Chapter 51: Ghost?

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Jennie's POV

Lisa and I are now on a cab back to the mansion. It's 5 in the morning and the both of us won't stop yawning here in the backseat. We finished making love at 4 and forced ourselves to clean up and prepare to go. I promised to SungJae to be by his side when he wakes up and I don't want to upset our little boy. Despite of the soreness I am feeling in between my thighs because of Lisa's roughness and aggressiveness earlier, I still managed to stand up and walk properly.

I rest my head on my monkey's shoulder and I felt her plump lips touched my temple, "I'm sorry if I made you sore and exhausted baby." she whispered so that the cab driver won't hear.

"You know that it's okay when you're the one who caused it. I love being sore and exhausted if it's because of you." I whispered back seductively while putting my palm on her chest. I can feel the abnormal rate of her heartbeat.

"You are the reason of that fast heartbeats Niniya. If someday I'll die because of heart attack, you know who to blame." she said while chuckling.

I slap her chest using my palm that was rested on it, "Yah! Not a funny joke!" I angrily uttered while pulling myself out of her side then turned my body around so that she can only face my back. Joking about death is not funny at all, in fact, I really hate it.

I felt her arms wrapping my torso and she puts her head on the crook of my neck that instantly made me relaxed.

"I am sorry. Don't be mad. I won't joke about it again." she weakly said.

I deeply sighed and faced her again, "Of course you won't. It's not funny. Thinking me without you is not funny at all Lisa." I sternly spoke.

She smiled sweetly before covering my lips with hers. I wrapped my arms around her nape getting ready to ravish her mouth hardly when the cab driver awkwardly faked a cough that startled Lisa and me.

"We're here." the driver shyly informed us.

Lisa and I just smiled awkwardly to him and Lisa gave him her card for the payment. Oh, her father must organized everything for her.

The securities outside the house opened the main door for us. The maids were already busy cleaning the house and cooking the breakfast. I can see their eyes examining my hand that was clutched to Lisa's.

They greeted us a good morning but I just nodded at them with a sweet smile same as my Lili.

My parents usually wakes up at 7 which means we won't bump into them on our way to my room.

"Your house is very huge baby. I am getting dizzy just by walking." Lisa whispered that made me chuckle. As if her father's mansion is not this huge, or maybe it's way bigger than ours.

I stopped in front of my room's door and didn't even bother to knock. I twisted the knob to open it revealing a sleeping SungJae in between a drooling Jisoo and a snoring Rosie. I can't help but to smile seeing 3 of the most important people in my life. I felt Lisa hugged me from the back making my smile grew wider.

"I have to wake Jisoo and Rosie up so that they can go to the guest room. SungJae won't like not seeing me on his side when he wakes up." I said before walking towards the bed leaving Lisa on her spot.
"Chu. Wake up." I whispered near Jisoo's ear which instantly woke her up. She's a light sleeper afterall.

"Oh~ you're here." she said while yawning.

"Yeah. Wake up Rosie so that both of you can settle in the guest room. SungJae might throw tantrums if it's not me on his side when he wakes up." I calmly stated.

Jisoo didn't replied but just get out of the bed but after a split seconds I heard her gasped. I looked at her and saw that she's staring at Lisa's spot. Lisa is smiling cheeckily while Jisoo's mouth is wide open along with her eyes.

Jisoo came closer to me and held both of my shoulders. "Fvck Jendeukie. You have to do some room blessings again. You won't believe who I am seeing at this moment." she shakingly said while still looking at Lisa. I almost laughed out loud but an idea crossed my mind.

"What are you saying? Who are you seeing?" I said acting confused.

"Lisa's ghost. I can see Lisa's ghost near your door." she said while sweating.

I looked at Lisa's stand and wink at her, signaling her to go with the flow of the drama. She smirked at me letting me know that she understood.

"Holy fvcking chicken wings! She fvcking smirked at us Jendeukie!" Jisoo half yelled.

I quickly covered her mouth to avoid waking up my son. "I don't see anyone Jisoo. You're just hallucinating. But if that's true, I badly want to see Lisa too." I stated weakly still keeping my act.

I heard Lisa's footsteps, she's walking towards us. Jisoo stiffened for a moment then hugged me tightly hiding her head on the crook of my neck.

"Fvck Jennie. She's walking towards us. She's going to take me. Fvck. No!" Jisoo is now panicking and she's shaking real hard. I was about to laugh when Lisa held Jisoo's shoulder. Jisoo looked up at her and upon meeting Lisa's eyes, she passed out.

"Shit Lisa! She lost her consciousness. We come overboard." I panicky uttered. But Lisa just chuckled and carry Jisoo.

"Tell me where the guest room is. I'll put her there and you should wake up Chaeng, make sure to explain to her everything so that she won't be shocked and mistakenly take me as a ghost like Jisoo did." she said while suppressing her laugh.

I chuckled lightly at Jisoo's idiotness." The guest room is just across this room. Be back after 10 minutes, Rosie surely absorbed everything by that time." I instructed her, she then walked out the room with Jisoo on her shoulder like a sack of rice.
Just like what I have imagined, Rosie immediately understood the whole thing. She started crying after hearing that Lisa is alive but became a little angry when she knew about the prank we did to Jisoo but laughed lightly realizing how scaredy cat Jisoo is.

Not too long, Lisa entered the room that caught Rosie's attention. She run like a hurricane towards Lisa, engulfing the latter into a tight hug.

"I am glad you are alive Lisayah! You don't have any idea how miserable Jennie was without you." she said while sobbing. It made me teary eyed too. Rosie has been there with me through it all along with Jisoo. They didn't leave my side all this time.

Lisa rubbed Rosie's back, soothing her."I'm sorry Chaeng. But one thing is sure, I won't leave her again. I have a lot to explain to you and Jisoo but I think, you should go first to Jisoo. She'll wake up soon and you're the only one who can calm her down." Lisa uttered.

Chaeng broke the hug and punched Lisa's arm lightly,"How dare you to scare my chikin like that?" she jokingly said while wiping the tears on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry but it's Jennie's idea." Lisa pointed at me.

I raised my left eyebrow and about to speak but Rosie cuts me off. "Whatever you two. I'll go now to Jisoo before you start a fight here." she said making me and Lisa to laugh.

When Rosie left the room, Lisa walked towards the bed and lay beside SungJae. She played with his hair and kissed the boy's forehead repeatedly.

My heart swells in the sight of them. But I became worried when I saw tears coming out from my love's eyes.

"Sorry my prince. I'm sorry." she whispered near SungJae's ear while crying hard.

I came closer to her and rub her back gently. I know that she's sad on what happened to SungJae's parents. She can't take it thinking that the little boy would suffer that kind of thing in a very young age.

Lisa is caressing SungJae's cheeks which made the little boy opened his eyes. He blinked 3 times after seeing Lisa on his side crying.

"H-hyung?" SungJae uttered.

Few filler chapters before the ending. 😣

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