It was a mistake

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"Well I guess im going shopping then" I shrugged my shoulders and dressed in black jeans and a white hoodie then headed out. I walked around the mall nothing really peaked my interest but I got some cute shirts and sweaters and more jeans. I also got toothbrush and toothpaste etc. I was about to head out when I saw rope in a store as my mind grew curious I went in. I looked around and saw why there was rope it was for adults but my mind grew even more curious not noticing I activated my quirk which brought who ever looked at me to get on there knees and whine as they went into heat. I walked out the store a few moments later with a tail of people tripping and chasing over me. "Ah so we have a succubus" someone said I looked in their direction and saw a tall guy with shoulder length black hair. His eyes glowed red but I was confused "hello" I said as he approached "You should really get your hormones under control your quirk is great but even the slightest scent or just by looking at you you'd have an army " He spoke as he waved his hand to the side showing the people who were behind me walking away. "Oh im sorry I didn't know" I looked down "ah it's fine just notice your surroundings better kid" he patted my head. With that he left and left me a freaking blushing mess 'My hormones?!' I covered my face in embarrassment.

Once I got home I put away my things and started to make dinner. "He was kinda cute" I sighed and slightly blushed. I finished cooking and sat down and ate with my phone infront of me just watching random videos. I eventually finished eating and quickly washed the plate and went to take a shower and go to bed. 'Tomorrow I'll train and learn how to control my quirk" I blushed and shut my eyes.

I was lost how the hell am I going to be able to control my hormones? This is hard I don't know what to do. I gave up and decided to watch movies while working out. I did that for the last couple of weeks before I got the letter of U.A. I was excepted! I didn't know who to tell but my father and I have been getting along with so I went to him.

"Mr. Iida?!" I yelled outside his house. I was greeted by tenya as he glared at me "Is father home?" I asked feeling smaller by the second but I stood tall. "Father? You mean my father yes MY father is home" he said "Whatever I'm related to you like it or not" I hissed "You were a mistake! And so was your mother you ruined our family!" He yelled. I slapped him as I let tears slipped down my cheeks he looked shocked. Me and tenya had never spoken a word before this. I heard a gasp and I saw Mrs. Iida "You disgrace of a child! Who are you to touch one of us" she pushed me back and I let her. "What are you doing here your not welcomed!" She yelled as she started crying again I wiped my tears away as I saw my father approach. "What's going on here? Y/n what are you doing here?" He asked concerned "Nothing I guess it was a mistake coming at all" I glared at tenya and walked away. I was stopped by my wrist and looked up to see my father tears already threatened to slip out. "You came here to tell me something what was it?" He asked as he hugged me "I just wanted to tell you I got excepted in U.A." I looked down before I was picked up and twirled in the air by him. "Wow! Congratulations! I'm so proud of you" he put me down and smiled. "Thank you" I said as I let go of him and saw the house behind him Mrs.iida was on the floor crying and tenya tried calming her down. "Go to your wife dad" my eyes widened and I  covered my mouth I was embraced into another hug this time he cried and I hugged him back.

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