Chapter 77

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If I had to choose how I wanted the last week of my freshman year of college to be, this would not be it. Avoiding my friends and losing the one person I'd thought I had a real connection with was not something I had any intention of being in the middle of.

Tuesdays classes had been easy, just like I'd figured the whole week would turn out to be in the beginning but theres always that one thing that could ruin everything for someone like it did me. My friends had avoided me just as I them and I was glad but still not happy, I wanted them to apologize so we could come together and be good friends again. I wanted them to come to me first because if theres one thing I was taught growing up is that when someone makes you feel down especially for something they did, you should never apologize first for being yourself. They should, and that's what I was waiting for. My morning classes with Violet had been settle, I wasn't mad about her finding out I layed the covers over her body I was actually relieved but I didn't let it show.

During break, I did my usual of heading over to the other cafe so I wouldn't have to face my friends even if they weren't at the table. It would've still been a memory of them, just to sit and think about what happened between us and have people question us. I didn't want that, who would? Melanie and Louis had managed to sneak their way over to my table to keep me company and even as Mel could tell I wasn't myself, she'd change the friends subject and talk about something more fun. Louis did the honors of talking about sports and he also brought up the fact about Prof Johnson shoes again which made me laugh.

The afternoon classes were fine and Melanie walked with me to the class. Monica hadn't showed and that was super weird considering the fact that I saw her and Lucas in the hall this morning. Victoria kept her mouth shut this time when she saw me stride into the class with Louis on my side. She seemed to be too busy with her friends anyway and I was glad.

The time had flown, I hadn't had any plans after the classes since my friends were the ones to always find things for us to do. As I was heading to the stairs to head up to the room, someone stopped me. I was surprised it was Cynthia because I wasn't sure on when she worked or when she had to leave to head to college herself.

"Have you eaten?"

It was the first thing she said. Her colored hair was tied back in a ponytail, it made her hazel eyes pop even more with the mascara she had worn. Her pale skin seemed brighter when she smiled, I returned one to her.

I cleared my throat, "um no"

She nods, "awesome, let's go eat. I'll pay for us"

I raise my eyebrows and before I have time to answer she pulls my arm along with her to the front doors that lead outside.

"Are you sure Cynthia? I mean, I don't wanna bother you or anything when you have things to do" I tell her but she doesn't seem to listen.

We walk along side the path that leads to the other building until she grabs my arm again and leads us both to the back of the school. I just realized I've never been behind the college, the sun seems to shine brighter back here and I sheild my eyes looking up.

"Have you been back here before?" I look over at her. She lays her head back.


I look around taking in the view. The tree leaves, bushes and grass all green blow in the wind. We keep walking until I see a parking lot in the distance. I sheild my eyes again, a couple cars ride by on the street.

"Watch your step"

I look over at her and she steps down the sidewalk. I do the same and almost fall even after what she just said. She laughs a little.

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