Chapter 39: Fire

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Seulgi's POV

I am busy doing some of my school works when my phone started to ring. I checked it and saw my father's name on the screen so I quickly answered it.

"Hello dad. What's up?"

"Seulgi, don't come home in the island for the mean time. Tell Yubi and also your friends." I furrowed my eyebrows because of the confusion.

"Why dad? Is there anything wrong in the island?" I asked.

"A businessman bought the whole island and sent tons of securities. Don't worry, it's still safe in here. And they are not going to kick people out. But please, I prefer you and Yubi to stay at the city for safety assurance. And by the end of the month, your mom and me will be staying there until everything cools down in here." my dad firmly uttered.

"Okay dad."

I don't know but I feel uneasy with the news my father told me. And suddenly, Lisa crossed my mind. How is she? Is she okay there? Maybe not. Knowing her, she doesn't like people intruding in the island. It's her paradise. I'm pretty sure she's pissed off right now.

I was about to ask my father about Lisa's whereabouts but he suddenly spoke.

"Okay. Take care of yourself and Yubi there darling. I have to go now." before I could speak a word, my dad already hung up.

Maybe I should ask about Lisa some other time. She's a fighter anyway. I know she'll do fine in there.
Jennie's POV

Rosie and Jisoo are currently in my room right now. I called them after I reached home from that bullshit lunch with Kai and my parents. Luckily, my parents still have to go to the company so I am the only one home well, except the maids and the butlers but at least I can talk to Jisoo and Rosie peacefully.

"Fuck them Jen! Fuck them! Lisa didn't do anything wrong. How could they threat you using Lisa that way?! Are they even humans?" Jisoo angrily blurted out.

I can't help but to cry again thinking Lisa's life is still in line.

"Because they know that Lisa is my weakness Chu. And I can't fight against them if they use Lisa's life. I can't do anything Chu. Maybe Lisa doesn't even know that she is in danger.. I don't know what to do anymore.. I don't trust my parents especially Kai, what if they will do something to Lisa even though I am obeying them? I can't lose Lisa Chuu.. I can't.. " I tried to say in between my sobs.

"Shhhh Jen. I'll go to the village tomorrow. And check on her. Your father still doesn't know that I am a volunteer teacher there, right? So please, stop crying. I will tell her to double her guards on. I don't care anymore if you're father will know that I'll be there, what's important is we can warn Lisa." Rosie softly said trying to calm me down.

"Come on Jendeukie. Stop crying. I told you to have faith right? And besides, Lisa won't be happy if she'll know that her sexy beautiful girlfriend is crying.. God, she will kill us if she'll know this." my bestfriend tried to joke but I can't find the strength to chuckle or even smile.

"How about writing a letter to her Jen? I will also ask her to write you a letter back tomorrow." Rosie suggested that made my mood boost up for a moment. Yes, a letter would do. I need to assure her that I am fine although it's a lie. I need to make sure that she won't worry about me. And I badly needed to tell her how much I love her.
Third Person's POV

The sun is already setting down when Namjoon gathered all the villagers again. They were on the same spot where the meeting was held earlier during noon.

He cleared his throat before he spoke.
"I want to clear something again. And this is a very strict order. I don't want to see anybody out of their houses after 7PM. Whatever happens, no one is allowed to go outside. If someone will be caught expect a bullet on your head. And I prefer that everyone of you will shut their mouth up." he sternly stated.

The villagers were covered with fright and terror. They were afraid of what's going to happen. Lisa on the other hand has a bad feeling about it. She knew that something not good is going to happen. She just clenched her fist trying to control her anger.
It was already 7PM. And everyone was already inside their homes as what Namjoon said.

"Is the odorless gasoline now settled?" RM asked one of his men.

"Yes boss. We already put it all over the house that you instructed us. Everything is ready. One lighted match and it will burn." the man proudly replied.

"Good. Make sure that the persons inside the house are already asleep before lighting it up." RM instructed.
"Grandma, can we sleep together?" Lisa asked after entering her grandmother's room. She's feeling uneasy and all she wanted is to be near her grandma.

"Aigoo this lil baby. Arasso. Come, lay down with me. Just make sure your shoulder won't be hurt."

"Grandma, I already packed the necessary things we will be needing for tomorrow. We will leave at dawn to avoid the securities." Lisa reminded her grandma.

"Alright. I hope everything will be fine after this. He is our only hope." her grandma replied while rubbing Lisa's back.
Meanwhile, the securities thought that Lisa and her grandmother is already sleeping. They didn't waste anymore time, one of them lit the match and threw it on Lisa's house.

The house was quickly covered with fire. Namjoon from not far away was grinning evilly.

"Grandmaaaaaaa!" Lisa's shout was heard all over the place.

And coughs were the only respond from the old lady.

The villagers near Lisa's house were alarmed. They looked outside by their windows and saw Lisa's house on fire.

SungJae's father can't take it anymore seeing the cruelty of the securities. He quickly ran outside to help Lisa and grandma.

"What did I told you earlier?!" Namjoon shouted.

"This is absurd!! You are killing people!" SungJae's dad shouted.

Namjoon didn't think twice, he pointed the gun to the guy and shoot him on the head.

The cry of SungJae's mom was heard while SungJae didn't have any idea of what is happening on his surroundings for the little boy is sound asleep.

The wife ran towards her husband's lifeless body shaking it hard in the hope that he will wake up. But no, it's too late. Namjoon killed him. The wife stood up and ready to attack Namjoon but Namjoon quickly shoot her too making the woman's body lay on top of her husband.

"Humanity and pity to others will not save you." RM said before blowing the tip of his gun.

The other villagers didn't dare to move on their places after witnessing what had happened through their windows. But their hearts and minds were filled of fear and anger.

They can't do anything but to watch Lisa's house burned down in flames.




Sorry for some grammatical errors.

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