Chapter 82

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"Hey" he says in a low voice.

I stand there, looking down at the ground rubbing my sweating hands together. My hair falls onto my face and I bite my lip. Jesus christ Katerina, say something to the man. But what? What do I say?

"Hi" I look up at him again before I turn to see where the door is, if theres anyway I could make my exit even though it's not a good idea.

"You looking for an exit? It's okay, you can go" he forces a smile, one that's obviously fake. He wants me to stay so I stay put, I want me to stay.

He stares at me for a couple seconds before he begins to open his mouth. Nothing comes out until he starts to fidget, leaning from side to side a few feet away from me. He sets down the roses and rubs his hands together.

"Look, I know I'm not supposed to be here at all and I know you probably hate me for leaving and not talking to you for so long," he starts clearly not having to finish anytime soon but I butt in.


He stops me by holding up his hand, "no, just hear me out please. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry and I'm such a dumbass for all the things I've done that caused you so much pain in the past. I'm sorry that I left you like that and never came back or returned your texts or anything. It was completely stupid of me and I would never do that again"

He looks up at me and I wait for him to finish because he isn't, I can see that by the look on his face.

"Jesus Kat, I'm sorry. That's what I'm trying to say, this was so hard and I pushed you away and then you pushed me away and you didn't want to hear my side of the story. I know it's been a while and I know what I'm about to say is clearly out of everything now but I had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with what happened at the bar. I shouldn't have left, it was stupid of me. I should've talked to you about everything first and told you the truth first before I took the advantage to go and stay with my Dad but-"

"Levi-" I start again but he's not finished.

"I've learned my lesson, I've learned that life isn't always perfect and that we should cherish those who choose to come into our lives no matter what happens or happened. And you've left me no choice, you made me choose you every since the day I saw you at that party," he meets my eyes again, I swallow.

"And everytime after that, I've had no other choice but to pick you. Look at you, your so beautiful and sexy and all that any guy would ever want and more. Your amazing Katerina, and I promise that if you give me another chance I will never fuck it up again. I'll never leave you or do anything stupid"

I let out a breath of air, he begins to come closer to me. So close and I want to stop him so I do by putting my hand out in front of me. It rests on his suit, his clean black and white suit and tie. I stare at it so I won't have to meet his eyes, I want to know what color they are but I can't look yet. I can smell him now, his cologne reaching my nostrils and I breath him in before I let out a breath again.

"I'm still in love with you Katerina, why can't you see that?" He asks.

"You were right" is all I say before I step back away from him.

I hear him swallow, "what?"

"You were right," I look up finally meeting his eyes, a charcoal gray, "about everything. You were right for leaving and staying with your Dad, you were right about telling the truth and about how I pushed you away. You deserve better than this Levi, you don't need me"

His eyebrows come together in confusion, he begins to grow mad. I can see the expression change on his face just as quick, he searches my face for some type of answers but I don't have them. I'm not even sure if this is a dream or it's real, seeing him again is just too much. Of all the times I've wanted to see him, they lead up to this moment and now I'm not even sure if it's right. Its feels right but it doesn't.

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