You never know

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I sat in my room once again setting my mother's journals on the bookshelves. I sat my back against my bed as my phone vibrated from my pocket I opened it to see a message from katsuki. Causing me to giggle at the name I put on his contact recently.

Boom boom BBY:
Hey how's it going back at your father's house?
I left early in the morning back home because my old hag was worried since she also saw the news sorry.

Oh it fine no need to apologise I bet she was really worried and we'll you see barely a second into the front of the house I was tripped and degraded.

Boom boom BBY:
I'm sorry to hear that I wish things didn't end like this just because of that stupid criminal I will make him pay if he so touches a hair on you

I know sad to say his still on the loose

Mine and katsuki's conversation started changing subjects to keep a positive Aura. I set my phone down as I accidentally hit my knee causing me to scream in pain. Footsteps sounded outside my room as Tensei looked at me. I had tears in my eyes from the pain going around my body. He quickly looked at my knee and his expression showed empathy.

"I'll be back hang on a sec" he said as he went out and a couple of minutes later he came back with a first aid kit. He opened it as he took out supplies. "I'm sorry she did that to you" he said as he started working on my knee. I hissed when he disinfected the cut. "Ah! Sorry I should have warned you" he said as I playfully glared at him causing him to chuckle lightly. "What's going on here?" A voice asked as I turned to see tenya walking in the room. "What are you doing here?" He asked as Tensei answered him "We are both moving back in" he said as tenya nodded then looked at my knee "what Happened?" He asked and again Tensei answered "mo-" I covered his mouth with my hand as he looked at me at confusion I shook my head. "I fell down when I was training earlier" i said and again tenya nodded in understanding.

Even if I didn't like Mrs. Iida tenya loved his mother and I was in no place to get between that I hid it well last time to when I was hit from her. I was pulled from my thoughts as I felt teeth bite my palm. I quickly pulled back letting out a 'ow' as I looked at Tensei who chuckled at my reaction. "Well I guess I best be going then welcome back to the both of you" he said before he left. I sighed in relief as Tensei stood up and placed his hands on his hips. "What was that about why did you lie?" He asked me as I looked up at him. "Me and him are barely starting to get along and even since the beginning your mom has given me a hard time I don't think telling him what she has done to me would change anything so I'd rather not say anything to begin with" I said as I closed the first aid kit and passed it to him. "He thinks his mom's perfect for all I know I just don't want to get between that I don't want them fighting because who knows maybe it'd just be like me and my mom and how we didn't get to say goodbye you never know when it's the last time" I said as I hugged myself. Tensei patted my shoulder then he hugged me "Well you are right y/n thank you for opening up to me" he said as we both pulled apart. "Tensei!!" Mrs. Iida yelled from down stairs. "I will get going then are you going to your teachers apartment to check on him again?" He asked as I nodded "I'll go in a bit" I said "Great I'll drop you off then wait for me in the living room" he said as he went into the hallway.

He flinched when he turned his head he quickly closed the door and I didn't ask as I began to change. Little did I know that tenya heard the whole conversation about his mother and what I talked to Tensei about.

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