Chapter 46: Déjà vu

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Jennie's POV

2 weeks had passed, I am going back and forth to the city and to the island just to comfort myself by feeling the sea breeze and watching the waves that for once had touched my skin and Lisa's.

The tremendous pain is still killing me inside. But I have to go on because I have a son to take care of now. The ball of sunshine that is helping me to recover slowly.

SungJae's adoption went well. He is now a Choi. I processed it with the consent of Tae's parents that took care of him after his parents' death and of course with SungJae's approval. I took him with me to the city and my parents were delighted when they meet him. But still, I am not yet fully recovered on what they did. Especially after I knew about Lisa's death.

They were still a part of it, and there is a part of me that blames them. But mostly it's Kai's. I am preparing something for him. I didn't bothered to come and visit him in jail but Jisoo did, after she knew what had happened she hurriedly went to the jail and beat the hell out of Kai and the securities who were the ones who did that brutal thing to Lisa and grandma.

Serves them right because what they did was horrible and very inhumane.

I am planning something that will help me get the justice Lisa, grandma and SungJae's parents' that they deserved. Wait for it Kim Jongin.

"You're sulking again. You look ugly." I heard someone from behind me speak. I am here on my usual spot at the front beach. I left SungJae with my parents since they wanted to spend time with him. I am very happy that they were treating him like their own grandson.

"Fvck you." I replied to Hanbin. Yes, Hanbin.

We became closer to each other this past few days, he is also going back and forth to the island and to their company. He may be arrogant and full of himself but he is a nice guy. He even told me their plans for the village, like installing electricity in here and renovation projects for the island. And honestly, it made me very happy. If Lisa was still here, I'm sure she'll cry in happiness.

"Thinking about the love of your life again?" he mockingly asked me. I told him everything about Lisa and me. It's nice to have someone like him to talk to. He's an excellent listener that sometimes mock me.

"You're very good at guessing." I replied winking at him.

He just laughed and looked at me, "She's lucky to have you Jen." he sincerely said.

"Yes but I'm telling you, I am way luckier to have her. Or should I say, had her." I said weakly.

"Yah! You're sulking again!" he whined.

"Shut up! What do you want me to do then? Celebrate?" I sarcastically asked him.

"You evil woman! You really don't know what joking means! You're taking everything seriously. Tsss." he hissed.

"Here, eat this to brighten up your mood." he continued while handing me a sandwich which he always does this few days since we started talking.

"No thanks. I'm still fu~~." but before I could close my mouth, he already pushed the sandwich inside it, I had no choice but to swallow it.

"You little piece of shit." I tried to speak though my mouth is still full. He just laughed at me and smack my head.

Hanbin and I talked a little while when I checked my wrist watch, it's already noon, I think it's time to leave.

"Ahm. Hanbin. I have to go now. I have to meet my parents at dinner. And for sure, my son is waiting for me." I said and smiled upon remembering SungJae.

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