Chapter 44: Mourn

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Jennie's POV

"Are you ready?" Rosie asked me. We just arrived at the market.

"I'm more than ready. I'm excited to see Lisa." I breathe deeply. How I miss the smell of the sea breeze and the noise of the people here in the market. But why does it felt like something is off? People are not energetic as before. I just shrugged the thought and continued walking.

We are making our way to the transportation boat when we saw a large commotion. There are a lot of policemen, they are picking up securities, handcuffing them and putting then inside a patrol truck.

"Excuse me.. What is happening in here?" I heard Rosie asked one of the policemen.

"The owner of this island which is their boss was arrested because of illegal doings, they were part of it as his securities. The head officer from Seoul gave us a notice this morning to pick up all the securities for questioning." the police explained.

"Was it Kim Jongin? Their boss?" I butted in. I knew already the answer but I still want to hear it.

"Yes, he is. Do you know him?"

"Of course, who won't know that evil?" I replied in an angry tone which made the police gulp hard.

"O-okay ma'am. I have to go. I still have to talk to the new owner of this island. It was bought again earlier by another businessman. Kim Jongin's legality as the owner was canceled because the money he used to buy this was from illegality." the police blabbered.

"Whaaaat? The island was sold again? What an unbelievable government! What do you think of this island and the villagers inside the island?! A toy?! God! This is frustrating! Who is the new owner?! Let me talk to him!" I can't control it. The island should be free from anyone's hold. The people there must be suffocated along with my Lisa and grandma. They don't deserve to be passed from one owner to another. This is ridiculous.

Rosie come near me and caressed my back without saying a word. She knew exactly how important this island to Lisa and I won't let anyone laying their hands on the village after that demonic Kai.

"I am the new owner of this island. Is there something wrong about it Miss?" I heard someone from behind so I looked back to face the owner of the voice.

"Who are you?" I asked to see an unfamiliar man.

"I am Kim Hanbin." (A/N hahahaha evil laugh for those who thought it was Lisa.)

"How much did you spent to buy the island? Tell me, I will double the price." I said directly without a pause.

"I like your straight forwardness but I'm sorry missy. I don't need money." he arrogantly replied.

"Why is that to be this island? There are lots of islands in Korea. Why choose to detroy a peaceful village?" I barked at him.

"Who's destroying what? I'm not destroying anything. I didn't even have securities with me to watch the island, unlike the last owner." he answered coolly.

I was about to argue again when Rosie pulled me out, "Jen, talking to him will just lead you to nowhere. Let's go now so you could see Lisa, I thought you missed her?" she whispered.

Fvck. Yeah. Lisa. I almost forgot, I was so engrossed arguing but Rosie was right, this will lead to nowhere.

I looked again to that Kim Hanbin and said,"We're not yet done Mister."

He just stick his tongue out to me. Jinjja? Is he serious? What a childish businessman. I rolled my eyes to him to make it even.
Rosie and I were the only passenger of the transportation boat. Maybe because of the commotion earlier, the people will restraint to leave the village.

I am feeling dizzy all of the sudden, my seasickness strikes again. I wish Lisa is with me during boat rides, just a touch from her makes me alright and with a kiss in the forehead is better. Wah! I miss my baby. I can't wait to hug her again.

After few more minutes in the sea, we finally reached the village. My feet were shaking while climbing down the transportation boat. I don't know but I became nervous all of the sudden.

"Are you okay Jen?" Rosie asked looking worried.

"Yes. I am just anxious meeting Lisa again. Maybe this is because of excitement." I assured her.

We walked side by side to Lisa's house. It was noon and no villagers were out this time plus the temperature was bad today. It's pretty hot.
"What is this Rosie? What is this? Where is Lisa? Where is grandma? What happened to our house?!" I started to shout because of the nervousness inside of me.

We were ended up seeing a burnt house with no Lisa and Grandma. My mind is starting to create scenarios that I don't want to think about.

"Calm down Jen. Let's ask some villagers first. Maybe something came up. Maybe Lisa and Grandma were staying somewhere else. Don't think negative things. Okay?" she said trying to enlighten me. But for goodness sake, it's not helping. I can't stop fidgeting because I am damn worried.

"Let's go. Let's ask someone." she continued while pulling my wrist.

I just followed her though my mind is still trying to absorbed what I just saw.

"Was it Seulgi?" Rosie said pointing someone under the palm tree which Lisa and mine's favorite spot.

"She's Lisa's bestfriend. I know her." she stated.

"Yes. It's Seulgi. Let's go. Let's ask her." I quicken my steps, I want to badly ask where Lisa is.

"Seulgi." I said from her behind the moment we reached her spot.

She looked up and with the look on her eyes, my heart started to pump frantically. Something is wrong, her eyes were bloodshot. Her face shows a massive sadness. I gulped hard and ate my fright to ask her.

"Where is Lisa Seulg? Rosie and I went to our house but she was not there and also grandma. The house was burnt. And.. And.." I can't take it anymore, my tears fell down and I don't know what to say anymore because Seulgi hugged me tight. This is wrong. Something is not right.

"Jen.. Please be strong.. Lisa.. and grandma.. They were gone Jen.. They were murdered by the securities for no apparent reason.. Their bodies were burned together with their house.. That was what the villagers told me.. I was too late.. I wish I had been here to save them Jen.. I'm sorry Jen.. I'm sorry.." after hearing what Seulgi said, my body became weak and my mind wanted to explode along with my heart.

Still, I tried to act brave,"Seulgi, I know you. You like pranking people, you like joking around. Tell me where's Lisa and I'll let your not so funny joke passed." I said sternly while she's still hugging me.

"I.. I am not fooling around.. I won't joke about Lisa's life like that.. Jen.. She is gone.. The villagers saw their bodies carried out from their house.. I don't know where the securities brought the bodies.. I wish I could at least gave them a proper burial along with SungJae's parents.. They killed them too.. " and with that, I almost passed out.

Rosie quickly hold my arm while Seulgi pulled out from the hug. Rosie is already crying on what she had heard.

" NOOOOOOO!!! NOOO!! THIS CAN'T BE SEULGI! NOOO. PLEASE TELL ME IT'S A DREAM.. ROSIE PLEASE!!! " I started to jump like a fool. Crying and shouting. Noooo please noooo.

"LISA AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED SEULG.. WE ARE GETTING MARRIED AND WE WILL BUILD A FAMILY!! I WILL STILL HAVE TO GIVE HER BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN IN ANY NUMBERS SHE WANTS! SEULG.. PLEASE.. ROSIE.. I CAN'T.. I CAN'T.." I tried to catch my breath because I was suffocating and choking hard because of crying.. Oh God! Please.. And then everything went black.


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