's fine. Be careful next time. I'll go ahead before the transportation boat leaves me." he said in a nice way and I just nodded.

Why is that I feel so good and light with that simple interaction? I can sense that he is a very nice person. You know, instincts.

My thoughts disappeared when Rosie nagged at me.

"I told you to walk slower. Tsss. Stubborn girl." she hissed.

I didn't mind Rosie's unpleasant comment. I just continued dragging her in a haze. I wanna see my baby now!
When we reached home, I saw Lisa standing near the dining table facing her back at me while drinking a glass of water. I didn't make a sound so that I could surprise her, I also told Rosie not to make any noise or else I'd kill her.

My baby got a really good slender back, just by watching her back makes me aroused. Oh my God! Jennie! Could you think without being sexual?!

Okay, okay but damn, she's hot and looks delish! Fuck it brain! She's making me wet, her back is making me wet!

I just mentally slapped my face hard for thinking like a horny teenager. Geez! Tsk Jennie Kim!

I pushed all my perverted thoughts aside and tiptoed towards Lisa. As soon as I reached her spot, I snaked my arms around her waist and burried my face on her back.

"Babyy. I miss you." I mumbled against her clothes.

I heard her chuckled a little and then turned around so that she can face me. But I was shocked when I saw her face.

"Are you okay babe? You look pale. Are you sick?" I asked her while checking her temperature.

"Uh, yeah. I'm just a little dizzy because of missing you. What took you so long?" she asked while eyeing me like a puppy finally happy to see her owner. She's so cute.

I didn't answer her instead I grabbed her by the neck and kissed her with hunger. She kissed me back while pushing my hips up making me wrapped my legs around her waist. Our kiss started to be deep and lustfull when,

"What the heck? Was it 10 years ago that you've last seen each other? Oh my God! It's only a couple of hours people. Oh, now I know why you were in hurry getting home Jennie Kim. Tsk. You nasty woman!" Rosie interrupted us by her rude remarks.

We stopped kissing and Lisa put my feet down on the ground. I gave Rosie a very sharp glare hoping it could slice her tongue.

"Great way to ruin the moment Roseanne Park!" I hissed. But Lisa just laugh at us.

It's now afternoon, Lisa and I are now with Rosie, we're helping her with the kids. Her schedule teaching is every 2PM until 5PM.

"Unnie, I don't know how to draw a fish. It's hard." Tsuyu whined while sitting on my lap.

I grabbed her hand and lead it to draw, "First, you'll draw an oval with one pointed end and then you'll draw a small triangle as it's tail lastly, you'll draw it's face, the eyes and the lips and very lastly, zigzag lines all over it's body as fins. And boom! You have now a fish baby!" I said cheering Tsuyu up.

She giggled while clapping her small hands."Daebak unnie! You're so good in drawing!" she squealed in delight.

I giggled with her and ruffled her hair then kissed her cheek. "Now, you should draw another fish so that the first fish won't be lonely." I said and she happily obliged.

I look around to see Lisa. She's with the boys, SungJae keeps on shouting that he's drawing is better than Tae-tae. Lisa just laughed and stopped SungJae from shouting to avoid disturbing other kids since they were 15 students all in here.

"You're drawing is really great SungJae so as Tae-tae's drawing. You don't compare your work with others because it's amazing as long as it's you who worked on it. Everything is beautiful in art anyways." Lisa tried to explain to the boys and I can't help but to bite my lower lip. She looks like a great dad. Oh how I love to have babies with her. I know some well known doctors that could help us with that but definitely it's not the right time for it.

Not that long, she caught me looking at her. She smiled at me and mouthed "I love you". My heart skipped a beat with her gesture but still I mouthed back an "I love you too" then blow her a kiss.

"Ahem. There's a lot of kids in here. Control your hormones Jennieyah." Rosie interrupted again by whispering in my ear.

I just rolled my eyes at her and I saw Lisa chuckled from the distance. I knew that she knew exactly what Rosie whispered to me.

I ignored Rosie and continued helping our little Tsuyu finalize her art.
The class ended peacefully, all the kids got the chance to have a star sticker for their good work. I can see that the kids really love their Teacher Chaeng so much, well, it's not a question since Rosie is really a kid person even before. Jisoo and her used to visit different orphanage around Seoul and play with the kids.

"Let's go home?" Lisa asked me as soon as she's finished cleaning up the kids' mess.

"I enjoyed a lot today." I said while hugging her and sniffing her natural scent through her neck.

"Me too. Come on, let's go home." she said while kissing my temple.

I pulled away from our hug and looked over at Rosie whose busy packing her things.

"Join us for dinner chipmunk! Hurry up!" I shouted.

I saw how her eyes lit up into a sparkling glow and nodded eagerly.

I hold my Lisa's hand and intertwined our fingers, "Let's go baby."

Just a filler chapter before the main plot.

Wazzup? Wazzup? 🍃

Take care guys. Arasso? Chub chub 😘

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