Chapter 52: First Born Manoban

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Jennie's POV

Lisa quickly wiped her tears when she heard SungJae speak. She smiled at the little boy weakly, "Hi our prince. How are you?" she greeted SungJae.

Our son stood up in the bed and crashed Lisa's body with a hug. "Hyuuuung. You're here! I missed you~~ Tae's mom told me that you were in heaven but you're here again hyung!! Yeheeeey!" the little boy innocently squealed.

"Are you with my papa and mama hyung?" he continued now facing Lisa.

Lisa froze on her spot, I know that she doesn't know exactly what to say. I can see the tears are building again on her eyes.

I cleared my throat to get SungJae's attention, "Uhm~ Baby, can you come to mommy first? I have something to tell you." I said while reaching out for him.

He stood up from Lisa's lap and let me carry him. "Mommy~~" he uttered while kissing my cheek. I saw Lisa smiled and mouthed a thank you to me.

I sat beside her while I settled SungJae on my lap. I put Lisa's head on my shoulder for her to rest a little while. I felt her right arm side hugging me by the waist and it just felt right. I am now with my family.

"Baby~ As you can see, your hyung didn't go to heaven with your parents. Your hyung survived from that ruthless people who took away your parents.. Your hyung just hid somewhere to be safe so that she will be able to come back and see us again.. Baby, please don't be upset about your parents, we can go back to the island and watch them in the skies full of stars near the beach.. You could always say hi to them and tell them stories, I know they will like it. Although they are not physically with you, always remember that they love you so much just as me and your hyung do." I tried to make him understand while caressing her back.

"Nooo Mommy.. I am not upset. But I'm glad hyung is already here. At least hyung is back! And we're going back to the island! Yehey! Yehey! I will see my friends again, wowo and wowa are no fun! They can't run fast." the little boy pouted. I heard Lisa giggled on our son's obliviousness.

I cleared my throat once more and cupped SungJae's face."So babyyy, your Lisa hyung will be your daddy from now on. And we will change again your last name into her real last name, you'll be SungJae Kim Manoban. Yey!" I tried to cheer him up. I know he is too young for this kind of conversations but I have no choice. We need to clarify things to him.

"Waaaah! Daebaaak!! Daddy Hyung! Yehey! Daddy!" SungJae happily stated while getting to Lisa's lap again. ( A/N : I decided to call Lisa daddy here because it's the majority's choice the last time I asked help to the readers about this. Btw, it was on an update entitled "help" which I deleted right after I got the votes. Daddy won. And I barely got mama for votes. I hope you won't get uncomfortable. Thank you.)

"I love you." Lisa uttered while kissing SungJae's cheeks a lot of times. Our son's giggles occupied my room.

"Yah! It's too early, SungJae baby, you should go back to sleep.. Daddy and mommy will sleep beside you, how's that?" I said while smiling from ear to ear.

"I like it! I like it!" he squealed while jumping up and down on Lisa's lap. Tsk. Too hyper for a 4 year old boy.

Lisa tucked him on the bed in between us two. "Now, close your eyes baby. I love you my SungJae Manoban." my Lili lovingly caressed his head.

"I love you too Daddy Hyung and I love Mommy too." our baby is the sweetest. Though he's not from me nor from Lisa, I'll make sure to always treat him as our first born son. Our first born Manoban.

I kissed his forehead gently and smiled at his cute face,"And I love you too our son." I tenderly stated.

He closed his eyes right after I pulled up the blanket to cover his small figure.

I looked at Lisa who is grinning like an idiot, "What?" I asked her.

She grinned even more while looking at me with so much adoration on her eyes, "I love you mommy." she uttered that made my cheeks hot and for sure it is now turned to crimson red.

I bit my lower lip not bothering if I'm a blushing mess right now, I leaned closer to her face and kissed her lips, "I love you too daddy." I said in between our kisses.

The kiss is getting wild when I felt our little angel moved a little under me, "Mommy~ I can't breathe." he whined making me push Lisa's body away from me.

I looked at SungJae awkwardly and tap his chest to soothe him and make him fall asleep again. Lisa wrapped her one arm to SungJae's body as she closed her eyes still grinning widely.

I can't help but to smile because of the happiness that is bursting inside of me right now. This is the kind of happiness I've been looking for the whole time. Lisa makes me the happiest always.
Lisa's POV

It was already 9 when Jennie and I woke up along with our little boy. We are getting ready to go downstairs and have breakfast when the door suddenly opened harshly revealing the fuming chikin.

"Yah! Lisaya! How dare you?! You fvcking stick! Come here! Let me kill you for real!!!" Jisoo shouted that made me cursed inside my mind.

"Jisooyah, let me.. Let me explain. Please calm down." I tried to soothe her.

But she did not listen, she pinned me down on the bed and luckily Jennie quickly carried SungJae as she stood up and walk away from the bed.

I looked at Jennie with pleading eyes but the kitten just stick her tongue out to me. Aiish. What a supportive girlfriend is she?

"Jisooyah.. I didn't mean.." I didn't finished my sentence when Jisoo pulled out a paper and a pen from her pocket.

"I am humiliated because of you Lalisa! I won't let this pass!" she half yelled while glaring at me sharply.

"Sign this!" she continued giving me the paper and the pen while I am still pinned by her on the bed.

I tried to read the paper's content and I can't help but to face palm. Seriously? She's asking a lifetime supply of chicken? I won't wonder if sooner or later, she'll be looking like one.

I didn't say what's on my mind instead I just signed the paper and that's when she let me go and helped me stand up.

Her angry face was changed into a smiling face and then she embraced me warmly. "I'm happy that it's not only hallucinations bro. I'm happy that you are really here, breathing." she said sincerely that made me dumbfounded.

Aiish! What a bipolar lady just like her best friend!

Chaeng and Jennie just giggled while watching us while SungJae is confused on what he just witnessed.

I just shook my head thinking how unbelievable Jisoo is. I wonder how Chaeyoung can handle her.

Sorry if this is a boring chapter. I didn't want to end the book yet because I am so attached to it and it's making me feel sad. I am trying to prolong it until I can finally let this book go.

For those who keep on supporting and loving this book, a zillion I love you to all of you. And thank you so much. 😣

Let me be emotional for a moment. HAHA.

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