Chapter 60

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The next morning Violet and I got up and got dressed but we didn't head out yet. The peprally wasn't until twelve, they had extended it and of course Vi knew before anyone else so she decided that we would just wait until twelve instead of leaving to go somewhere and come back. She also thought it would be a good idea to invite the entire clan to the room. It's just that Anthony couldn't make it right now, Monica and Lucas had left somewhere for their definition of a second and Jason and Ali were running late.

"Where the hell are they? Its 11:10 and I want good seats" Violet rolls her eyes and walks back over to flop on the bed.

"I have no idea" I pop a chip into my mouth. This was basically the only thing I ate this morning and I still hadn't finished the bag

She sits up on her elbows and looks over at me, "you don't seem to care Katerina, your just enjoying your chips" she chuckles.

"You know what? Your right, I am enjoying my chips but I do care" I crumble the bag in my hand and get up to throw it away.

Someone comes through the door, "you know you really should stop talking" I hear Ali say to someone when I turn around.

"Finally" Violet rolls her eyes and gets up off the bed. I do the total opposite and wall back over to my bed and flop on the edge before leaning back on my hands.

"Hey Kat" Jason says. I smile and wave at him

"Katerina Anderson, I would appreciate it if you sat next to me in the auditorium" Ali makes her way over to me on the bed.

"Um I don't know Ali, last time we had the peprally they made us sit on our proper sides" I quote the air with my fingers, my eyebrows raised.

She shrugs, "right, but maybe they won't. I don't want to be alone you know" she pouts and my eyebrows come together.

I get up off the bed and the door opens again. In comes Monica and Lucas.

"Oh thank god" Violet acts as if shes out of breath when she sees them. Monica laughs and Lucas shakes his head.

"We heading out now?" I say and everyone looks at me.

They nod and we all shuffle toward the dorm door to head into the hallway. Of course, the halls were crowded.  Everyone was out and about, I guess they'd figure they should have good seats also.

"See this is exactly why we shouldn't-" Violet starts but Lucas doesn't let her finish.

"Oh would you give it a rest Vi? It's the same old shit and plus no ones gonna want to sit in the front" Lucas tells her.

She glares at him and folds her arms. Ali comes up on my right side and hooks her arm with mine, "you won't be alone Ali, you have Jason" I tell her in a low voice.

She nods, "I know but what if he wants to sit with his friends? They get too loud during these types of things"

I chuckle as we all head downstairs. The crowd of students and staff and teacher piled everywhere and it created so much commotion of noises and talking. Doors opening and closing and more people piled into the lobby, we all headed in the same direction of the crowd. Head Master Warren was shouting over it all telling everyone to head into the auditorium and take their seats on their proper intended side.

I hooked onto Ali's arm tighter. She looked over at me and her expression had changed so fast.

"Just sit with us" I tell her.

She starts smiling and her face brightens. As we head through the doors along with the lines of people, I couldn't help but think of the first time I saw Levi. It was because of the peprally and after he looked up into my window the first day he came, I was just curious about him. About who he was, what he liked, what floor he was on, what classes he had. I looked back now before heading into the doors, over by Ruby's desk. She wasn't there and the space around her area was filled with randoms.

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