Chapter 38

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Before I opened my eyes, I could see and feel the sun ray hitting my skin. It was bright and hot and it took my eyes a while to adjust to the view. The sun was shining through the open curtains.

I took my hand and rubbed my right eye. I sat up on my hands and yawned, stretching my arms high in the air. I put my arms back down and my left hand hit something hard. Or someone.

I looked over at Levi and down at my clothes, my memory started to flood back in. Levi was completely drunk last night and I had to bring him back to the room. He asked me to stay and of course I couldn't resist. He's my boyfriend. I small smile tugged at my lips as my eyes traveled from his leg up to his torso and over his stomach to his face. He laid there still, his breathing going in and out of his slightly open mouth.

I lay back down close to him so his face is inches from mine. I take my right hand and place it on his cheek but he doesn't move. I bite my lip to keep from making noise, I trial my fingers over his forehead to remove the hair from his face. He's so precious when he sleeps.

"Mmm" he mumbles and opens his eyes the slightest.

"Levi?" I wasn't even sure I had a voice because it came out so low.

"Babe..." his eyes flutter open even more and the sun that shines through the window reflects off of his irises. His eyes are a smokey gray and the pupal is small.

He smiles and takes his arm and wraps it around my waist to pull me closer to him and my arm automatically goes around his back. He looks into my eyes and he kisses me. I don't even care that either of us haven't brushed our teeth. I wonder if he does as I pull away.

"I didn't brush my teeth" I close my mouth, my lips forming a thin line.

"You think I care about that?" His voice is raspy and deep. Like music to my ears.

I bite my lip and he swallows. He uses his arms to sit up and climbs on top of me, holding his weight on his elbows. His hand goes down to my legs and he opens them so he can lay in between them. He brings his lips down to mine and I hold his face in my hands while we kiss. Theres this feeling in my stomach everytime his lips come in contact with mine and it makes me feel so good and alive inside.

Levi is mine and I am his.

More. My mind starts to race and my heart quickens. I pull on his shirt with my hands and his lips harden on mines as our tongues come in contact. I run my fingers through his hair, he let's out a breath and I feel his hand on my waist.

He breaks the kiss and he puts his forehead on mine, "Levi" I whisper to him.

"Yeah.." his voice is still low, its enough to send me over the edge.

He takes one of his hands and slides it down over my chest and stomach. It stops at the top of my pants and I know what he wants to do. I don't stop him, looking into his eyes but then I realize I haven't taken a shower last night or this morning.

"Wait" I grab his hand and stop him from unbuttoning my jeans.

He looks into my eyes and I try to hide the smile playing at my lips. He was so drunk last night and now he seems sober and wants to finger me. I swear I will lose it by the end of this semester.

"What? What's wrong?" He says and I kiss him before answering.

"I haven't taken a shower" my cheeks heat up and I'm sure they are red as an apple.

He chuckles, "Katerina, I don't give a fuck about that. Or that you havent brushed your teeth. I want you" the last part was a whisper and I bite my lip again.

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