Chapter 71: Positive

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One month later...

Jennie's POV

"Don't open your eyes yet. Wait for my command." Lisa instructed. She took me to "I don't know where" place since this monkey always loves surprises. She already untied the blindfold she put on my eyes earlier but told me to still keep my eyes close. Ugh! I'm getting impatient.

"You can open your eyes now Nini." she uttered making me open my eyes slowly.

"Surprise! Welcome to our new home wifey." she excitedly stated and then hold my hand firmly.

I am astonished seeing a humble looking house in front of me, "Th-this is ours?" I asked Lisa while stuttering

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I am astonished seeing a humble looking house in front of me, "Th-this is ours?" I asked Lisa while stuttering.

"Yes love. This is ours, I'm sorry if it's not that big as your mansion.." I didn't let her finished her sentence when I attached my lips to her plump lips.

"Silly! Are you kidding me? This house is lovely. I don't care if it's big or small, all that matters is that I will be living with you, with our son and with grandma. Anywhere is home as long as you are there Lili." I whispered against her lips while our foreheads glued to each other.

I know Lisa, she doesn't want to live in a mansion-like houses since she's not the type of person who is luxurious and proud. She is humble and simple, although she is now working as the president of their company's branch here in Seoul just last 2 weeks ago, she remained down-to-earth with both of her feet on the ground.

"We will start our new life here Nini. In our own home. We will make this place happy and full of fun, we will fill each corners of this house with memories that will last forever." she said while caressing my cheeks.

"We will baby. We will. But how about our home in the village?" I asked her.

"We can visit it once in awhile or we can have a vacation and stay there as long as you wanted. I'm not giving up my life on the island, it's just that, I want everything to be convenient for us. Especially for you and for our son. I am now working for our company in order to give back all the help my father gave to us and I also want to make him proud baby. Plus SungJae will start going to school this year and I want to give him the best education I wish I had when I was young. And of course you, if the IVF process succeeded, we need to be extra careful and do a lot of check ups and doctor appointments to ensure our baby's condition. The island will always be our place and nothing can beat that. But our life is already here in the city. When life gets hard here in Seoul and we need to calm ourselves, we always have the island to go to. It will always be our safe haven. Our sanctuary."

"This is exactly why I love you so much. You think rational and you always put me and your son first above everything. I so love you Lili." I lovingly spoke before engulfing her into a hug.

"I love you too Nini. Our family is always my top priority, nothing else." she assured me.

"Now, let's go inside. Some people are waiting for us." she continued that made me furrowed my eyebrows.

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