Take Me Home

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I finally escaped out of Mina's clutches and headed home as she followed me to the train station. We parted ways shortly after as I headed inside the train and the train slowly moving away. It was a peaceful ride as the shy turned a dusty pink mixed with a gorgeous orange after a couple of minutes it faded into a light purple as the time went on it became dark. I got of my stop and walked on the side walk filled with chalk drawings. I turned the corner to my street and saw toys scattered around the grass. I sighed knowing the mother of the kid probably has a headache trying to remember where her child might have left there toys. I knew my mother always stressed out when I lost something. I looked into the dark sky as stars brightened up. "Why did you have to leave me behind?" I asked as I stared. "Why did you have to leave me alone?! I can't do this alone! I need you!" I started to cry hard not noticing I was even on my knees. I composed myself as I heard heavy boots approach I looked up to see the man who's so far only seen me this weak. Aizawa Sensei. He extended his hand out for me to take and I did I stood up. "Thank you Sensei" i bowed slightly and tried walking away "I know what happened to your mom but can I say something?" He said as he put his hand on my shoulder "I overheard but I can tell you that your mother didn't want to leave but she died in action and saved many lives doing it and I can promise you that she is looking over you and smiling" he said I tried wiping the tears away but I just couldn't stop them from falling. "I just wish she didnt die I'm the most hated for my old man's mistake I wish I knew he wasn't my actual dad I wish I never found out... I am alone so alone in my apartment I don't have someone to cry on anymore I joined U.A. For her to make her proud but where is she!? She left me by myself... I know she died a hero but she I wish she didn't die at all I really miss her so much" I was pulled to his chest as he embraced me. "I know y/n and you might think you have no one but you have your friends by your side and hey you might be my student but I'm here for you to" he said. I smiled slightly as I wiped my tears. "I can't keep relying on you Sensei to be by my side I need to get through this on my own but thank you" I pushed myself away from his warmth. "That's the thing y/n you don't have to" he took a hold of my hand as I looked up 'dang he fucking tall' I told myself "thank you" I told him honestly as I smiled. He still held my hand and slightly smiled "well I'm in patrol right now and you know villians roome this area at night where do you live I'll take you" he said. "It's fine mina gave me so much energy with her being clingy and all" I said "are you sure I don't mind taking you" he said looking in my eyes to see any sign of being hesitant. "Your right take me home" I caved in as I smiled slightly. We walked to my apartment and we both got startled of a firework going off. I looked at the firework explode as it took me back to when my mom and me would go watch them together. I giggled at the memory of how startled she'd always be. Aizawa looked at me and smiled softly we stopped at my enterance. "Thank you Sensei" I bowed politely "No problem kid go to sleep now" he waved me off as he walked away. "Goodnight to you to!" I yelled and walked inside.

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