X Has An Announcement

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This story takes place if episode 13 didn't resolve Taco and Book argument. 

X pov

4 is a sicko! He wants to just abandon everyone and check up on them sometime in the future, when half of them will be dead!! I don't find that ok... but there's nothing I can do. What a sicko Four is! I feel as if Four wants everyone dead!!! I have news for the contestants that I don't want to tell them. Anyway, I guess I should just find them. So I start walking over to the team bases, and the easiest way for everyone to listen to me is for me to scream. So I start screaming, in my head, I say do I want to do this, then I remember Four saying everything would be ok and that I had to do this! So I decide to toughen up. A while after I started screaming some contestants start coming over I feel bad for them.

Book's pov

Taco is just the biggest jerk in the history of jerks! I swear if Four leaves one-day, Taco will be my first victim!! I say all this in my head since Lollipop is right next to me, and Lollipop has started talking to Taco which I don't like and need to stop! I question her about it but she just ignores me.  when she replies she says things like "you exhaust me!" But I mean come on Taco is the one in the wrong, not me!! Then I hear X screaming for everyone to gather around, so I collect my team and carry them outside. So we can see what's up. Except for Taco, I couldnt care less if she was here cause I don't care, so I left her inside.

Fries's pov

"Puffball what are you doing?" I ask slightly confused. "Oh hi Fries," she said calmly "I'm just looking outside, and I see X screaming for everyone to gather around him," she says sounding confused about why he needs everyone. "Strange isn't Four always with X?" I say cause I'm honestly confused. "Yes!" she replies confirming what I thought. "Well let's go check it out!" I say wondering why he needs us. "Ok dokay!" she says in her beautiful voice that I love to hear.

"Let's get the rest of the team first," I say knowing X needs everyone. Then I get the rest of the team and start to walk over to X. "X!!" I say wanting an answer. "Huh oh hey Fries," X says wondering what I'll ask. "Why'd you want us," I ask needing an answer. "Oh uh, I can't tell you yet I'm still waiting on ABNTT, Team Ice Cube, Beep, Death Pact, The Losers, and Iance," X says confusing me. "Oh ok," I say feeling slightly upset that we will be waiting for a while.

Coiny's pov

"Pin get up!" I say ready to get a start to this perfectly normal day. "Huh oh hey Coiny morning already," she asks not knowing what the heck time it is. "Uh yeah," I reply thinking she must be joking. "Oh ok," she says as she fell back asleep. "PIN GET UP!!!" I scream cause its not time for sleeping."Coiny I don't think I can I'm too tired, do you even remember last night?" she states tiredly and a bit angry. "Uh no, I don't actually," I say confused at what she means.

 "Well Coiny someone you know is going to have a child!!" she replies tiredly."Oh, My mint since when was Golf Ball going to have a child?" I ask excitedly. "She isn't I don't think," Pin replies confused and a bit irritated at me. "Then who?," I ask confused. "ME!!!!" Pin yells the loudest she can."Oh uh, what?" I ask a bit confused. "Yeah," Pin says tiredly. "Oh yeah, we did get drunk last night!" I reply understanding now. "Pin!!" I say trying to start our day. "Oh, she's asleep again. I call Cake's cell phone and Cake picks up. 

"Hello," Cake said in a normal tone. "Hi," I said a little uh worried. "Coiny why'd you call my cell?," Cake asked sensing something was wrong. "I'm gonna stay here with pin shes gonna have a child an-" I say getting interrupted ."Wait she is?!" Cake screams surprised. "Not so loud shes trying to sleep, but uh could you and the rest of the team go see what X wants since I clearly can't," I say knowing I clearly can't."Ok," Cake answered normally and hung up. About 15 minutes later, I saw the rest of my team outside chatting with X.

Cake's pov 

I wake up from a call from Coiny "Hello" I say normally "Hi" he says feeling a bit worried. I ask him why he called my cell, and after a few minutes of chatting, he tells me Pin is gonna have a child. I am a little shocked by this news, he asks me to go outside with the rest of the team to talk to X so we do. I ask X why he's not with Four he says feeling a little nervous to tell me, "Because no, I'll tell you when the other teams have at least one member over here". Then I sit down and chat with the rest of my team, wondering what X has to tell us. Eggy says "I don't know bla bla bla," she was trying to make sure we were listening. I asked her why she said bla bla bla. She said it was to see if I was listening, that's so dumb of course I was listening. So we just sat and waited for a while. 

Grassy pov

Grassy's going to go outside Grassy thinks to himself then walks outside going on an adventure.

Basketball's pov

"Where did Grassy go?" I yell a little scared of where he went. "I don't know!!!" Blocky says probably feeling the same way that I feel. "We need to find Grassy let's ask Golf Ball!" I say trying to come up with a good solution. "Good idea," Blocky said knowing my idea was a good idea."I know," I said. So I asked Golf Ball and she said, "Grassy went outside". "Phew," Blocky and I said happily that Golf Ball knew where he went. Just then I asked, "Hey team who wants to go on a trip outside?" It turns out just me and Blocky ended up going. When we got outside I noticed a box with a strange ring of gas around it, I went near it and everything went black.

Blocky's pov

"Oh no no no no is Basketball going to be ok?" I said aloud. Grassy noticed and walked over to me crying. "Oh Grassy don't worry I'm sure basketball is fine," I say not knowing if Basketball will be ok. "Grassy feels better now!" Grassy said believing me. "I'll go get her!" I say ready to go get her.  I then noticed Basketball was near a box with this weird gas stuff, so because I don't know what this gas is I hold my breath and bring Basketball away from this box. Then a little while later Basketball woke up I felt relieved. "Basketball!!!" Grassy and I say excitedly. "Guys I'm fine," she said happily.

Pen's pov

Why are some people from team Free Food, team ABNTT, team The Losers, and team Blahop, all over by X? To get the answer, I went over there too with Tree and Pie. I asked X and he said, "Once at least one person from each team was there he would tell us". So we sat there and waited."I wonder what the news is!" I said wondering what it could be. "Me too!" Pie says normally "Me three!" Tree says also normally. We just sat there and waited and waited, until finally Donut and Gelatin showed up. So did Bubble and Ruby and Balloony.

X pov 

"I will now announce the news," I say not ready at all to announce the news.

Authors notes 

 Yes, you have to read the next chapter to find out what the announcement is.

Also, what do you think is in the box.

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